Frustrating Attempt

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Jenna didn't want to see the apartment after the fire nearly killed her. She had to live in with Drew till she can find another place to stash in. She had been thinking about Lichang's warning of wanting her to leave. Could she be responsible for it? She didn't want to believe it. They might have a mutual hatred for each other but surely Lichang couldn't have stooped that low to attempt to kill her. And she felt sure that she had been carried out that night when there was a fire and she didn't forget the red eyes who carried her out. It could've been either Trevor Dupont or the tomboy because they were the only ones with red eyes. But how? No matter how hard she tried to figure it out by herself, she couldn't. The only reasonable way is to approach them.

She searched for Dupont and the tomboy in school but she couldn't find them. Don't they ever come to class? She didn't know what got into Ivy Starling but she was ignoring Jenna. Good for me, I don't intend on meeting her again. She thought again of their fight and shuddered. She asked Drew about the red eyed pair but Drew seemed as shocked as Jenna at the mention of the color. So he wasn't of much help. Maybe no one knew about them. Somebody does. Ivy Starling. They seemed to know each other that day. She might not help but it was worth a try. Ivy was her last option.

Jenna found her outside her class with some group of girls, chatting away. She noticed to her surprise that Ivy actually wasn't involved in the chat. In fact, she was staring outside the window with a strange expression. Jenna couldn't decide whether it was sadness or loneliness. She went up to her.

"Starling," she called.

Ivy turned around after a long moment. She wasn't glaring or smirking. She just looked withdrawn.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" Ivy muttered and turned back to the window again.

Jenna raised her eyebrow. What's up with her? But she liked that sad version of Ivy better than the angry one.

"I just wanted to ask you something," Jenna said and waited for a reply.

When Ivy didn't respond, she shot her question.

"Who are those people with the red eyes? Where can I meet them?"

Ivy didn't respond for a long time. She just stood there looking outside the window with that wispy expression. Then she finally turned and smirked at Jenna.

"Why should I tell you?"

Jenna cursed inwardly. But she had to maintain her calm if she was gonna get anything out of Ivy.

"Because it's really important that I meet them," she answered honestly. They might know what had happened to Rose.

"Seriously? So soon?" Ivy smirked. "I've always thought you better than that."

"Huh?" Jenna blinked in confusion.

"I see they've got you in their snare," she continued to smirk. "They're real charmers, the Duponts. No wonder you already want to meet them. Now which one is it? Is it Trevor Dupont?"

Jenna could only gape in bewilderment. Ivy thought she wanted to meet them because she liked them. That was far from the real purpose. In fact, she didn't have an ounce of admiration for them, only terror. Is this another idea of Ivy to get back at me?

"Or...." Ivy continued, trailing away deliberately. "Is it Leah Dupont? Of course it is. She's more of a charmer than her brother. And hey, good for you, she likes girls."

"What...?" Jenna could only manage that. Her anger was beginning to surface again.

"But sorry, I can't tell you where to find them," Ivy sneered. "I don't remember you doing anything for me that I should help you."

Before Jenna could respond, Drew made an appearance.

"Hey Jen, there you are," he said. "I've been looking all over for you."

Ivy took that opportunity to slink away.

"See you around Hunter," she cooed at Jenna as she walked away. "And don't even think about meeting them."

"What was that about?" Drew asked as they watched Ivy walking away.

Jenna turned to face Drew. How could he choose such an untimely intrusion! Her hope in finding Rose evaporated.

"Shut up and leave me alone," she snapped at him and started to walk away.

"Is that the thanks I get for being good to you Jen?" Drew called out after her.

"Just stay away," she yelled. "And don't call me Jen. We're not close."

"Don't make it hard on yourself or on others," she heard Drew say as she walked away. "You're not the only one who had lost someone."

Ivy wasn't of much help either. Her last hope on finding them evaporated. But at least, she learned their names and that they were family. Now all she could do was to rely on herself and her instincts.

It was early in the morning. The sun wasnt up yet. Jenna doesn't wake up early usually. But she couldn't sleep. She was sleeping on the couch in Drew's living room. She knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep again, so she got up and decided to take a walk and let the morning air clear her head.

She walked into an early cafe and decided to have a cup of tea. There was no one in the cafe except for a lone customer in black clothing, with its back on her. She shrugged and sat down at a table and picked up the menu as a force of habit.

As she was reading the menu, she suddenly felt the aura again. Dark. Sinister. She glanced up at the other person in suspicion. Could it be? Only one way to find out.

She made her way slowly to the table. Her heart had begun to race fast. She hoped it was one of the Dupont and again at the same time, she hoped it wasn't.

"Excuse me," she said nervously.

The person turned and Jenna saw red eyes looking up at her.

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