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Just a quick message:

To those who will be reading this book.

When you get to the chapter, where the mom is kinda weird, that's how I made her character. I know some of you may be weirder out by it, but it's just the way how I made her character. Her original character, is from Game of Thrones, who is a sweet, but at the same time, a fucking bad ass women.

Since, I was already borrowing Daenerys, I just added a bit more into her character. So, the way how I made her, is a caring, loving mother who loves her daughter, but yet, at the same time, is a bit weird, and likes to embarrass her daughter, playfully, and sometimes, she might get carried away with it. Which she will, in Chapter 7, I think.

I wanted to let you guys know this, cause on that chapter, I read your comments, thats aid she was the worst mother ever. And such. Not saying who, so I'm putting anyone out there, and embarrassing them.

But, I'm letting you all know, if you have a problem, with how I made Daenerys character, then don't read the book. I know by saying this, that it won't get reads, votes, or anything. But, I'm still gonna keep the book up, and publishing chapters. Cause, I have a great idea for the book, and if you don't like how I make the characters, then just don't don't read the book.

And, for those who are kind enough, to keep the comments to yourself, and instead, comment good things about the book, thank you. You are the type of people, that keep me on Wattpad, and keep me from quitting. You guys, keep me moving, looking past the unwanted comments. So, once again, thank you for keeping the "She is such a weird mom. CREEPY!" comments, to yourself, even if your not thinking like that about my book. Thank you, for commenting nice, good things about my book.

Once again, I remind you, if your weirded out by Daenerys character, cause I made her character like that, just don't read the book. Cause later on, in the other chapters, Daenerys is gonna act like that, embarrassing her daughter, that badly. Which ends up, with her daughter, and Harry, having sex later on.

Once more, if your weirded out by Daenerys character, just don't read the book.

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