But damn, seeing karma hit him right in the arse is amazing. He has it coming for him and it is long overdue.

"Don't come back, James," I say, a lot more softly. He looks up, the cruel arrogance still in his green eyes.

"No matter what you say, Jesse, I will always be your first love," he says. He then stumbles out, leaving behind him dead silence.


I hate him. I hate James and his stupid attitude. And his stupid words and stupid mouth.

I keep the list going on and on as I pound into the poor punching bag. My knuckles are bleeding and red is smearing the bag but I don't care.

Stupid James making me angry. Stupid anger making me bleed. Stupid everything. Everything is stupid.

"Calm down, Jesse," Lucas says from the corner of the room. He probably thinks I'm crazy. But James is back and my mind is in a frenzy. I couldn't care less what others think.

A part of me is still scared. I'm scared of my source of torment. I'm scared of the boy that stabbed me from the back. And I'm scared of myself for giving him the knife to do just that in the first place.

But a part of me is sick of him. He used me to make him feel better. By treating me like a piece of shit. A weakling. He walked all over me and at the time, I just took it. Not anymore.

"That son of a bitch- "

"Will not bother you," Lucas interrupts. "Not if I can help it."

I stop and take a break. The adrenaline rush I was feeling is slowing down and exhaustion is slowly taking over my body.

"Lucas, he isn't scared of you. That guy is basically a sadistic sociopath," I say. He tosses a water bottle and I deftly catch it.

"What did he mean by being your first love?" Lucas asks. He walks over to me and sits right beside me. I chug down the water and wipe a drop off my lips.

"I had a crush on him at middle school," I sheepishly admitted. But I never thought that he actually liked me back, which is why I abandoned the crush and went on to date Hunter.

"And?" Lucas asks. His tone is even, but something a lot more dangerous is lurking underneath.

"And he never showed that he liked me back," I say. He gets a towel and wipes the sweat off my brow. He keeps wiping, down to my neck. He seems to be deep in thought.

Then, his eyes flare up with possessive rage and what seems like jealousy and he moves a bit closer to me.

"You liked him?" he asks. I shake my head no.

"Not anymore," I answer. "He bullied me for 2 years. I think whatever feeling I had left for him is gone by now."

I was being sarcastic, trying to lighten up the mood. James has brought me so much sadness and I don't want him to bring more.

"'We leave parts of ourself in things that we used to love'. Ever heard of that quote?" Lucas says. He picks up a strand of my hair and starts twirling it around, making it dance through the air. I nod.

"Maybe that's why I feel so empty," I say thoughtfully. "Until I found you."

"Really?" Lucas asks, not believing me. I smile. I feel a certain warmth when around Lucas. It fills me and chases the cold and darkness away.

"Of course," I say, leaning my head on his shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his around me too.

"And you wonder why I love you," Lucas whispers against my hair. He kisses the crown of my head. I resist the urge to giggle.

"Well," I say. "If I left a piece of me in James, I'm coming to get it back."


Hey guys!

I think the problem between James and Jesse is exactly the embodiment of what I think is the root of all evil. Misunderstanding. James never told Jesse about his feelings and it caused problems. Big problems.

Anyway, I wanna give you guys a heads up, the next chapters are going to be a bit darker. A few surprises here and there, but I have some scenes that are a bit less lighthearted than the past few chapters. Brace yourselves!

Please comment and vote if you liked this chapter! I found out that my ideas flow the best at these two times. At rainy days and when I'm completely alone. I don't know why though.

Stay awesome,



Word count: 1413

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