Chapter 18

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"Steve?" Steve's eyes fluttered open at the sound of your voice. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He turned to look at his surroundings, "Am I at a Hydra base?" Images of the chase and fight flashed through his mind. "We are home, Steve. This is where you belong. This is where you've always belonged." You whispered. Steve put his hand out to touch you but blacked out before he could make contact.

In the time that he had been there, Steve hadn't been physically injected with any hallucinogens and he didn't eat any more than he absolutely needed in the fear of being drugged. Hence, logically speaking, he shouldn't have been seeing apparitions of you beckoning him to join Hydra. After a while, he did find a solution, albeit a temporary and painful one. He found a stray nail and made a deep cut on his palm so that every time the line between what's real and what's not got muddled, he would apply pressure on the wound and the pain yanked him back into actuality.


You hadn't slept a wink since Steve and Wanda were taken. The roles had been reversed - you were the one often up in the middle of the night staring pointlessly into the sky and Tony was the one to wrap his arms around you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you came back to bed. Weeks of failure, you weren't used to that.

"What's that?" You heard your sleep deprived self ask. "Those are the Hydra bases we've raided already." Tony sighed. "And those?" You pointed at another set of colored dots on the holographic screen. "The ones that are left." Tony eyed the significantly less dots. "And what are these?" You pulled up a tab from the bottom of the screen. "Those are the shut down SHIELD buildings." He took a step closer to you. "Isn't this the headquarter at DC?" You zoomed in in a certain dot. "Uh-huh." Tony Stark knew his girlfriend was into something.

"You might think I've lost my mind, Tony, but I guess I know where Wanda, Steve and Bucky are."


The lack of guards at the entrance was your first disappointment. The last of your hopes was vaporized when you found the building to be abandoned. "I'm sorry, Tony. This was a stretch, I admit. We'll just have to keep looking." You were waiting for his I told you so but what he said hitched your breath for a moment. "(Y/N) (L/N), you brilliant, brilliant woman! I love you so much!"

You reached over to him to find him staring down a vent guard which, for some reason, was on the floor. Mimicking his actions, you crouched down to look through it and saw a burly, blonde man, sitting against the wall. "Steve." Relief washed over you. "I don't see a door. The hard way it is, then." Tony lifted his gauntlet and despite hearing his repulser charge, you ripped the wired mesh off the floor with your bare hands. Gold creases swallowed the concrete until the chasm was big enough for a person to pass through.

You jumped down into the basement, followed by Tony. "(Y/N)?" Steve's head snapped up. He reached out to touch you and when your form didn't disappear like it had hundreds of times, his eyes glazed over and he pulled you into a hug. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm happy to see you too." You awkwardly patted his back, "But right now, we need to get out of here."

"There!" Tony deciphered what FRIDAY was showing him inside his helmet. "That chute is pouring heavily concentrated fumes inside the room. Cap, are you hallucinating? How many are these?" He asked, holding up three fingers.

"What are you gonna do? Leave him here if he says four?" You rolled your eyes. Tony smirked. "Damn. I sure as hell knew what I was doing when I asked you out."

You spotted someone standing at what seemed to be the entrance to the room. "Bucky, it's you. Oh thank God." You made your way towards the figure once you recognized it.

"(Y/N), don't! He's not who you think he is!" Steve was a little too late in finishing his sentence. The Winter Soldier's metal arm had already rammed you into a wall. Lifting your head was a strenuous task, but you did it anyway. "Tony, go find Wanda. I can take it from here."

Tony was a bit hesitant about leaving but as soon as he saw golden shimmer illuminating your eyes, he knew that you could, in fact, take it from there.

He did find Wanda at length, hooked to a convoluted mess of wires, paddings and monitors which were not only invalidating her powers but also soaking them out of her — undoing what the tesserect had done. Tugging at a handful at a time, Tony released her and gently patted the side of her face until she opened her eyes. Thereafter, he carried her barely conscious self to where he was hoping to meet you.

You shifted into your Winged form, expecting to incite fear in the Soldier and make him back down but when his semblance didn't alter a shade, you knew escape was your only option. You didn't want to hurt him. Taking flight, you grabbed Steve by the shoulder and permeated through the wall; Bucky would have to work his way out through the door, which would buy you more time.

You met Tony and Wanda shortly after, and two doctors, judging by their clothing, one of them holding a gun to Wanda's head. You let go of Steve and landed on the ground, folding your wings behind you. Your moment of confusion helped the Soldier make up for lost time.

"Now zhat you are here, Soldier." One of the doctors spoke with a heavy accent, "End zhe metal man and zhe witch. Being zhe Captain and zhe (Y/H/C) to us." He pulled the trigger on the gun, which shot flares of light, blinding you momentarily. When you could see again, the two of them were gone.

The Soldier was already holding Wanda by the throat. Her eyes and hands were flickering red, but overall she was defenseless. You heard the Iron Man repulser charge and panicked. "Tony, no!" Steve heaved.

"He's going to kill her! What do you think we should do!?" Tony himself was in a dilemma. You promptly positioned yourself behind Bucky and firmly placed your fingers at his temples, letting the golden energy lighting up your eyes flow into him. You screamed in agony from the pain of tremendous amount of energy being drained from you and soon consciousness became a thing of the past.


The first thing you noticed upon waking up was your human self and then the man sitting next to you. "Bucky?" You called out. You sighed in relief of your magic working when he nodded.

"What now?" Wanda was staring at her hands, the red aura around which seemed much more prominent. She would be alright. "Bucky, they asked you to take us to them. Do you know where?" You asked, wriggling out of Tony's hug. He nodded weakly, as if the mere remembrance of the memory in itself was a sin.

"Okay then." You stood up. "Let's get to work."

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

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