Bloody Diet

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Rose's perspective:-

It had been a while since the good vampire visited Rose. She lay in her bed wondering if she was ever coming back. She was the only sympathetic person who understood Rose's plight and gave her hope when all else seem dark and hopeless. She missed her presence. More unfamiliar faces came and went leaving her weaker and weaker each time. Fortunately, Helena never visited her again though Ethan was always on guard. She didn't mind Ethan. He was not unpleasant to her. Only cold and stony.

Without the girl however, Rose felt incomplete. It was like her only hope had abandoned her and she was almost drowning in self pity. Sometimes she wondered what she'd done to deserve this. Sometimes she wished they would kill her already than let her undergo this kind of torture. She was beginning to get desperate until she came again.

It was a cold day. Or at least that's what Rose thought because the room temperature was cold. She was lying in her bed alone drifting on and off to sleep. She heard the door open and close. She thought it was Ethan or some vampire kid. She didn't expect the girl anymore. Expectations almost killed her and she had learned how to keep her hopes low.


She heard a whisper. She opened her eyes and saw the girl standing in front of her with a frown on her face.

"Hey," Rose smiled weakly.

"You are getting weaker," the girl commented.

"You think so?" Rose replied sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around," she said. "They somehow came to know that I was healing you instead of feeding on you."

Rose blinked at her. "Where's Ethan?"

"Aaaw don't worry bout him," she replied airily. "He won't be around here anytime soon. But we need to leave now. Can you get up?"

Rose tried to sit up, managing to only after an immense effort. She was really weak.

An expression of dismay crossed the girl's mind. She shook her head and paced nervously.

"This is not good, this is not good," she muttered to herself.

Rose could only stare at her while sitting up and catching her breath. She knew it was gonna be mission impossible because she didn't have the strength to walk, let alone stand up.

"Look," the girl said all of a sudden, turning to Rose and kneeling beside her. "I don't know if this will work but there is a way to make you strong."

"Anything," Rose whispered, almost fainting with weakness.

Without another word, the vampire bit her wrist, making her blood flow out. Then she held it up towards Rose and looked at her expectantly.

Rose could not understand what was happening at first but when realization dawned on her, she swallowed hard and flinched.

"I can't do this," she whined. "I can't drink that. I'm a vegan."

"Do you want to get out?"

Rose looked from the girl's face down to the wrist held up in front of her. The blood looked dark crimson and thick. She wanted to gag. She watched the blood flowing down her wrist and dripping to the floor, drop by drop. One...two...three... This was gonna remain the worst experience for her ever. No, I can't do this....

"Hey, I'm losing blood," the girl said. "Are you with me or not?"

I have to do it. I have to get out of here.

Shutting her eyes tight, she sucked on the blood without breathing. She wanted to block out the taste and the smell so that she wouldn't puke. The smell wasn't strong since she was holding her breath but the taste remained. It tasted tangy, salty, sour and metallic at the same time. She knew the vomit was coming out but she tried to shove the picture away and imagine she was drinking grape juice. After a seeming gag, she managed to put all the blood inside her.

The girl had her eyes closed when she was being drained. She opened her eyes and looked at Rose.

"Good," she grinned.

Rose couldn't believe it but she felt great. She felt strong. The energy she got felt strange after those long days of weakness. She had forgotten how it felt to be alive. She danced and jumped around.

"Hey, hey, keep it down," the girl warned. She stood up shakily from where she was kneeling. She reeled when she stood up. Rose thought the girl was about to faint but she didn't.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked.

The girl took a deep breath and then smiled. "I'm fine. Now let's get out of here before anything goes wrong."

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