Chapter 17

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There wasn't a lot of logic behind you having a place of your own as well as a room in the Avengers tower since you spent most of your time in Tony's room anyway. Upon being accepted into the team, he had spun you around and kissed you in sheer happiness.

Between all the cheering and hooting, nobody noticed Steve's defeated form exit the room.

As a result of months and months of random missions, you had become one with the team and any opportunity to spend more time with your boyfriend was more than welcome.

Life seemed to be at peace, which wasn't possible. It was your life, chaos was inevitable.


You woke up wearing one of Tony's shirts. They were soft and comfy, plus they smelled like him - you loved wearing them. Sleepily, you walked into the kitchen, like you did everyday, hoping to find breakfast.

"Ever heard of pants?" Clint was eyeing your bare legs. You rolled your eyes. "Why does everyone keep asking that? First the guy at Chuck-e-Cheese and now you?"

"You want food, yes?" Wanda asked between laughs. "The Captain is still making it."

"Alright, let me know when it's done. I'll be down in the training room." You left, not wanting to die of Clint's dry sarcasm.


"You're trying to shoot the wall, right?" You had been watching Sam for a while and finally decided to ask when you saw less bullet holes on the target than the wall behind it.

"If you know so much, why don't you teach me?" Sam had clearly challenged you and (Y/N) (L/N) wasn't one to shrink away. You took the gun from him and shot six rounds, each one hitting the bullseye. "Your turn."

While Sam was proving himself, your attention turned to the far wall at the end of the room. "Doesn't this room appear a bit smaller?" You weren't sure your lips were making any sound.

The wall didn't look solid; it was slightly moving with the air, like a curtain would. A quick twist of your fingers made the flimsy cover fall and revealed several strange men - several strange armed men - with Hydra pins on their collar.

Your eyes went wide and you took a step back, not in fear but because of the image that flashed in your mind of your unaware team contently sitting in the kitchen. "FRIDAY, there has been a security breach. Do not grant entry or exit to anyone who's not on the team. Initiate tower lockdown and inform the Avengers - we are under attack.


As you flew around the tower, you saw the team fighting in their PJs. It was tremendously funny and if it were any other time, you would have laughed your butt off.

" FRIDAY, is everyone alright?" You were as close to the ceiling as possible, twisting your fingers which in turn, turned the guns of a few Hydra soldiers to their chests and when you clenched your fist, it pulled the triggers. It was grotesque, but so were you on an empty stomach.

"You may want to check on Miss Maximoff." The A.I. replied.

Wanda's screams led you to her. "We made you sweetie. You don't think we know how to stop you?" A Hydra goon handcuffed her and the cuffs seemed to neutralize her powers. You gently pushed your hand out, crashing the air from his lungs.

"No!" You stuck your other hand out at another goon that lunged at you, smashing her into some other corner of the room. Tony's Iron Man appeared into sight, shooting an accurate repulser beam and freeing Wanda.

You sighed in relief as you saw SHIELD personnel coming in, or whatever they were called after Steve burned the organization down, but it was quickly lost when you spotted someone missing.

"Bucky." You immediately took off and Tony followed your lead.

"Okay, what am I looking for?"


Your focus narrowed down to the van Tony pointed out. As soon as they realized you were onto them, they unleashed a barrage of bullets in your direction which was relentless until you were down with a hit to the shoulder.

"You alright?" Tony backpedaled.

"You think these tiny metal contrivances can wound me?" You dug the bullet out of your shoulder with your bare hands while Tony watched, horrified. He was glad he hadn't had breakfast.

"Which way?" You tossed the bloody bullet aside like a candy wrapper and stood up, prepared to take flight yet again. Tony waited for FRIDAY to give him a location but when nothing came up, his mind momentarily went blank.

"We lost them."


"We lost him. I lost him." You set your head against the wall. Your mystic goddess outfit had faded back into Tony's Black Sabbath T-shirt since you didn't plan to fight anyone at the moment.

"No (Y/N). This is not on you." Tony stepped out of his suit, "Where's Steve? And Wanda?"

"You didn't see them?" Natasha put an ice pack on the lump forming on Clint's head. "What?" Your head jerked around.

"Yeah, they left right on your tail. Only, you know, by road." Clint hissed in pain.

"FRIDAY, locate them." Your voice was about to break. Tony sensed it and immediately pulled you into a hug. With every word she said, FRIDAY's voice seemed like it was coming from further away.

"Error in tracking location. Their comms were put down. I think they found Mr. Barnes."

A/N: All suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

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