CH. 5 I Am Gonna Be Yours

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I am walking down the stairs into the ballroom. A masquerade mask covering my identity from the rest of the room. Everyone was covered in a mask, hiding their true, deceptive personas. It was disgusting to be in a room full of liars yet...I'm one of them. I'm supposed to be the sweet noble girl and tonight I am a murderer.

I spot Lord Eden across the room. Only we can spot each other. We just know each other. It's obsessive. We want to belong so badly to each other and tonight we will. I smirk and he returns a grim smile. He mouths something to me from across the room.


'I love you'.

I mean it with every fiber of my being. The woman I have been craving for so fucking long will finally be in my palm. Chained to me like we were always meant to be. Tonight is the night.

I've been holding too many secrets in my heart because of this love Violet. And I am not afraid to hold just one more which might be the worst of them all. Anything for this love to be fulfilled. I just wanna be yours...


I make my way across the room. Toward a man decked in black and gold. A handsome man who has seduced me and tricked me into believing I could ever love him. Of course...he needs to be exterminated.

Clink clank

The high heels only make me more scared. He looks at me and smirks deviously. We gives his glass of wine to a waiter and approaches me. He grabs my hands and caresses my cheek.

"Hello my soon to be wife...", he says smiling but I see through the pathetic facade.

"Hello Lord Capall", I smile with my mask.

How duplicitous of me. I'm the one finally calling the shots. I feel powerful. Now, I will be manipulating you Capall.

"Would you like to dance my love?", he says pulling me to the dance floor.

"Of course dear", I smirk.

We twist and turn. The secrets in my heart are about to burst. The heat of his hand leaves me feeling weak. Soon it'll be cold and unable to move me. He looks at me lovingly but beyond that...he just wants to own me, tame me and trap me. Lord Eden is the only one allowed to do that to me because I too possess him.

"You're a great dancer Lady Swan", he giggles.

My heart starts pounding. Am I regretting this? Please...I don't want to kill someone if only there was another-


A voice I know all too well. It's Kyo with glasses of wine. He passes one to Alistar. They talk and act cool. Lord Capall puts the hand holding the glass of wine around my waist. And then...I know this is when the time has come to-

Poison him. Since the minute you laid your disgusting hands on my pure Violet, I've wanted to kill you. Oh, this poison is by far more potent than the one I gave Violet. He will surely die. He'll drop to the ground and choke on his blood. Good.

I ask to dance with Violet and he allows me. It's not like he had a choice anyways. I possess her, not you. Violet looks distraught. I caress her cheek and let her know she's safe. There will be no more secrets to be kept. She twirls and turns. She's so graceful. Truly a swan. The cure to all my pain and sorrows. The devotion I have for you is so deep it transcends my own being. Now go...take him to his grave.

Me and Kyo end our dance. We look at each other with dead eyes. Capall approaches me and pulls me away from him.

"I don't appreciate how he looks at what belongs to me...", Capall scoffed.

'I want to spit on you' is all I think. I put on the fake smile that us nobles all wear. I suppose we are all truly evil. When you're willing to do whatever it takes to get what you've become a disgusting person.

"Let's go to the garden my be alone...".

Alistar bites his lip and bows.

"Gladly mi lady. We've an hour before our marriage at 12. I guess you would like to rush to the love making process?"

I put my finger over my lips and drag him to the garden.

"Leave this as our little secret".


The moon shines brightly upon us. The fountain water glitters. I trace the fountain with my fingers. Lord Capall looks at me completely seduced and enchanted. My hazel eyes glitter leaving him begging for me. I run through the labyrinth leading him into the rose garden where we met. He chases me. He's coughing and breathing heavy.

"V-Violet...I don't feel well".

I keep leading him to the rose garden. He finally catches up but there is blood all over his dress shirt now. He looks absolutely terrible. He limps toward me. He smiles weakly and drops on me. We topple over and he's holding onto me.

"Violet...I really did love you...I thought this would work out...I'm not mad at you...since I love you so much...".

I looked at him stunned. He just cried as he wrapped his arms around me.

"As kids you always played with Kyo instead of I told your mom to find you guys in the rose garden...I'm sorry...".

More memories raced through my head. My brain was burning. My head throbbing but nothing was more painful than the tears slipping down my face. Alistar caressed my cheek and kissed my hand with him bloody lips.

"I just...wanted to be yours...".

Those were his last words.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!! WHY!?!?", I wailed.

I cried and cried. I've never felt so empty in my life. I have truly become a disgusting person. Kyo appears from behind the bushes and embraces me from behind. His eyes are dead. No emotion is visible. I hold Alistar Capall's dead body on my lap.

"We killed our best friend...".

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