Chapter 3 "Stubborn @$$"

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Returning to the fire, Brett gets out of the ambulance and walks over to Boden.
Boden turns to see her walking up to him, "How is everyone?" he asks her.
"Everyone is doing good! They're all settled into rooms. Since Gabby is with Matt, Main took 61 out of rotation for the rest of the shift" Brett tells Boden.
"CHIEF!" someone from Engine yells at him.
Boden turns to Brett, nods at her before walking away.
She turns and starts walking back to the ambulance. Passing by the big black truck, the back doors are ajar, she hears a lot of commotion coming from inside.
Brett stops to listen.

Taking off their suits and putting them away, Butch is taking off his boots when he looks up and sees one of Shaylynn's legs.
"What the fuck happened to you?!" he asks her aggressively.
"Nothing!" she tells him.
"Bullshit!" Butch says to her picking up "Henry's" leg and looking at it.
"Henry has been compromised!" Butch expresses to Dave showing him the leg.
Shaylynn grabs the leg from Butch, "Give me that!" she yells at him.
Rob looks down at Shaylynn's leg, "You have to get that looked at!" he says to her.
"I'm fine!" she tells Rob.
Dan bends down to get a closer look at her leg, "What the hell happened?" he asks.
Shaylynn turns around in a circle looking at all the guys, "DAMN! Now I know what it feels like to be hunted by a pack of wolves! As for what happened, when I was dragging Matt out, a board fell and I hit it out of the way!"
"Why didn't you just leave the board alone?" Dan asks her touching her burn.
Shaylynn swats at Dan to get him away from her "If I wouldn't have hit the board out of the way, it would've landed right on him! It was a pretty big board that was on fire!"
There's a knock on the back doors, Butch pushes them open, and looks down at Brett.
"I'm sorry! I thought I heard someone in here was hurt?" Brett says.
"Yes, Shaylynn's hurt!" Rob tells Brett.
"NO I'M NOT!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Stop being so fucking stubborn!" Butch tells her, "Let the paramedic look at your leg!"
Cruz, Tony, and Capp come walking up and stand behind Brett, "Is everything okay?" Cruz asks.
"Everything's fine!" Shaylynn tells them.
"No, everything isn't fine!' Stubborn ass here burned her leg and she won't let the paramedic look at it!" Butch tells Cruz, "She won't listen to us! Maybe you three can talk some sense into her, she'll listen to Firefighters!" Butch says looking back at Shaylynn.
Shaylynn gives Butch a glare. She sticks her tongue out at him.
Tony and Capp look at Cruz. Cruz nods toward the truck, Tony and Capp climb up in, walking up to Shaylynn.
"What are you doing?" she asks Capp and Tony.
"You're coming with us!" Capp tells her.
She gives Capp a look, then looks at Tony, "Please, come with us!" Tony says to her.
Shaylynn looks at Brett, "Please come over to the ambulance so I can treat your burn. If Gabby finds out that you were hurt and I didn't do anything about it, she'll be very upset with me!"
Letting out a sigh, Shaylynn turns around, picks up her holster, puts it on, and starts walking toward the doors.
Capp watches to see what Shaylynn picks up, he looks at Butch, "She doesn't go anywhere without her Sig!" Butch tells him.
Rob looks over at Tony, "Thank you!" he says.
Tony and Capp follow behind Shaylynn to the doors.
Cruz offers her his hands to help her down, she puts her hands in his and steps down with Capp and Tony jumping down behind her.
Shaylynn follows Brett over to Ambulance 61. They both climb up inside.
"Go ahead and have a seat on the gurney" Brett tells Shaylynn.
She does as Brett says while she gets a burn kit.
Brett sits down on the seat across from the gurney, "Go ahead and lay down" Brett tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn turns onto her stomach so Brett can see the back of her leg better. She props her upper half up on her elbows.
Brett sees that Shaylynn has herself propped up, "Is everything okay?" she asks Shaylynn as she treats the burn.
"Yes, everything's fine. I can't lay down fully on my stomach. The girls don't like being squashed!" Shaylynn tells Brett.
Brett lets out a laugh, "I don't have that problem, so I didn't think about that!"
Shaylynn turns her head around to look at Brett, "Almost done?" she asks.
Brett looks up at Shaylynn, "You don't like to receive medical attention, do you?"
"No" Shaylynn tells her, "Only reason I'm doing this is so you don't get in trouble" she tells Brett.

Outside a couple of cars pull up.
Hank Voight and a few from the Intelligence Unit get out.
Hank instantly walks over to the black truck and looks inside, "Butch, where is she?" he asks.
"She's over in the ambulance" Butch tells Hank.
"What happened?" Hank asks.
"Are you familiar with Firehouse 51?" Butch asks Hank.
Hank nods his head 'yes', "She was dragging Matt out when I guess I
a big board that was on fire fell. She kicked it so it wouldn't fall on him, it put a hole in Henry, burning her leg" Butch tells Hank showing him that part of the suit.
Hank shakes his head, "Thanks!" he tells Butch.
Hank starts walking over to the ambulance, Rixton meeting up with him, "Where is she?" he asks Hank.
"In the ambulance" Hank tells him.
Rixton walks over to the ambulance with Hank.
Brett notices Hank and Rixton standing on the outside of the ambulance, watching her, "Can I help you gentlemen?" she asks.
"I'm just waiting to see how my daughter is" Hank tells her.
Brett gets a surprised look on her face as Shaylynn quickly turns her head around.
Brett looks at Shaylynn, "Father?" she questions her.
"Yes" Shaylynn tells her, "Are we done?" she asks Brett.
Brett shakes her head 'yes' as she cleans things up. Shaylynn sits up straight on the gurney, waiting on Brett to finish cleaning up so she can get out of the ambulance.

Over by the Intelligence's cars, Halstead, Ruzek, Atwater, and Alvin are standing waiting on Hank and Rixton.
"Hey Al, do you know why we're here?" Ruzek asks him.
Alvin looks at him, then looks away.
'Whatever the reason, Hank and Kenny are interested in what's in the ambulance!" Halstead says.
"Could a CI be in there?" Atwater asks.
The guys see Brett step out of the ambulance and move over to the side, then they see Hank hold his hand out. Shaylynn grabs onto it and steps down.
"If that's a CI, I need to start looking for CI's where Hank finds his!" Halstead says.
Alvin looks at Halstead, "That's his daughter!"
Atwater, Halstead, and Ruzek all look at Alvin like deers caught in headlights.
"His daughter?" Ruzek questions.
Alvin looks at the three of them, "Yeah, his daughter! Hank had a life before the CPD. If he wants you to know any more, he'll tell you! Until then, drop it!" Alvin tells them.
"Appartley Kenny knows her!" Ruzek says to the others.
All of them look back over to the ambulance and see Rixton kissing the woman who came out of the ambulance.

Fire Down Below  (Matches & Gasoline) Ruling Chicago #1 (Chicago Fire)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora