Chapter 22

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The bed felt strange. It was the first time you had slept in the room allotted to you in the tower, and the newness hurt. What hurt even more was when you woke up the next morning and reached out to the other side of the bed, expecting to feel Tony. Mornings are supposed to be fresh and rejuvenating, your state resembled weeks of exhaustion.

"That bad, huh?" Steve's voice made you look away from the view outside the window; Tony had made sure you got the best one.

"Steve? You slowly got out of bed. "I thought I asked FRIDAY to keep everyone out."

"Yeah, well, she got worried about you and called me." She hadn't. Steve had been pacing outside your door since six in the morning until FRIDAY finally let him in.

"So how are you holding up?" He asked after a while. The look in his eyes told you he knew. Your lips tightened into a thin line. "How did you know?"

"When Tony starts drinking in the morning, you get to know a lot of things." Steve brought your head to his chest. A few tears were spilled from your side.


"You need anything (Y/N)?" Steve ruffled your hair. He had just served you your favorite breakfast, perfectly complimented by a healthy smoothie. "You sure?" He asked again when you shook your head.

"Uh...water?" His persistence didn't allow you to refuse anymore. Tony passed a bottle of water to you from across the table. Your hand immediately retracted, as if you had touched fire. Realizing that you had contributed in intensifying the already stressed atmosphere, you pushed your plate away and walked out.

Tony sighed and pushed his plate away as well, which did not make much of a difference as it was untouched anyway.

"Is anyone gonna go after her or...." Sam was casting confused glances everywhere.

"I'll go." Steve grabbed your plate and initiated his pursuit.


"How come you're okay with this?" After narrating the entire 'Save Bucky' ordeal to Steve, you were surprised, to say the least, when he didn't flip out.

"I'm not. I don't agree to this; and I certainly don't want you.... gone." He flopped down from his seat and stood behind you. His arms found their way around your waist and he gently rested his chin on your shoulder. "I also know that this is not my decision. Just know that no matter what you choose, I will be there for you."

"Are we interrupting something?" Natasha's voice made you turn around. She was accompanied with Sam and Bucky and the look on their faces didn't tempt you to stay in the least bit.

"I'm gonna....I'm just...." Slowly motioning towards the door, you soon moved out of it.

Natasha's hand hit the back of Steve's head the moment you were beyond sight.

"Ow! That was uncalled for." Steve frowned while rubbing the aching spot.  Natasha was positively fuming. "Was it, Rogers? Was it?"

Steve's perplexity acted like fuel to the fire causing Sam to pull her away in a flash, before any serious damage could be imposed.

"Steve, listen, we all know you like (Y/N) and it was truly unfair that you didn't get to express how you feel." Bucky stepped up, intending to get through. "But to take advantage of her vulnerability like that? It ain't right man."

Up until now, Steve himself hadn't realized what he was doing. The blunt confrontation spiraled him into denial. "You are unbelievable! I help a woman who could potentially be dead by the end of the week through emotional turmoil and this is what I get in return!?" He scoffed.

"Buck? A minute." Steve felt indebted to your voice which halted the argument because he had no clue about a single word he would say in his defense. The golden sparks playing between your fingers effectively communicated why you needed him. Since all eyes were on Bucky as he left the balcony, Steve saw his chance to slip away unnoticed and took it.


"Don't touch him!" Your golden eyes shone a bit brighter as you warned Steve; his hand instantly drew back. In the midst of all the gold floating around, he noticed Bucky did not look half as troubled as you did. Your knees felt wobbly as soon as you pulled away and even though Steve's arms broke your fall, you felt as if you had hit the floor.

"You need something?" Steve asked frantically. You gasped. "Water."

"I'll get it." Bucky raced out of the room, fighting the dizziness you had inflicted upon him. As Steve gently carried you to your bed, he realized he really did need to think about what he was doing, no matter how much he didn't want to.

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

The Winged (Avengers x Reader x Supernatural)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu