Chapter 2

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Your sleep was disrupted by a loud crashing noise.

Forcing your barely awake self back under your command, you turned your head towards the general direction of the noise. Your thought process immediately came to a halt as you took in the sight before you - the front door had been knocked off its hinges and one of the intruders was visible in your periphery. Before the situation could get any worse, you harshly yanked your hand to the side, sending the man crashing into the furthest wall. You then turned towards the other man, a golden hue overshadowing the (Y/E/C) in your eyes.

"Dean?" Recognition smacked you in the face and the gears in your mind had already begun churning as you turned to look at the man whom you had essentially smashed with your bookshelf. "Sam?"

"The four hour ride was worth it, I guess" Dean shrugged. "What... Why did you..." With way too many thoughts running through your mind, you merely gestured towards the door, finding yourself incapable of forming a coherent sentence.

"Gee (Y/N) I'm okay. Thanks for asking." Sam stood up, clearly very offended about not being offered any help while you crossed your arms over your chest; waiting for an explanation and running out of patience. "We knocked. There was no answer." Sam justified, still rubbing the sore spot on his head.

"So you break the whole thing down!?" You asked, knowing fully well asking that question was just as pointless as expecting Dean to save someone a slice of pie. "Why? You wanted us to take down half of it or somethin' ?" Dean replied with a smirk which, in essence, proved your theory but whether to ratify it as a victory or not, you weren't quite sure. You turned to him, your face now wearing the expression of pure menace.

"You could've been dead!" Dean grumbled, exasperated as to why you couldn't see how the door breaking was a completely plausible thing to do. "Alright" you sighed in defeat "I had to wake up somehow. I'm guessing the two of you want food?" The boys were starting to settle so you quickly made your move and grabbed Dean by the arm "Na-uh. You are going to fix my door." "Why me!?" He whined but by then you had already handed him a toolbox and made your way into the kitchen.

"Dang it", Dean was now fiddling with the lock and had managed to not do a single thing right. "I'm supposed to be picking these not....unpicking these?" Before he could ponder over his lack of knowledge about the antonym of 'picking', he heard a stern voice from above him " Sir, I'm going to need you to step away from the door." "Yeah?" The elder Winchester didn't even bother to look up "And I'm going to need you to mind your own business."

"Sir, final warning. I will not hesitate to take action." The voice was persistent. Now Dean looked up. "What the hell is your damn problem, man?" His voice was just a few decibels below of what would be considered yelling. The banter outside caught your attention and your rushed over, not even bothering about your hair which was a mess or your partially unbuttoned shirt, with Sam on your heels. "Didn't I ask you to fix my lock, not pick up stray fights?" You asked, eyeing the tall blonde man standing next to Dean.

"Oh that's what..." The man seemed to flush under your gaze. "He was fixing the lock. I thought... Never mind. Sorry for the inconvenience ma'am. Steve Rogers." He stretched out his hand "Just moved in next door."

When Steve noticed your arms hanging motionlessly by your sides, he slowly lowered his hand, confusion evident on his face. Pulling on Dean's jacket, you managed to get him inside the threshold without once breaking eye contact with your new neighbor. "Breakfast's ready" was the last thing you said before slamming the door in Steve's face causing him to take a step back and wonder exactly how pissed someone in the twenty first century could get if you mistake their friend for a picklock.

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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