Chapter 9 "Sniffing Around"

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Maggie walks up to Sam and Duncan, "You two can have a seat out in the waiting room. It will be another thirty minutes before they finish up. I'll let you know when they're done and have her in a room" she tells them noticing the look on Duncan's face.
"Thank you!" Sam says as she puts her hand on Duncan's arm.
He looks at her, "Let's go and sit down" Sam says to him.

Thirty minutes later, Shaylynn is being moved to a room. Severide follows her up.
After getting her settled, Severide sits down in the chair beside her bed waiting for either Hank or Sam to show up.
The medication Shaylynn was given starts to wear off, she starts to wake up.
She looks around and notices she's in the hospital, then she sees Severide sitting by her bed.
He sees her looking at him and smiles, she smiles back.
"Why are you here?" she asks him.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay" he tells her, "You cut your wrists pretty bad and lost quite a bit of blood making you pass out" he says.
"I'm sure not eating breakfast this morning didn't help" she tells him.
"Why were you in the building?" Severide asks her.
"Remember when I told you about the guy my sister's department was after who set off the bombs in the building my husband was in, well he was the guy in this building. I was so close, but the bastard figured out that I was using night vision and blinded me with his flashlight" she tells him.
Severide looks down and sees that the bandage on her right wrist is red. He stands up, lifts up her hand to get a better look.
Sam and Duncan come walking into Shaylynn's room and see Severide standing by her bed holding her hand.
Duncan gets a pissed off look on his face, then looks at Sam, "I told you!"
Sam shoots him a glare.
"I'll be right back!" Severide tells Shaylynn.
Severide starts walking toward the door, he passes Duncan, "Chill out! I saw that her wound was bleeding and was looking at her bandage!" Severide tells him in a hushed tone.
Severide walks out, heading to the nurses station. Duncan starts to go after him, when Sam grabs his arm.
"Now is not the time!" she tells him.
Duncan walks over to Shaylynn. He bends down and kisses her.
"Hi" Shaylynn says reaching up to touch his face.
He puts his hand over hers "Why were you in the building?" he asks.
"It's a long story and now is not the time" she tells him.
"I want to know how you knew what building to go to!" Sam says.
Duncan looks back at Sam with a guilty look, "Duncan!" she says to him.
"How was I to know Shaylynn wasn't to know about the building! What aren't you telling me?" he asks Sam.
"I have history with Hicks, then unfortunately Shaylynn became part of that history" she tells Duncan when Dr. Rhodes walks in and over to Shaylynn.
Duncan moves out of the way, "Let me see your wrist" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
A nurse carrying supplies walks into the room.
"Just as I thought, you need a few more stitches" Dr. Rhodes tells Shaylynn, "If you two wouldn't mind stepping out" Dr. Rhodes says to Duncan and Sam.
They walk out of Shaylynn's room to the hallway. Duncan sees Severide standing there.
"Why are you still here?" Duncan asks him.
"What's your problem?" Severide asks Duncan.
"My problem is with you sniffing around my girlfriend!" Duncan tells Severide walking toward him.
Severide starts walking toward Duncan, "I'm not sniffing around! The hospital needed a blood donor for Shaylynn, so I donated my blood. Then I came up here with her so she wouldn't be alone in case she woke up. I helped her, like she helped me! You need to just back off!" Severide tells him.
Sam steps in between the two guys, giving Duncan a little push backwards.
"And I want to thank you for saving and helping my sister!" Sam tells Severide.
Duncan is still looking at Severide with a pissed off look. He looks at Sam with the same look. Turning, he walks down the hallway to the elevator.
Sam shakes her head, "What am I going to tell her?" she says to Severide.
"That he's a dick!" Severide says, "Sorry! I shouldn't have said that" he tells Sam.
"No, you're right! He's being a dick! Shaylynn's lying in a hospital bed and I'm sure she's going to ask where he is when I walk back into the room" Sam says.
"I should be getting back to the Firehouse" Severide tells Sam as Dr. Rhodes walks out of the room with the nurse behind him.
"I'll give you a ride" Sam tells Severide.
"Thanks, but I'll find a way back. You stay here with Shaylynn" Severide tells her.
"I'll drop you off" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide.
"Aren't you working?" Severide asks.
"I've been here for 18 hours! Shaylynn was it for me, it's time to go home!" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide.
"Alright" Severide tells Dr. Rhodes.
Dr. Rhodes starts walking away, "Bye, Sam!" Severide says.
He starts following Dr. Rhodes down the hallway.
Sam turns around and walks into Shaylynn's room, "Where's Kelly?" Shaylynn asks Sam when she sees her.
Sam gets a surprised look on her face, "He's heading back to the Firehouse. Why are you asking where Kelly is?" Sam asks her.
"I wanted to thank him for donating his blood to me. Dr. Rhodes told me about the blood shortage and the restrictions the hospital has put on it" Shaylynn tells her.
"Where's Duncan? Will he be coming in soon?" Shaylynn asks.
"Something came up and he had to leave" Sam tells her sister a little white lie to spare her feelings, "Did the doctor tell you when you can leave?" Sam asks changing the subject.
"In a couple of days. He wants to make sure the cuts stay closed and that no infections show themselves" Shaylynn tells her.

Those couple of days pass and Shaylynn's released.
Sam goes to the hospital to pick Shaylynn up to take her home.
On the way to Shaylynn's house, they get caught in traffic.
"Is Duncan okay?" Shaylynn asks Sam.
"Yes, he's been at work" Sam tells her.
"Oh, okay" Shaylynn says looking out the window.
"Why are you asking?" Sam asks.
"The only time I saw him while I was in the hospital was when he was there with you. I saw Kelly and the guys on his Squad more" Shaylynn tells her.
Damn it, Duncan! Sam thinks to herself.
Finally, traffic starts moving.

Sam pulls up in front of Shaylynn's house, "Are you going to be okay?" Sam asks her as Shaylynn gets out of the car.
Shaylynn smiles at her, "I'll be fine! Thanks for picking me up!"
She closes the door and starts walking up to her house, as Sam drives away.

Shaylynn walks into her house.
She throws her keys onto a table as she heads into the kitchen.
Opening up the refrigerator, she grabs a bottle of water noticing that's the only thing in there.
She rolls her eyes as she walks to the living room to lay down on the couch to rest.
A couple of hours later, knocking wakes her up.
Shaylynn gets up, walks over to the door, opening it she sees Duncan standing there.
"Sam told me she brought you home" he says to her.
"Do you want to come in?" Shaylynn asks him.
Duncan shakes his head 'no', "I stopped by to give you this" he says handing her a small bag, "It's the few things you had at my place. When you figure out what you want, you know where I am!" he tells her.
Duncan turns around, walks back to his car, and gets in.
Shaylynn watches him drive way.
She's standing in the doorway wondering what just happened.
After closing the door, she walks over to the couch, and sits down. Picking up her phone she sends a text message to Sam, then throws her phone back onto the table.
Trying to figure out what she did, there's another knock at the door.
Shaylynn gets up and walks over to the door wondering if Duncan has come to his senses.
She opens the door to see Severide standing there with flowers. 


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