" Moms put me out talking about she don't want me and my foolishness around my siblings so i'm staying here until I can find my own place " He said .

" Damn now you really gonna be snitching " She joked but she was also serious .

" Just don't be sneaky and I won't have to snitch " He said .

" That's ok i'll find a work around " She said . " I'm glad to see you up and moving around though " She said as she gave him a hug and turned to walk away .

" Aye bri " He said causing her to turn and look back at him .

" You looking a lil thick in them biker shorts " He said.

" Forreal ? " She asked getting hyped .

" Dont get too happy I said a lil thick not a lot thick " He said and she smacked her teeth and pointed her middle finger up at him .

" Gotta let me take you on a date first then we gon do that " He said .

" That'll never happen " She said as she sat back on the porch with Jari .

" You might as well talk to Corey . It's not like he ugly ... He cuter than Dmack to me  " Jari said .

" It's not about him being cute he a snitch and I can't date no nigga that do whatever Drick says . Drick might tell him break up with me and he'll really do it " She said .

" I don't think so .. talk to him . Unless you trying to cuff Dmack . Got him giving you hickeys and eating you out " Jari said .

" Shutup for I tell Hasaan you fucked Wayne "

" I don't care ... I'm done with him ... This is the fourth the time a bitch done sent me some shit of him . It's not fair that he don't want me to talk to nobody else but he could fuck a bunch of bitches . Not saying i'm about to fuck a bunch of niggas but i'm not doing the double standard " She said .

" And you shouldn't and I know you're not going to stop talking to Wayne but be careful ok ? Older guys think just cause you young and they making you cum and giving you money that they have control over you and that you'll be easy to manipulate " Brianna said . She agreed with Shania and would rather Jari not talk to a twenty five year old man with three kids and two baby mamas one that he lived with but Jari's mind was already made up and she knew she couldn't tell no difference and she didn't want to yell at her be what then she'll be sneaky about it and she's rather Jari tell her what she was doing and who she was doing it rather in case something happened .

" ok " Jari said .

Cobys car pulled up and Jari rushed went inside because she hadn't covered her hickeys on her neck and she didn't want to get in trouble .

Coby got out of his car and Brianna smacked her teeth when she saw he had on Gray Nike shorts . He walked over to the porch and leaned on the stair railings and looked at Brianna up and down  .

" Is there a problem Jacoby ? I ain't seen you in two weeks and you don't give me a hug or nothing " Brianna asked with an attitude.

" Why the fuck you outside like this ? " He asked her causing her to smack her teeth . She was wearing a sports bra with the matching biker shorts but of course he had to find something wrong with it .

" That hoe who picture you liked yesterday had the same thing like this on " Brianna said causing him to smack his teeth .

" Why you never called me back last night ? " He questioned changing the subject .

"  Where you been the past two weeks ? " Brianna countered back .

" I thought you was sleeping by Niah for the next three days why the fuck you at home ? " He asked .

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