Werd Drofcam

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The police were still after her. She was running but she felt she would collapse any moment. She saw a night club where young boys and girls were going in and out. She ran towards it as her only resort. As she was about to enter, she was stopped.

"Nothing's free around here," the bouncer said.


She had totally forgotten about this hurdle. In Sunny Heights, there were no bouncers. But this isn't Sunny Heights. She frowned as she realized she had no money. She could hear the sirens blaring closer.

"I have an appointment," she said with desperation.

The bouncer cocked an eyebrow at her.

"What kind of appointment?" He asked.

"It's a personal business," Jenna said, faking an air of importance.

"Oh," the bouncer grinned. "I get it. You are gonna meet Judy Hyatts."

Jenna had no idea what he meant or who the hell Judy Hyatts was but hastily affirmed that with relief.

"That's right," she said gruffly. "So step aside please."

She was about to get in when he stopped her again.

"Not so fast," he said. "You can't deceive me."

"Judy Hyatts will be impatient," Jenna said hastily. The sirens were coming closer. "You don't want to get on her wrong side."

"Oh I wouldn't mind that," he grinned.

Jenna stared at him.

"There is no Judy Hyatts," he said. "I just made her up."

Jenna's world collapsed on her. Busted. She suddenly became very nervous.

"Now tell me why you want to get in," he said menacingly.

"What's going on here?" A voice said.

Jenna looked and saw a tall guy with brown hair frowning at them.

"This girl is trying to break and enter," the doorman said with reverence to the guy.

Apparently a man of importance.

The guy looked at Jenna who was feeling smaller and smaller by the minute. Then he grinned at the bouncer.

"No sweat Chad," he said airily. "She's my date."

"Your date really is a maniac," the bouncer said as he stepped aside to let them in.

Jenna entered the club and was at once engulfed by the music and body heat. The air felt stuffy. Teenagers danced and drank. Safe for now. The guy looked down at her and grinned.

"I suppose my date has a name?"

"It's Jenna. Jenna Hunter." She answered.

"Okay Jenna," he drawled and leaned in closer to her. He was handsome and charismatic. "How would you like to repay me for saving your ass back there?"

The guy was leaning in too close to Jenna, invading her space. She suddenly realized his intention that he was about to kiss her. She stepped back.

"My sincere thanks for helping me back there," she told him coldly. "But I don't go around kissing random guys I just met."

The guy gave her a crooked grin and looked amused.

"I like your attitude," he grinned. "You and I would make a perfect pair."

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