Chapter 29 "It's Too Much"

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After waking from their nap, Shaylynn gets into the shower while Severide fixes them something to eat.
Shaylynn gets out of the shower, wraps a towel around her, and walks out of the bathroom to her closet.
Looking through her clothes, she decides on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. 

She walks downstairs to see Severide has made them lunch

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She walks downstairs to see Severide has made them lunch. He's about ready to sit down at the table when Shaylynn stops him.
"Let's go up to the rooftop!" she tells him picking up her plate.
Severide picks up his plate and follows her.
They reach the rooftop and Severide can't believe the view.

"The lights are beautiful at night!" Shaylynn tells him, "It's the way I like to see Chicago

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"The lights are beautiful at night!" Shaylynn tells him, "It's the way I like to see Chicago."
They walk over to a table, put down their plates, and sit down.
Time goes by and Severide notices Shaylynn has been very quiet.
"Are you okay?" he asks her.
She doesn't say anything.
"Shaylynn, what is it?" Severide asks.
She looks up at him, "I was in Pierre's jewelry store a couple of days ago, I saw my ring in the case and how much it cost. Kelly, I can't accept this! It cost to much!"
Severide smiles at her, "Is that all!" he says to her, Shaylynn looks at him confused, "I thought you were going to tell me you wanted to call off the engagement" he says.
"Kelly, I'm serious! This ring cost way too much! We have to take it back!" she adamantly tells him.
"The ring is NOT going back! It's staying right where it is, on your finger! Stop worrying about how much it cost!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn looks down at her plate, now Severide feels bad.
"Would it make you feel any better if I told you Pierre gave me a deal on it?" he asks her.
Shaylynn looks up at him and smiles, "He did?"
"Yes! At the Fire Commissioner's Ball, he gave me his card and told me he would give me a deal on a ring. I knew that night I was going to ask you to marry me!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn's smile gets bigger, "You really knew that night?"
"I knew way before that, but the time wasn't right. A lot of people have said I move fast when it comes to relationships. With you, I wasn't going to screw things up! If they knew we waited seven months into our relationship to have sex, they would be surprised" Severide says.
"Maybe this is the time to have a talk about our past relationships" Shaylynn says to him.
"What do you want to know?" he asks her.
"How many before me?" she asks him.
"Do you really want to know?" Severide asks her.
"If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked" she tells him.
He shakes his head, not sure if he wants to say anything, "You already know about Anna. Before her there were a lot of flings and a few girlfriends. I was engaged once, also married once, but that didn't last long. That was a huge mistake on her and my part."
"Is that it?' Shaylynn asks him.
He looks at her surprised, "Yeah, that's it. What about you?"
"I was engaged before Marshall, but that fell apart. Married Marshall, you know what happened there. After him started doing freelance jobs and got involved with one of my clients, that was a mistake. That started my no dating clients rule. Dated a few celebrities I met through my clients. Came to Chicago, met Duncan and well that's it" she tells him.
Shaylynn can see Severide's surprised by what she just told him, "What?" she asks him.
"Can I ask which client you dated?" he asks her.
"Enrique Iglesias" she tells him.
Severide tries to keep his facial expressions at bay, "What about the celebrities?" he asks her.
"Kelly, do you really want to know?" she asks him.
"Yes! Like you said, if I didn't want to know, I wouldn't have asked" he tells her.
"Gerard Butler, Mark Wahlberg, and Joe Manganiello" she tells him.
Severide's face tells it all, "Kelly, what's wrong?" Shaylynn asks him.
"What the hell do you see in me?" he asks her.
"I don't like that lifestyle! It's go here, go there with a lot of screaming female fans" she tells him standing up and walking over to him.
Severide pushes his chair back, Shaylynn straddles his lap and sits down, "I like to have MY man all to myself! Plus I prefer first responders, they're REAL heroes!" she tells him, then starts to kiss him.
She leans back, "We need to start moving your stuff in!"
Severide's eyes get big, "You want me to move in?" he asks her.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "Yes! It doesn't make any sense for you to keep wasting money renting when you're going to be moving in here after we're married, why wait?! So, are you going to say yes to the house?" Shaylynn asks him with a smile on her face.
Severide looks at her, "No" he tells her, Shaylynn looks at him confused, "I'm saying yes to you!" he tells her putting his hands on the side of her face, pulling her to him so he can kiss her.

The call is put out to the cavalry to ask for help to move Severide's stuff. The whole entire fire crews help out.
After all of Severide's stuff is moved in, everyone walks through the house to check it out.
"WOW! This is some place!" Capp says to Severide nugging him with his elbow.
"Shaylynn, how many square feet is this place?" Cruz asks her.
"I think the realtor said it's 7,800 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 6 baths" she tells Cruz.
He gets a surprised look on his face.
"You have four bedrooms to fill up with kids" Capp says to Severide, winking at him.
"Can we get married first!" Severide says back to Capp.
The doorbell rings, Severide goes and answers it.
Standing in front of the him is a pizza guy holding around 10 pizzas.
"How much is it?" Severide asks the guy.
"It's already been paid for" the guy tells him walking down the steps.
First ones to smell it are the Squad guys, "PIZZA!" Capp yells.
Shaylynn hears Capp yell about the pizza.
She heads to the kitchen to gather up plates and drinks.
Brett and Dawson come into the kitchen to help her.
"I'm surprised Stella isn't here" Shaylynn says to the ladies.
"She had something to do" Brett says nervously, looking at Dawson.
"That's bullshit, Sylvie! She's not here because she and Kelly had a thing and now she has her head up her ass because he's engage to you!" Dawson tells Shaylynn, looking over at Brett.
"Really? Kelly never said anything about Stella" she tells Dawson.
"Kelly told you about his past flings?" Dawson asks surprised.
"He didn't tell me names. He just said he had flings, a couple of girlfriends, was engaged once, and married once. Was she one of the girlfriends?" Shaylynn asks Dawson.
"No! Kelly was more like rebound sex for her after her estranged husband, Grant got back on drugs. Then he came to Molly's and attacked her in the alley with a steak knife. Kelly went out and found them, saving Stella by hitting Grant and knocking him to the ground. Unfortunately, when Kelly hit Grant, he put his arm up to block and ended up cutting himself on the neck with the knife. Grant had to go to the hospital and Stella got in the ambulance with him, ignoring Kelly all together" Dawson says.
The ladies take the plates out to the guys and return to the kitchen for the drinks.
"Do you think she's going to be a problem?" Shaylynn asks Dawson.
Dawson shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, but I'll keep my eyes on her at the Firehouse."
Brett gives Dawson a disbelief look as Shaylynn walks out of the kitchen with some drinks.
"Gabby, what are you doing?" Brett asks her.
"I'd want someone to keep an eye on my husband or future husband if he worked around one of his past flings" Dawson tells her, "I know how manipulative Stella can be!"
Dawson and Brett walk out of the kitchen with the rest of the drinks.
Everyone is done eating and after a few hours of talking, people start leaving to head home.
The last ones left are Herrmann, Cindy, and their kids. Cindy is in the process of gathering the kids up. After five minutes of herding them toward the front door, they're finally all together.
Shaylynn hands each of them an envelope that has their names on it, "Don't open them until you're in the car and heading for home. Promise?" she says to the Herrmann children.
They all promise her they won't open them until they are on their way home.
"Thanks for the help!" Severide says to Herrmann while Cindy takes the kids outside.
"It was no problem!" Herrmann says smiling at Severide and looks over at Shaylynn.
"I better get going!" Herrmann says, then walks out the door.
Shaylynn looks at Severide, "It's time to get you unpacked!"

Outside, Herrmann gets in the car and drives off.
About 8 blocks from Shaylynn and Severide's house, Annabelle speaks up, "Can we open our envelopes now?"
Cindy looks at Herrmann, he nods to her, "I guess you can" Cindy tells them.
Both her and Herrmann can hear paper tearing, "So, what did you get?" Herrmann asks his kids.
Four out of five of his kids tell him they got $1,000. Herrmann and Cindy get surprised looks on their faces.
"Lee Henry, you didn't get $1,000?" Herrmann asks him.
"No" Lee Henry says, "I got $2,000."
Cindy and Herrmann's surprised looks get even bigger. Cindy pulls out her phone and calls Shaylynn.
"Shaylynn, Christopher and I can't let you give the kids this kind of money" Cindy tells her.
"Why not?" Shaylynn asks her.
"It's too much!" Cindy says.
"Your kids worked hard, especially Lee Henry. Not once did I hear any of them complain about wanting to go home or they were bored. With Lee Henry being a teenager and giving up his time to help out, he deserves the money for gas or whatever. They all deserve the money! Please let them keep it" Shaylynn pleads with Cindy.
The next thing Shaylynn hears is tires screeching and a loud metal crushing sound.

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