Chapter 14 "Madness"

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A lot of shots are being fired, but it's coming from behind Shaylynn.
She turns around and sees Butch, Rob, Dan, and Dave all suited up running her way.
They run up to here, behind the Squad truck.
"They're all unconscious!" she tells Butch.
"Go get your suit on! You're no help to them or us without it!" Butch tells her.
Butch and Rob start making their way around the Squad truck, heading across the street, while Dan and Dave act as their cover.
Shaylynn starts to move away from the Squad truck, but shots are fired at her.
Dan and Dave start firing along with more shots being fired from behind her.
She turns around to see the Intelligence Unit, Duncan, and Sam.
"Let's go!" Hank yells at her.
As Shaylynn starts back, Duncan runs out to meet her, to act as her cover.
They run back and get behind one of the pillars that's in front of Med.
"I have to go and get my suit on!" she tells Hank.
"Go!" he tells her.
Shaylynn runs back to the truck to get her suit on.
After five minutes, everyone's wondering where she's at, that is until the black truck comes speeding around the corner.
Dan and Dave start firing to offer cover.
Shaylynn pulls up between where the shots are being fired and the Squad truck, she backs it up so the back doors are near Squad.
She opens the driver's door and starts firing along with Dan and Dave.
Dr. Choi, Dr. Halstead, and Dr. Rhodes jump out of the back, holding onto C-collars. They crawl into the truck, and put the c-collars on all the guys.
While Shaylynn, Dan, and Dave are keeping the shooters occupied, on the other side of the Squad truck, orderlies are passing back boards into the doctors for the Firefighters to be put on.
Once one is on a back board, they're pushed out to the orderlies who run the Firefighter back to the ED.
After all the Squad crew is taken care of, the doctors get back up in the truck. Shaylynn gets back in, drives them over to Truck and does the samething.
With Truck being on it's side, the doctors have to climb up to get inside. Because of this, Shaylynn climbs up on top of her truck so the doctors are covered from all sides.
Dr. Choi and Dr. Rhodes pull a ladder out of the back of the truck while Dr. Halstead has a hold of the C-collars. The doctors hurry to the other side of Truck with the ladder. They lean it against Truck, climb up and down into Truck. They put the C-collars on everyone. Dr. Choi climbs out onto the ladder to help get the Truck crew out. Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Halstead help boost everyone up and out.
Shaylynn turns around to see if everyone is out, 'POP!' she goes down onto the top of the truck.
"SHAYLYNN!" Duncan yells starting to run out until Halstead grabs him.
Sam sees this also. She tries to run out, but Hank grabs her.
Dan and Dave hear rapid fire coming from a distance.
"Suspects are down! All clear!" Butch radios.
Dan and Dave take off their helmets, "ALL CLEAR!" they yell.
Dr. Rhodes comes around Truck, runs to the hood of the black truck, jumps up on it, and then jumps up onto the roof to check on Shaylynn.
"There's a hole in her suit!" Dr. Rhodes yells down at Dan and Dave.
"Lift up the little door on her left wrist, push the red button and the suit will start coming apart!" Dave tells Dr. Rhodes.
Dr. Rhodes does what he's told, the suit starts coming undone. When the chest part falls to the side, he can see Shaylynn has a gunshot wound between her collarbone and shoulder. He lifts up her head to take her helmet off. Once off, he sees she has her eyes open looking at him.
Duncan comes running over.
Dan crouches down and gives him a boost to the top of the truck.
Dr. Rhodes looks over at Duncan, "We have to get her down and to the ED!"
"Shaylynn, can you sit up?" Duncan asks her.
She tries to sit up, but can't do it by herself.
Dr. Rhodes puts his hand behind the shoulder that's been shot, while Duncan puts his hand behind the other shoulder and helps her sit up.
Dr. Rhodes looks down at who's standing by the truck, "Does anyone have something I can use to put pressure on Shaylynn's wound?"
Sam takes off her scarf, Dave gives her a boost so she can hand it to Dr. Rhodes, he sits her back down on the ground. Moving out of the way, she walks over and stands by Hank.
"Is it bad?" Hank asks her.
Sam just looks at him.
Duncan and Dr. Rhodes start lowering Shaylynn down to Atwater and Halstead. Once down, Atwater carries Shaylynn to the ED with everyone following behind him.

They reach the ED and walk into madness!
"Dr. Rhodes, there you are!" Maggie says, "Pick a cell! It doesn't matter! We need ALL hands on deck!" she tells him.
"I have to take care of her!" Dr. Rhodes tells Maggie.
"I'll be fine! You go and help the Firefighters!" Shaylynn tells him.
"That bullet needs to come out!" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
"Have her do it!" Shaylynn tells Dr. Rhodes as Dr. Reese passes by.
Dr. Rhodes gives Shaylynn a glare, "What? Isn't she a doctor?"
"Yes, but she doesn't have experience at removing bullets" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
"Then she'll be getting some experience today!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Dr. Reese!" Dr. Rhodes yells.
She turns around and heads back over in their direction.
"Yes" she says to Dr. Rhodes.
"You'll be taking a bullet out of her shoulder" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Dr. Reese gets a worried look on her face, "But I don't have any experience taking out bullets" she says.
Shaylynn smiles at Dr. Reese, "You'll do fine! The only way to get experience is to do it!"
Dr. Reese looks back at Dr. Rhodes, "The patient has requested you perform the procedure" he tells her as Shaylynn walks into a Cell.
Walking into the Cell behind Shaylynn, Dr. Reese grabs some gloves so she can look over the wound.
Dr. Rhodes walks away and sees April, he walks up to her, "Please go in there and supervise!" he tells her.
April nods to him, walks over, and into the Cell.

The next day, all Firefighters are discharged.
All on Truck 81 received a lot of cuts, were all the guys on Squad 3 received cuts and concussions.
Down in the waiting room, all the Firefighters are waiting on their rides.
Herrmann looks back at the doors that lead to the waiting room and sees Shaylynn walking out.
"There's our rescuer!" he says a little too loud.
"How's everyone?" she asks everyone.
"Alive, thanks to you and your guys!" Casey says standing up so she can sit down.
"Thanks!" Shaylynn says to Casey as she sits down.
She notices she's sitting around all the Squad guys, "How are all of you?" she asks.
"We're all okay" Cruz tells her.
"You shouldn't have done what you did!" she hears coming from her side.
She turns and looks at Severide, "What was I suppose to do? Just leave you guys there and see if those guys could hit the gas tank and make the truck explode?"
"You were shot!" Severide says upset looking at her shoulder.
"Part of the job!" Shaylynn tells him, "You should know about the dangers that come with a job! Protecting is what I do. I did a lot of security jobs before doing what I'm doing now. I know the risks!"
"Aren't your suits bulletproof?" Capp asks her.
"Most of our suits are, but there are places where bullets can go through. That shooter just got lucky!" she tells him.
Everyone's rides start arriving.
Severide, Casey, and Shaylynn are the last ones in the waiting room.
Dawson walks through the doors, "You two ready?" she asks Casey and Severide.
"Yeah! I'm ready to get home!" Casey tells her.
Severide looks at Shaylynn, "Is someone coming for you?" he asks.
"Yeah, someone should be here" she tells him, smiling.
He smiles back at her, then starts walking out the door with Casey and Dawson.
As he starts walking out, he walks past Sam, "Are you ready?" he hears Sam asks Shaylynn.
"Yes, where's Duncan?" Shaylynn asks.
"He had something to do" Sam tells her, "Let's get going!"
Shaylynn follows Sam out to her car.
They get in and Sam drives off.
"My house isn't this way" Shaylynn tells her.
"I have something I need to do first before I take you home, okay?" Sam says to her.
"Alright!" Shaylynn says.

Thirteen minutes later, Sam is driving on Navy Pier.
She comes to a stop, she's gone as far as she can.
"This won't take long" Sam tells Shaylynn, "You can come with me" she says as she gets out of the car.
Shaylynn opens the door and gets out. She follows Sam the rest of the way out onto Navy Pier, when she sees Hank and Duncan standing there.
"What's going on?" Shaylynn asks Sam as they walk closer.
Sam stops walking as Hank starts walking away from Duncan, Shaylynn walks up to him.
"What are you doing? With Sam and Hank here, I know you're not going to kill me" she tells Duncan with a little laugh.
Duncan let's out a little laugh and smiles at her, "I wanted to get you here because I want to ask you if you would marry me?" he says to her opening the ring box.
Shaylynn gets a huge smile on her face, "YES!" she tells him throwing her arms around his neck.

Fire Down Below  (Matches & Gasoline) Ruling Chicago #1 (Chicago Fire)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ