End Of The Ride

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Jenna's Perspective:-

"Did you hear that?" Jenna said, suddenly sitting straight up from her seat.

"What?" Adrian looked over at her quizzically.

"It sounded like someone screaming," Jenna said, rolling down the car window.

"Don't tell me you've got the abilities of the Aurors to sense things," Adrian teased.

"No, really," Jenna protested. "I swear I heard something."

"I didn't hear a thing," Adrian said, his eyes fixed straight ahead. "Probably just some night animals."

"No," Jenna disagreed arrogantly. "It is a person. Stop the car."

"Oh Jenna, sometimes you're weird," Adrian laughed, not taking her seriously.

"Adrian, stop the car," Jenna raised her voice.

"You're really serious?" Adrian parked the car.

Jenna made to go out but Adrian stopped her.

"You can't get out," he warned. "You need to stay safe to deliver the package."

"Then you go and check it out," Jenna offered.

"Me?" Adrian half laughed. "It's drizzling and we got a lot more days ahead of us. We can't waste time like this."

"If you don't go, I'm going," Jenna countered.

"But you-

"-have to be safe," Jenna completed for Adrian. "I get it. But the hell with being safe when someone else's life is hanging by a thread. And just so you know, I'd rather be a hero saving someone than delivering this fucking package. What's in it anyway?"

"Fine," Adrian sighed. "I'll go. Just don't open the case."

Adrian got out and walked some distance back.

"And stay in the car," he shouted to Jenna.

Jenna snorted to herself. Like that can make me stay put. If there's anything she's good at, it's breaking rules.


Adrian felt like a fool. He was sure he heard nothing but Jenna was adamant.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

He was about to go back and give himself the satisfaction of telling Jenna 'I told you so' when he heard something. Twigs cracking.

"Hello? Someone there?" He crept closer to where the sound came from. It came from below the road.

And then he saw. The first thing he saw were two severed bodies lying far apart from each other. The next thing he saw was a form huddled over another mauled body. He couldn't tell if it was a male or a female. The person turned around feebly and half whispered.

"Help me."

Adrian couldn't make out the face. It was covered with blood and looked abominable. He knew that the person haven't got much time left so he pretended he didn't see them. He didn't want any extra burdens to slow them down. Besides, if there was a scene here, both he and Jenna were in danger. So he ran back to the car.

"Anything?" Jenna asked expectantly.

"Nothing," he lied. But he was shaking.

"Are you sure?"


"Then why are you looking nervous?" Jenna prodded.

Adrian didn't reply. He felt guilty. But he reassured himself that it was the best for both of them.

"You have guilt written all over your face," Jenna continued. "What did you see?"

"Look Jenna," Adrian snapped. "She was a gone case anyway and we're here on our own mission. And the wisest move we can make is to get away from here as fast as possible."

"You don't have a heart, do you?" Jenna said, disappointed in him. "I always thought of you better than that."

Neither of them spoke after that. Both were lost in their own worlds. Not much activity happened. Just idle driving till they reached the East Circle.

They were still driving among the never changing view of trees and woods when Adrian suddenly stopped the car. Jenna blinked in surprise.

"We're here," Adrian said, getting out of the car.

"Here where?" Jenna called out after him. There was no indication that they've reached their destination. The view didn't change. Still trees all around.

Adrian didn't answer. He was busy rummaging for something in his coat pocket. Jenna rolled her eyes and got out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her. With her hands in her pockets, she trudged over to Adrian.

"So..." She trailed. "This is it huh?"

Adrian still didn't reply.

"Hello look around you," Jenna said. "We're in the middle of nowhere, just in case you didn't notice. Have you gone wacko?"

"You don't know the way things are around here, Jenna," Adrian said without looking up. "Get the case."

Jenna rolled her eyes and muttered to herself as she went back to the car to get the case. When she returned, Adrian had a portal opened. Oh yeah, teleportation.

"East Circle," Adrian smiled. "Here we come baby."

Jenna felt herself tugged into the portal, heading to the East Circle. She felt relieved that it was just a piece of cake. Nothing could have been more simple. She was gonna return back an unscathed heroine and everyone was about to show some respect to her. She never knew how wrong she could be.

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