Chapter 27 "Ramjet"

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"What do you mean things went sideways? Are they okay?" Severide asks them.
"As far as we know, everyone is okay except for a couple of guys they went in for. Before we lost radio contact, Lindsay and Upton took out a couple of guys. Because of that, the main guy they went in for is more than likely keeping his eyes on them" Hank tells Severide.
"Can't they do something about him?" Severide asks.
"This guy has an automatic weapon! He could take out Lindsay and Upton before they even thought about taking him down!" Hank tells him.
Butch and the other guys pull up and run over, "What the hell is going on? Butch asks.
"Shaylynn is being held hostage along with Lindsay, Burgess, Upton, and everyone else that's inside the club" Severide tells him.
The Hostage Negotiator has been talking to the guy inside the club. He comes walking over to Hank and Sam.
"The guy told me he wants a helicopter" the Negotiator tells Sam.
Butch looks at Sam, "Let me handle this."
"Give him the phone!" Sam tells the Negotiator.
He hands the phone over to Butch, he pushes a button on the phone, "Who am I speaking to?" Butch asks the guy inside the club.
"It doesn't matter who you're talking to! Who am I talking to?" the guy inside asks.
"I'm the guy who's going to get you the helicopter!" Butch tells him, "But to get that helicopter you have to do something for me!" Butch tells the guy.
"Really! You're not in any position to be demanding things from me!" the guy says.
"It's nothing hard! All you have to do is say, tailspin!" Butch tells him.
"Tailspin! What the hell does that mean?" the guy asks Butch.
"Nothing. Your helicopter will be on it's way!" Butch says, "I'll call you when it's here!" he says hanging up.
"What did you just do!" Sam asks Butch.
"Putting something into motion!" Butch tells her.

Inside the club, the ladies are listening to the guy on the phone.
"Do you think they'll get the helicopter for him?" Burgess asks.
"I doubt it!" Upton says.
"Tailspin! What the hell does that mean?" the guy says into the phone.
Shaylynn looks over at the guy. She gets into her pocket, takes out a scrunchie, and puts her hair back into a ponytail.
"What are you doing?" Burgess asks Shaylynn.
"I'm getting hot" Shaylynn tells her.
Ten minutes later, the guy is back on the phone, he hangs up after a few seconds.
"My helicopter is here! Now which one of you is going to my hostage so I can get to it safely?!" the guy says looking around at everyone.
All the strippers start crying, trying not to make contact with the guy as he walks past them.
"Take me!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Why should I take you?" the guy asks walking over to her.
"Because my Dad is a Sergeant with the CPD!" she tells him, "They wouldn't dare shoot at you if you had me!"
"That's a good point!" the guy says as he collects a backpack, that he puts on his back.
"What are you doing?" Lindsay asks Shaylynn in a hushed tone.
"Having him take me instead of one of those women" Shaylynn says back.
The guy walks back over to Shaylynn, "Get up!" he demands.
Shaylynn stands up, he puts his left arm around her neck since he's holding the gun in his right hand.
Shaylynn starts crying when the guy puts his gun up to her head.
Lindsay, Burgess, and Upton look at each other wondering what's going on.
"If only we had our guns. We could take him out when he turns his back" Upton says.
"Not with him having Shaylynn" Lindsay tells her.

The guy starts walking outside.
He sees the helicopter is sitting over in a parking lot that's on the opposite corner from the club. Walking in that direction, he sees just how much CPD is out here along with the FBI and CFD.

Everyone sees the guy walk out of the club, with Shaylynn as his hostage. His arm wrapped around her neck, with his gun pointed to her head.
"Is she crying?" Severide asks, "She's crying!" he says getting ready to run over to her.
Butch pushes him back, "Are you trying to get her killed?"
"EVERYONE CLEAR A PATH!" the guy shouts out as he and Shaylynn walk out into the intersection.
Hank steps forward a little, "THAT WOULD BE ME!" Hank shouts at him.
The guy takes his gun away from Shaylynn's head and points it toward Hank, "I SHOULD SHOOT YOU AND REALLY GIVE HER SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!" the guy shouts back.
"IS THIS FAR ENOUGH?" Shaylynn shouts out through tears.
"YES!" Butch shouts at her.
Shaylynn stops crying and gets a serious look on her face.
She quickly grabs the man's balls, sending sheer pain throughout him, while grabbing his gun with her left hand. Shaylynn then turns around, punching him, sending him down on to the street. A ton of CPD officers come running out and surround him, while others storm into the club.
"That's my girl!" Butch says with a smile on his face.
Hank and Severide look at each other, then look over at Sam who has a huge smile on her face.
"What are you smiling at?" Hank asks her.
"BAD ASS! I knew I got it from somewhere!" Sam says looking at Hank.
Sam sees the look on Hank's face and starts laughing.
Severide walks straight up to Butch, "How could you put her into a situation like that?"
"Back up, Ramjet!" Butch tells Severide, "She knew what she was doing! If you can't handle this, then maybe you better rethink being engaged to her!" Butch says.
"BUTCH!" Sam yells at him.
"It's true! He knows what the dangers are that come with a job! It's no different for her! She's been trained to do what she does, just like him!" Butch says, "Get with the program now or there's going to be problems down the line!"
Butch starts walking back to his truck as Shaylynn walks over to Sam, Severide, and Hank.
Severide instantly grabs her and hugs her, "Are you okay?" he asks.
"I'm fine!" Shaylynn tells him looking back at the club to see the other ladies walking out.
"Why were you crying?" he asks her.
"Because the guy wouldn't have believed a woman wouldn't have been terrified having a gun held to her head if she wasn't crying" she tells him.
Lindsay, Burgess, and Upton walk over, "Were you able to find out anything?" Hank asks them.
"Yeah, it was said that the Museum Campus/11 Street station is going to be hit" Lindsay tells him.
"That's not far from here!" Sam says.
Everyone hears a BOOM!
They look off to the East and see a huge cloud of smoke rising up into the sky.

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