Weird Acquaintance

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Still mad at Rose, Jenna walked about looking like a storm, avoiding eye contact with anyone. So what if she's not there? She thought, I don't need her anyway. Sometimes she wondered if they were sisters at all. They were miles different from each other. With every minute that passed by, she hated the school more and more. It was only after a tiresome ten minutes that she finally found her classroom. She walked in defiantly and sat down at the first empty seat she laid eyes on. Without being aware of it, she was searching for Rose among the students and snorted to herself when she spotted her among a cluster of students, laughing and chatting away. Miss congeniality! She snorted again. But deep down, she felt lonely.

As she sat there drowning in her loneliness, a pair of perfectly manicured hands slammed her desk. She jumped in surprise and looked up to see the most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on, but her aura was disturbing. She suddenly felt awed, or maybe scared, she couldnt decide. The girl had very black hair parted in the middle which came down her mid waist. Her skin was pale and her eyes were the color of amethyst, probably lenses because it looked unearthly. Her lips were painted blood red and she would look even more pretty if she was smiling but right now, it was anything but a smile. She had a huge frown and she was glaring at Jenna.

"Excuse me," she snapped. "You're in my seat. Move out."

There was nothing that Jenna hated more than being ordered around. Her defiant attitude suddenly surfaced again.

"I was here first," she snapped back. "Go find another seat."

The girl was briefly taken aback by Jenna's audacity. Then she leaned closer and looked at her menacingly.

"When I say it's my seat, it's my seat," she growled. "Now move along before things get nasty."

The other students were now watching them with interest. Jenna stood up and faced the girl.

"What you gonna do about it?" Jenna hissed back. "Tickle me with those baby hands? Go on, let's see you do that."

Before the girl could respond, a tall guy with hazel eyes and sandy blonde hair covered by a red and white baseball cap stepped in between them.

"Whoa girls," he said, raising his arms to each of them as though separating two spoilt brats. "Let's not get cheesy here."

"Get the hell out of my way, Drew Macford," the girl snapped at him.

Jenna wasn't done with the girl. She needed to be put in her right place. She pushed Drew aside and got out from her seat and marched towards the girl. Her fists clenched at her sides as she neared the girl.

"Jenna, that's enough," Rose suddenly screamed.

Jenna lost focus momentarily and glanced over at Rose. She looked scared and embarrassed. It isn't your day today, Rose. She turned back and was about to raise her fist when the teacher walked in.

The girl scooted past her and sat down in the seat they were fighting over. She looked up at Jenna and smirked. Jenna so wanted to wipe that smirk off and replace it with a broken nose. She glared at her as if to say the affair wasn't over yet as she passed her to grab another seat.

"Of all people, you had to pick on Ivy Starling," the guy called Drew Macford sighed as they sat beside each other.

"Excuse me," Jenna said, arching an eyebrow. "Do you even know me?"

"I don't think so. Not sure I'm interested in knowing you either," he drawled. "All I know is that you were about to turn your life into a living nightmare."

Jenna couldn't understand what he was talking about but she just gave a scornful snort and kept quiet. No point making any acquaintance with stupid people in a stupid school.

The classes passed without much more drama after that. She couldn't wait for the classes to end so that she could give a piece of hell to Ivy Starling. Just you wait, Starling, just you wait.

"Come on Jenna," Rose called after class. "Let's go home."

"You go ahead," she replied. "I've got something to take care of." Now where the hell is Starling?

Before Rose could protest, she was out in the hall, her eyes darting everywhere looking for a girl with black hair and pale face. Rose would admonish her saying she's stooping below her standard if she knew her motive, but who the hell cares about some fucking standard. A fight wasn't something new to Jenna. She'd been into lots of fights and she'd even broken somebody's nose in her previous school, the reason they swapped schools.

She looked everywhere. But Ivy was nowhere to be found. She groaned loudly in annoyance and frustration. Coward. She had no business to disappear just like that. Her frustration soon turned to rage when she couldn't find her. Chicken.

She gave up her quest and started outside still seething with anger. Who the hell did Ivy think she was? Can't even stand up to a fight. Disappeared like a coward after acting so tough and hard. It isn't over, bitch. It isn't over yet.

She would've cooled down had it not been for the sight that met her eyes outside. Just as she stepped out, she saw Rose getting into a red Ferrari with the killer smile guy and the same bunch of those weird people they met in the morning. What the hell is Rose thinking? They could be plotting against her, how could she even trust those guys? Determined to sabotage their ride, she dashed towards the car. She had her eyes only on the car and never saw that she was running straight at another guy. The impact of the collision sent her falling backwards.

"Hey watch where you're going," the guy shouted at her.

She didn't even hear or see him. She only saw the car speeding away, leaving a trail of smoke behind. She wanted to scream in so much frustration. She stood up to yell at the person she bumped into but stopped short when she saw his face.

He was glaring at her. Well, apart from the glare, his eyes are what caught her attention. His black hair covered his eyes but it didn't conceal the red iris and the red circles around his eyes. What the...! Metals were pierced all over his pasty hollow face. He was as lean as a willow. He looked almost like a zombie or an undead or an albino.

"You won't be so lucky next time," he growled and turned towards the school.

Jenna's smart mouth momentarily deserted her. She couldn't do anything but stare at the retreating figure. He was dressed in black. Typical. But something about him bothered her. She couldn't place what it was but his aura made her feel uneasy, just like it happened with Ivy.

What the hell are you?

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