Rose Is Missing

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Jenna froze. She didn't know what it was about him that terrified her so much but right now, her heart was racing with suspense. That explained the feeling of tension she was feeling.

He was wearing another attire of black. So was the girl. She couldn't get her eyes off of the guy. The eyes fascinated and terrified her at the same time. He looked like he doesn't remember seeing Jenna at all. After his brief curiosity, he lost interest and leaned back against the wall, thereby concealing himself behind the girl.

"I'm sorry, you were saying?" The girl prompted.

Jenna shook herself and looked back at the girl. Then she nearly gasped, for she was staring right at the same red eyes the guy has. The girl also had red eyes.

"Can you tell me the way to the headmaster's office?" She asked in a tiny voice when she managed to find her voice.

"Sure. Turn around and then keep turning left until you come across a double door room. That's the one," she answered.


"Thanks," she replied and turned around. She walked steadily as though everything was okay. She could feel red eyes on her but she tried to ignore the fear. Once she turned around the corner, she took to her heels, never stopping till she reached the office.

Jenna decided to tell Rose what was bugging her. She knew her twin would just shrug her off saying it's her famous trust issue but she just needed to talk about it. What are they?

Rose wasn't home when she returned. She decided to watch TV and wait for her. Time passed but she didn't return. She checked the time. It was almost half past eight. Rose never stayed out that late, or even if she was, she always tell Jenna what she is up to. But today, she left no messages whatsoever. She picked up her phone to call her. Rose hated when Jenna called to enquire where she was when she was out. Maybe she left in a hurry. Maybe she's alright. Maybe Rose was right, she's been a little too paranoid. She considered these and dropped her phone. She'll come home, she assured herself.

After another hour, when Rose still didn't return, she started getting worried. She picked up her phone and dialled her number. The connection kept getting cut off and she couldn't reach Rose. Now she was starting to panic. She paced in the room. Whatever has happened to Rose? Could she be in danger? Was she hurt? Or worse, murdered? She let out a shaky laugh at her own paranoia but she knew she wasn't fooling anyone. She was intensely worried.

She fell asleep exhausted from weariness and fell into a dream. She was running in the woods, running as though she was in hot pursuit of something. Her breath was folding up but she didn't stop. Whatever she was after must be as precious as life itself. Then she realized she wasn't hunting at all. In fact, she was being hunted. Hunted by two creatures with burning red eyes.

She woke up gasping for air. For a moment, she couldn't remember where she was. Sunlight poured in through the open window.


Her sister's bed was just as she'd left the previous day. Rose didn't return. She called her number again. It still couldn't be reached.

"Damn phone," she threw her phone back on the bed.

She didn't know what to do. She felt like crying. She had never been so scared in her life. Sure they fight like enemies but Rose was still her sister and she did love her. She's the only one she have in the world ever since their parents died on a plane crash.

She decided to go to school to enquire Rose's friends about her. She felt sure that Ryan had something to do with this. She inwardly cursed Ryan over and over again. Wait till I get my hands on you.

She found Ryan at his locker. She marched directly to him and shoved him.

"Hey," he protested.

"Where is Rose?" She demanded.

Ryan cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Where is she?" She repeated, snarling.

"How would I know? I wasn't with her," he answered innocently.

"Don't lie," Jenna persisted. "What have you done to her?"

"Seriously Jenna, I don't know," he said, looking a little nervous now. "I swear I haven't seen her since yesterday when we came out of school."

Jenna filed a missing report at the police station. That was the least she could do. She had no idea as to what the hell had happened. Drew tried to cheer her up but it only pissed her further.

When she walked out of school, she passed the red eyed tomboy. Suddenly her dream surfaced in her mind. Red eyes hunting her. But she barely just glanced at her. She was too worried to be awed or scared of anything else right now. She felt lonely. Not that it was her first time. But this loneliness was different. Maybe I miss someone who is probably dead by now.

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