Shut Up Without A Clue

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Rose's perspective:

It felt like forever ever since Rose was shut up in that place. She had witnessed strange people coming in and going out of the room, talking strange things. But she didn't attempt in asking them what was going on. No one answered her anyway.

Helena was always threatening to break her to pieces and Rose dared not talk when they were alone. Rose even saw Helena's pointy fangs once when she was shouting at her. She pretended as though she didn't see them but she felt terrified. Could she be a vampire? No, no way, she assured herself.

But her suspicions were confirmed when Ethan brought in a young boy one day.

"Drink," he had told the boy.

Suddenly, the boy had lunged at her and her eyes popped in a painful surprise when she felt something sharp break the skin on her neck.

The next day after she was bitten, she was surprised to see an old man bursting in through the door in a fury, followed by a strict looking woman and Ethan. He was richly dressed and looked almost royal with his graying hair and violet eyes. He was apparently a man of position as was seen from the submission of Ethan and the woman.

"What do you mean she's not the one?" He was yelling as he strode over to Rose angrily.

"Seems like we got her doppelganger," Ethan replied calmly but Rose could see that he was trying to keep his calm.


Without a warning, the man grabbed the whimpering Rose and bit her neck. Blood trickled down from where she was bitten. And then he spat out what he had sucked.

"Common blood," he said in disgust. "Find me that girl and bring her to me or bear my wrath."

"What about this one?" The woman asked timidly, pointing to Rose.

"Oh, let the kids enjoy her," he drawled and walked out of the room.

Ever since that day, a new person comes in everyday to suck her blood. She felt drained and lifeless. Colors had drained from her face and skin. She looked as pale as a ghost. She wondered how long she could go on before she was sucked dry. She missed Jenna. She wondered if Jenna was in danger too. She hoped not. I wish I had always been a loving sister to you Jenna!

She was sprawled on her back one night as the door opened. She knew what was coming. Another parasite to feed on her. She didn't turn. She had no strength to anyway.

It was a girl. She looked about the same age as her. She had straight black hair and ocean blue eyes. She was very pretty. What a pity you're a monster, Rose thought as she closed her eyes and waited for the searing pain.

"Can't I do it alone?" She heard the girl ask Ethan. "I don't want to be watched when I'm feeding."

"Don't get smart with me, girl," Ethan replied. "Now hurry up."

The girl frowned and turned back to Rose. She bared her fangs and lowered her head to Rose's neck. Rose shut her eyes and waited. But instead of the bite, she felt wind rushing into her ear. It took her a few moments to realize that the girl was whispering to her.

"I'm not gonna bite you," she whispered. "But just act natural."

Rose tried her best to remain passive but she was so surprised at the girl's gentleness. However she did remain natural.

"Tasty," she heard the girl faking at Ethan.

"Go on," Ethan said gruffly. "Move along."

Rose heard the door close behind them. What just happened? She blinked a few times. Who was that girl? Why didnt she bite her? So many questions. No answers.

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