Chapter 6

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"Cas, what are you doing here?" Dean pulled the angel towards a rather secluded area of the store.

"You're Steve Rogers." Cas' attention however, was on Steve. "I carved your name inside the eyelids of several angels myself." Now you were rid of trying to salvage the situation altogether.

Steve's mind hadn't processed much since Cas' arrival. At the moment, he was wondering whether he should have just accepted Tony's invitation of staying at the tower. He jerked his head to one side in an effort to clear his head and stay in the present.

"One of Crowley's demons had been following me around." An angel blade dropped down into Cas' hands, "And there's one following you as well."

"You mean, right now?" Sam turned around to look for anyone suspicious in the vicinity.

"Not here you guys." You shoved the blade back up Cas' sleeve, "If the wretched thing's following us, we need to be away from the public eye."

The four of you were in the Impala, headed towards nowhere in particular, just someplace far enough. After everything he had just witnessed, you couldn't leave Steve alone, and the fact that he wasn't asking any questions whatsoever was beginning to scare you.

You put a reassuring hand on his knee and he looked up into your eyes but the moment was quickly interrupted when Dean slammed the brakes, causing all of you to jerk forward.

"What the h-" you started but then slowly followed Dean's gaze to see a man standing right in the middle of the crossroads, his black eyes making the introduction for him.

"What do you want?" Dean got out of the car, as did the rest of you.

"That one." The black eyed menace pointed towards you. "The King says he senses her powers. Me? I think he's flying off the handle with age. But, King's orders! So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back and report."

"No you don't." Sam was already behind him, blade at the ready. The demon was one step ahead nonetheless and had Sam cornered with his own blade within the blink of an eye.

"Let go of him." Your voice was unusually stoic and a familiar gold had crept into the (Y/E/C) of your eyes.

"A live show? How exciting!" The clueless entity turned to you. You pulled your outstretched hand towards yourself, pulling the demon along with it. You then proceeded to lift your hand in the air, golden swirls radiating from it and covering the being's form, lifting it up as well.

Once it had run well out of air, the demon tried to escape it's vessel but you clenched your other hand into a fist, making its getaway impossible.

Painful red markings began appearing on the demon's body as it writhed in distress but you held your stance until you could physically feel it's life force ebb.
Once you did, you retracted your hand, letting the corpse fall to the ground.

Your eyes returned back to normal and you took in your surroundings, sighing in relief upon seeing everyone unharmed. The three men gathered around you, unsure of what to do.

Especially Steve, he looked as if he had had enough for a lifetime.

You glanced at the corpse, which now needed disposing off. "Where the hell is Castiel when you need him?"

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

The Winged (Avengers x Reader x Supernatural)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz