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Jenna stepped out in the open darkness. The sirens were no longer audible.

"Out so soon?" The bouncer smirked at her. "How's Judy Hyatts?"

Jenna glared at him and walked down to the curb. She hoped she would be able to find Drew's house in that darkness. She started trotting to where she came from, sticking to the shadows. She had become a wanted fugitive, she thought bitterly. If the police didn't get her, she'd be caught by either the circle or Lichang and her conspirators. She seemed to be in a big mess. She didn't know how long she had to go in hiding.

As Jenna kept running, she saw the familiar street coming into view. She breathed with relief as she saw Drew's house. It still had the lights on. How on earth did he managed to hide for so long?

She pounded on the door and just barged in. The door was not locked within. Drew stepped out from the bedroom looking panicky.

"Seriously Jenna," he sighed. "Is the way you barge in gonna be a regular thing?"

Jenna strode straight at him, stopping a few inches away from him making him take a step back in surprise.

"I need to know the truth," Jenna said.

Drew squinted his eyes at her looking as though he was genuinely surprised.

"What truth?" He asked.

"The truth about who you are," Jenna said. "I know you're not Drew Macford. It's some kind of twisted anagram, isn't it? Who are you?"

Drew looked at her cynically as though she was out of her mind.

"What are you talking about?" He said finally. "Are you sick? Did you hit your head or something?"

"I'm not crazy," Jenna yelled unintentionally. She was so annoyed at Drew for thinking she's going crazy. "You are an outcast. Your name is Werd Drofcam, who went into hiding ever since the split in The Trinity."

Drew kept staring at her with an open mouth. He didn't blink even once.

"I need to know it from you," Jenna said, lowering her voice. "What exactly are you and why'd you run away?"

"Jenna," Drew said slowly. "You totally lost it."

That did it. Jenna screamed in so much frustration. Drew seemed to have completely rejected his real self. Why would anyone want to be whom they're not? For a brief second, she doubted her own assumption that Drew was whom she was looking for. But the similarity with Fiona? Wait a minute. Fiona. The locket.

Jenna fished out the locket from under her shirt. She yanked it out from her neck and lifted it up in front of Drew's eyes.

"Know what this is?" She asked, flashing him a superior grin as a look of surprise crossed his face.

"You wanna know where I got it?" Jenna provoked. "I got it from your sister whom you thought is dead because you weren't there for her. You just wanted to save yourself by running away."

Jenna waited hopefully for Drew to admit the truth. Drew looked skeptical.

"I'm sorry," he said finally.

"What?" Jenna asked, not sure she'd heard him correctly.

"I am sorry," Drew repeated. "I don't know a word of what you're saying. Seriously Jenna, you're losing it. Do yourself a favour and get some sleep. Okay?"

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