Chapter 7

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"Why is he after me now? He's known me for years, so why now? I haven't even turned thirty yet!" As promised, Cas met you back at your place and the four of you were engaged in this discussion, along with Steve, of course.

Sam cast a confused glance towards you. "What has you turning thirty got to do with anything?"

"You see, our kind...we age just as you mortals do, up until the age of thirty. Thereafter, we go through a year of human aging parameters in a century. This comes with more powers, more strength, all that jazz. So if Crowley would have tracked me then, it would have made sense!" You leaned against the wall, covering your face with your hands.

"(Y/N) is more than capable of taking care of herself. You all just witnessed that. There is no reason for worry." Cas pointed out with an objective view of the situation but your mind was focused on Steve, who had been silent since the crazy made it's grand premier.

"Uh....guys?" You called for their attention and once you had it, you gently inclined your head towards Steve. "Steve?" You cautiously called out.

"Yeah...hey." His almost inaudible reply made it evident that he was still attempting to snap back into reality.

"Do you, maybe, wanna ask something....about this?" You gestured towards yourself as well as everyone else in the room. And ask the man did.

"So there is a heaven? And a hell?I....I knew that. And God is....gone?" was the first question dodged towards you.

"Yep. Took a vacation, never came back. A little midlife crisis. Happens to everyone. Next?" It was funny to see Dean annoyed at the man upon whom he was basically fawning over yesterday.

"If your kind, The Winged, is fated to protect the human race, where were you when Loki invaded New York?"

"How do you think Dr. Erik Selvig managed to breach Loki's mind control? Enough to create a safety lock in the contraption sustaining the portal?" A smirk formed on your lips as you saw the man's expression visually change at the realization.

"And Ultron?"

"Why do you think Vision chose your side?"

You pushed yourself away from the wall in order to move closer to Steve. "Our Kind prefers to work in secrecy Captain. We don't make flashy appearances, unless it is of the utmost importance. I've only done it once, while I was helping Sam and Dean stop the apocalypse."

"Th-there was an apocalypse?" If Steve wasn't freaked out before, he definitely was now.

"Almost. Listen, Steve." You said, taking his hand in yours, "I get it. This is all kinds of crazy. And if you choose to think of this as one big dream, I won't blame you. None of us will." Sam and Dean nodded in understanding.

"(Y/N), this is the future. I find everything crazy. So what's one more." Although his heart was pounding in his ears and he felt like the world would collapse around him any second, Steve managed to keep calm. "Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like taking a nap for another seventy years." He said, taking his leave.

"Go right ahead!" You walked him to the door. "Thanks for not making a scene about this. See you around, Steve." You squeezed his arm and he enveloped your hand with his larger one. "See you around, (Y/N)."

There was something about you that had helped him keep his cool through the fiasco. Every contact he had with you, he felt the need to cherish it forever. That was the reason why his arm was still tingling where you had touched it, even though the contiguity was long lost.

Your smile faded as you watched him walk away. There was one thing you still hadn't told him. Or asked him, to be precise.

In your defense, he hadn't questioned it, but that didn't help with your guilt conscience at all.

Why do you think the Winter Soldier was assigned to kill you?

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

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