CH.1 Monochrome Lovers

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I wake up with the bright, furious sun beaming into my sore hazel eyes. I squint my eyes and moan in discomfort. I twist to lay on my side which turned away from the sun. I blink only to look up to my mother and father kneeling over my bed still in their night attire. They cry out and hug me tightly yet just as fast they pulled back and scowled at me. I gulp already knowing the world of crap i got myself into.

"You have some explaining to do little Violet", my father said glaring at me.

"How dare you Violet! You completely disobeyed me and your fathers orders. You've a really capricious attitude my dear! You could've died! And on your birthday nonetheless! Violet, I just-".

My father laid his hand on my mothers shoulder to calm her down.

"Artemis please. Violet mustn't be scolded on her birthday. She is eighteen today. She's old enough to know between right and wrong. Aren't I right Violet honey?".

I nodded slowly and bowed slightly before my parents.

My father winked and led my mother out giving me those eyes. Those 'we will talk about this later' eyes.

I sigh and slouch on my bed. I touch my throbbing head and Jennifer runs quickly to my aid.

"Are you alright mi lady?", she said bending over to look at me.

I look up and pout.

"What is it mi lady? You shouldn't pout on your birthday...".

"Cut the crap Jen! No ones freakin' here. Some crazy shit happened last night!", I whine.

She sighed and touched her forehead. "You talk like an angry, drunken commoner...".


"Alright Vi. What the hell's going on?", she said sitting next to me.

"I saw him Jen...".


"My soul mate".

"The man in your dreams!?", she exclaiming putting her hands over her mouth.

I nodded shyly and bit my lip.

"I heard him play the violin last night...that's why I snuck out...".

Jen smiled and just as instantly looked down feeling almost guilty. I looked at her passively. I know Jen knows something I don't. I know my parents probably threatened her to keep her mouth shut. I love Jen and can't afford to lose her so I never press her knowledge on the issue.

"Violet. He's real".

My eyes gleam and stare are her vaguely. My body froze as if I was totally imobile. I mean I knew she knew but she was blurting it out now! I wasn't ready to hear anything or accept anything.

"He is Lord Kyo Eden".

I looked at her stoned. I retract her words and look down numbed. Was she serious?

"I'm sorry I never told you. Your parents...I can't lose this job Vi. I-".

I stopped her and hugged her tightly. Tears begin to pour from my eyes. That beautiful sound. His voice, his violin. That silky black hair and deep blue eyes. They all belong to Lord Kyo. His name shot sparks in my heart. Little by little my vague childhood memories are returning.

"My whole disposition has changed".

"What do you mean Violet? That's pretty excessive if you ask me", Jen mumbled concerned.

"I will find that man and bed him!!", I exclaimed.

Jennifer slapped her hand over my mouth and looked around cautiously.

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