Shocking Revelation

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Jenna stared at Leah. Her aura became alluring. What is she doing? Leah's eyes were fixed on her own eyes. She couldn't look away. She was losing herself in the fiery of the red eyes.


Jenna's haziness disappeared as soon as Leah broke their eye contact when she turned her head to the direction of the voice. She also turned and saw Trevor by the doorway.

"The Trinity," Trevor said.

Suddenly, Jenna felt an overwhelming sense of panic grip her. She had no idea where it came from initially but soon figured out that Leah was emitting the emotion and she was feeling her aura. I thought they weren't scared of anything.

Before she even knew what was happening, she found herself in a midst of motion blur. She realized Leah was pulling her by her arm and they were running fast. So fast. She couldn't even feel her legs touching the ground. She could only feel she was flying.

At last, they came to a stop. Leah released her grasp and left her there and walked quickly towards Trevor. Jenna looked about her. She was in some kind of open space. It wasn't familiar to her. She looked at the Duponts. They were having some kind of heated discussion. She went closer to listen.

" wasn't me," Trevor was protesting. "You know I'd been in the circle that night."

What are they talking about?

"And how the hell did they find out so soon?" Leah was saying. "They can't possibly kno-

She stopped short and suddenly turned around at Jenna. Jenna jumped in surprise.

"What are you?" She managed.

"Your worst nightmare," Trevor smirked.

Jenna didn't find the joke funny. She frowned.

"Can't you just tell me what this is all about?" She yelled in frustration at both of them.

Trevor backed away and strolled off deliberately while Leah turned away from her, averting her eyes. Jenna tried to put two and two together and gasped in realization.

"You're a vampire," she stated in shock. A real vampire.

Leah didn't look up.

"So is Trevor, so is Starling," she gasped. "This is why i could feel your aurae. Isn't it so?"

"We're monsters," Leah said, looking up at her. "I told you to stay away."

Are they really vampires?

"We're really vampires," Leah said, as though reading her thought. Then she grinned and exposed her fangs. "You see?"

Now Jenna was frightened of the fact that she was standing right in front of a vampire who was showing off her fangs. Vampires are bad guys. They drink your blood and suck you till you're dry without a drop of blood left in you. They're hunters. Killers. Soul eaters. At least that was what she knew about vampires.

"How?" Jenna said in a voice just above a whisper.

"That isn't important now," she said, dismissing Jenna's question. "First we need to get you back to where you belong."

"Where I belong?" Jenna asked bewildered.

"Yeah," Leah said. "The town where you lived before coming here. Sunny Heights."

Jenna groaned in disapproval. She had created a lot of scenes in that small town and Sunny Heights was the last place she wanted to go to.

"I'm not going back there," she protested.

"You have no choice," Leah said. "That's the only safe place for you."

"Wait," Jenna raised her hand. "You mean to say I'm not safe here? What actually am I running away from? Exactly what kind of danger am I in?"

"The Trinity."

The Trinity? Jenna wasn't a devoted Christian but she wasn't dumb not to know about the union that made up the trinity.

"You mean the union like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?" She asked.

"Something like that," Leah grinned. "Except that it's comprised of the Vampires, the Mages and the Priests."

Can this day get any weirder!?

"But what do they want with me?" Jenna asked, still not getting how she was connected to it.

Leah shook her head. Then she turned and looked at Trevor who was skipping stones in the air at a distance. I never knew one could skip stones in the air.

"I don't know, Hunter," she answered. "I really don't know. All I know is that you should be kept safe."

When Jenna opened her eyes, she found herself in an all too familiar room. She screamed in frustration as she realized where she was. She was in her old house at Sunny Heights. She threw down her covers. How could this happen?

She ran out and scanned around. A middle aged man was walking down the street, whistling a merry tune. Everything looked just the same as it was before they left. Same. Normal. Boring.

"What the fuck!" She screamed, pulling at her hair.

The man on the road looked up at her.

"Well good morning to you too," he waved and continued strolling.

Jenna scowled at his back. Then she knew she had to get back to Langderton. It was only six hours drive away. She wanted to get to the bottom of what's going on. Now that she knew a part of it, she knew she won't be able to stay put without knowing the rest of the part. Ignoring Leah's warnings, she rented a car and drove to Langderton.

When she reached, she went straight to the school to find either Ivy or the Duponts to find out more about the supernatural beings. Luck was with her that day as she spotted Leah near the entrance as soon as she entered the gate. She grinned and ran up to her.

"Leah, hey."

Leah stared at Jenna in disbelief. Her brief expression of disbelief turned into a frown.

"Why are you back?" She scowled.

"I need to know more," Jenna begged. "I can't possibly sit back and wonder."

"You're spontaneous, I get it," Leah sighed, rolling her eyes. "But this isn't something you need to be curious about."


"Now stay away from me," Leah said. "Go back to where you came from."

Jenna frowned at her. Leah seemed hot and cold. She can be so friendly and the next moment, she can be so rude.

"I'm not leaving," Jenna said firmly. This time she swore she won't beg but do things her own way.

"You know what I am Hunter," Leah said, losing her patience. "I could do things to you. Don't make me do things I don't want to."

Jenna suddenly felt small again. Leah was right. She could really harm her if she wanted to and no one, not even a whole force of the police won't be able to stop an undead.

"But Leah..." Jenna silently prayed in her heart. Please, please let this work. It was her last desperate attempt to stick around. "I love you."

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