Chapter 26

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                     девять (Nine)

"Good morning." Dean leaned in next to Wanda while she finished washing her plate in the sink. "Bite me." Pushing past Sam, she didn't even look at her greeter before she left the room.

"Um...voice in the air lady? Could you direct us anywhere?" Dean had overslept, along with Sam, and now they were having a hard time finding you, or anyone in the extravagant building; except for Wanda, which hadn't been much fun. "You don't have clearance for everywhere. Try being more specific." FRIDAY was being as helpful as she could to complete strangers. Sam's face lit up. "The gy-" "The pantry." Dean cut his brother off before his health demon could cause any serious damage.


"You realize that the salted caramel you're eating belongs to (Y/N)?" Dean's fingers froze in his mouth at Sam's words. The Avenger, not his brother. "Do you know what she did when I ate her salted caramel? She pulled my sock off and beat me with it." He continued.

"But you're not gonna tell her, right?" The hunter Sam assumed the diplomatic role. "Only if you help me prank birdboy." Wilson proposed his deal. "I thought you were the birdboy around here." Dean snickered.

"(Y/NNNNN)!" Sam threateningly yelled, his eyes never wavering off Dean. "Alright! Alright! We're listening." The younger Winchester sighed in defeat.


"Hey, Clint, you wanna train with me?" You had let your boys sleep in, so you were left with no choice but to loiter around the hallways alone.

"I would but someone replaced every single one of my arrows with confetti." Clint answered, picking said confetti out of his hair. There was good reason to believe that a prank war was afoot.


You were relieved at Natasha's presence; training alone was never something you looked forward to. She followed you to the shooting range and took a seat while you prepared your stance. "You think what you did to him is right?" Your posture faltered at her words. However, you were grateful that she didn't look up and no eye contact was made.

"How do you think he will feel if the woman he loves dies, and he can't spend the rest of his life with her like he intended to?" You composed yourself rather quick and shot six rounds, each hitting the center of the target. "How do you think he will feel if the woman he loves dies without ever loving him back?" Natasha's fingers traced the ridges of her gun, her eyes still not looking up to meet yours.

"I don't have to stand here and listen to this." You slammed your gun down. Natasha smirked, with not a hint of happiness in her eyes. "And yet, here you are."

You stormed out. It was the only immediate reaction your brain came up with. Your conscience had been eating at you about this very issue since day one; you didn't need anyone to hammer the point further in.


As you stared out into the starless sky, your lips curled into a sad smile. You had lost track of how long you had been standing out in the balcony, having taken your place there soon after working on Bucky, but your best guess would still be that it was after midnight.

"Can't sleep?" Steve's voice failed to bring you out of your daze, "Me either."

"How is he?" Your voice held a tremble that made Steve's stomach drop. "He's hanging in there." He awkwardly crossed his arms over his chest, which had initially been put out to wrap around you from behind.

"I miss him." Steve was the only one whom you deemed worthy of familiarizing with your weak side, "In Detroit, when I went after him, I could feel his pulse slow down. What was worse was the urge I felt within myself to end him right then and there. God forbid if it happens again.... I can't let it, Steve. When I ended us, I thought I was doing the right thing but I don't know anymore."

Your words struck a nerve with Steve. Barring he had next to no contribution in driving the rift between you and Tony, he still hadn't done anything to patch it up, letting his personal bias cast an influence the situation didn't necessarily require. He wondered if he were to look into a mirror as of this moment, whether or not he would recognize the man staring back at him.

"Pushing away the people you love is never the answer." He moved next to you, leaning on the railing. "You're scared of hurting him, I know, but he keeps you grounded. Even in Detroit, you broke Hydra's mind control shackles because of him. The love you have for each other will conquer everything that comes your way. The two of you are stronger together; have been and always will be. Go get him, (Y/N)."

He put an arm around you and you rested your head on his shoulder, murmuring a 'thank you', the faint volume of which escaped him over the sound of his own breaking heart.

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

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