Chapter 18 "Life Is Short"

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The next morning, the ladies wake up to a lot of noise.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" they hear Trudy yell from the kitchen.
She comes walking out, holding her bra up, it's frozen stiff.
Everyone starts laughing, including Shaylynn.
Sam throws her arms around Shaylynn's neck, "What are you doing?" Shaylynn asks her.
"It's nice to see you smile and laugh again!" Sam tells her.

The ladies start getting dressed.
One by one their rides start showing up.
Trudy looks at Burgess, "I know it was you that stuck my bra in the freezer!" she says with a glare.
Burgess takes a big gulp.
Dawson, Sam, and Shaylynn laugh as Trudy walks out the door with Burgess behind her.
The three ladies laugh even more as they watch Trudy get into the car with Mouch and start flinging her bra every where.
Dawson's phone rings as Stone pulls up in front of Shaylynn's house.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you're coming with us to brunch" Sam tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn gives Sam a look, then looks down to the sweats she's wearing.
"Then it would probably be a good idea to invite Peter inside while I go change" Shaylynn tells Sam.
Sam heads outside to get Stone.
Dawson gets off her phone, "Is everything alright?" Shaylynn asks her.
"That was Matt. He said he's going to be a little late getting to brunch, so he can't pick me up" Dawson tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at her, "That isn't a problem. I'll drive us" she tells Dawson then heads upstairs as Stone and Sam walk into the house.

Shaylynn goes into her bedroom, walks over to her closet and pulls out her clothes she's going to wear. She grabs a purse and a pair of shoes, heads over to her bed, and lays them down.
Getting into her jewelry box, she takes out a necklace and earrings.

Getting into her jewelry box, she takes out a necklace and earrings

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Ten minutes later, Shaylynn is walking downstairs.
"Gabby told us about Matt. You're going to drive?" Stone asks her.
"Yes, I'm going to drive her and myself" Shaylynn tells him.
Stone nods to her and tells Shaylynn the address of the restaurant.
He and Sam head outside to his car, while Dawson and Shaylynn walk out to the garage.
Sam and Stone are sitting in the car waiting for Shaylynn to come around the corner.
"What am I watching for?" Stone asks Sam.
Sam looks over to him and smiles, "You'll know it when you see it!" she says.
Stone turns back and looks out the windshield, when a Ferrari comes around the corner.
"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's Shaylynn" Stone says to Sam.
"Yep!" Sam says back.
Stone puts the car into gear and drives off following behind.

Shaylynn stops at a stoplight.
Dawson and her hear catcalling coming from across the street.
"HEY BABY! YOU TWO IN THE HOT CAR!" a guy shouts.
Dawson looks at Shaylynn.
Shaylynn flips on and off the red and blue lights she had installed.
The light turns green.
Shaylynn shakes her head as she pulls away.
Going down the street some, Shaylynn comes to a side street and turns down it.
"What is she doing?" Stone asks.
"I don't know. Pull over and see if she comes back around" Sam tells him.
Stone does what Sam says. They sit there and wait, Sam turns around in her seat to see better.
Coming off the side street, Shaylynn turns on to another side street, and drives slowly up behind the guy that was yelling at her and Dawson. She gets up right behind him and REVS the engine scaring the guy so bad he falls to the ground.
The guy looks at her and starts running his mouth again.
Shaylynn flips him off and speeds off around the corner, the guy throwing a bottle that he has at her car.
Red and blue lights are seen flashing on top of a Police car that's pulling over by the guy.
Shaylynn and Dawson start laughing their asses off, Shaylynn waving at Stone and Sam as she passes them.
Stone looks over at Sam who's smiling from ear to ear "What are you smiling at?" he asks her.
"My sister's back!" Sam tells him.
Stone drives off.

They arrive at the restaurant.
The valets see the Ferrari pull up and fight over who's going to take care of it. Then they see Dawson and Shaylynn get out, they really start fighting.
Stone and Sam pull up behind them and get out of the car, listening to what's going on.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes and looks over at Dawson, "What is it about you, Gabby!? I can't take you anywhere without the guys going nuts and then I end up getting into a fight!" Shaylynn says to Dawson while walking over to the valets podium with her Sigs holster showing.
Dawson and Sam are trying not to laugh, while the valets eyes almost pop out of their heads.
One of the valets sticks out his hand to Shaylynn to take her key, while the other one hurries back to Stone.
All of them walk into the restaurant.
"Shaylynn, you're terrible! Did you see those guys faces? They were thinking you were going to shoot them!" Sam tells her as the hostess seats them at a round table.
They order some drinks while they wait for Casey.
Fifteen minutes later, Casey shows up with Severide with him.
Sam and Dawson sees who walks in with Casey, they both look at each other and smile.
Looking at how everyone is seated, Casey sits down in the empty chair between Sam and Dawson, as Severide sits down in the empty chair between Stone and Shaylynn.
"Shaylynn" Dawson says to her in a hushed tone.
Shaylynn has been working on her phone and looks at Dawson. Dawson gives her a nod as to say 'look to your other side'.
Shaylynn puts her phone in her purse, then looks over to the empty chair or what use to be an empty chair.
She sees Severide smile back at her, she returns the smile.
Their waiter comes out and takes their orders since the rest of their party has arrived.
"Shaylynn, I need to apologize to you!" Casey says to her.
She looks at Casey with a confused look.
"I'm the one who said something to Kelly at the hospital. It's all my fault!" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Severide, "How does Matt know what we talked about?" she asks him.
"When you called last night, I was at his place. He heard everything" Severide tells her.
"I'm so sorry, Shaylynn!" Casey says again.
She looks over at Casey, "It's alright!"
Their food comes out, everyone eats, and finishes.
Shaylynn excuses herself so she can go to the bathroom.
Sitting there for five minutes, Stone waves over their waiter, "Can I get the bill?" Stone asks him.
"The bill has already been taken care of" the waiter tells him and walks away.
Stone turns around and looks at Sam, "Shaylynn" they both say at the same time.
They get up and start walking out to see Shaylynn already standing outside, with the cars already pulled up.
"We need to be going to my Mother's" Dawson tells Casey.
Casey looks at Severide with a look, "I forgot all about that!" he says.
"It's alright, I'll take him home" Shaylynn tells Casey.
"Are you sure?" Casey asks her.
"Yes, it's no problem!" she tells him.
Dawson looks back at Sam and they both smile.
Shaylynn hugs Sam and Dawson goodbye and says goodbye to Stone and Casey.
They get into their cars and take off.
Severide looks at Shaylynn, "I can get a cab or an Uber. My place is out of your way" he tells her.
"Nonsense! I told Matt I was taking you home, so I'm taking you home. Now get in!" Shaylynn tells him.
She and Severide get into the car, "You'll have to tell me your address again, I forgot it!" she tells him with a smile.
Severide tells her his address. She pulls out of the restaurants driveway, going in that direction.

Shaylynn pulls up in front of where Severide is staying.
He gets out and walks around the car over to her side, Shaylynn puts her window down.
"Is that your Indian?" she asks Severide looking at a motorcycle
"Yes" he tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him.
"Thanks for the ride, Shaylynn!" Severide tells her.
"It was no problem! Bye, Kelly!" she says then drives away.
Severide turns around to start walking in when he runs into his 85 year old neighbor, Frank, who has a big smile on his face.
"WOW, Kelly! You have a HOT girlfriend who has a hot car!" Frank says to him.
Severide smiles and laughs, "She's not my girlfriend, but a friend."
Frank looks at Severide oddly, "What are you waiting for?"
"It just isn't the right time for either of us!" Severide says.
Frank laughs at him, "I said the samething when I was young. I'm just going to take my time, then Lucille came into my life I still thought I would take my time with her, then I was sent overseas to war. News I received from letters from my friends was that Lucille was being courted by another fella. A month later he was sent off to war and died. That was a wake up call to me! If I loved Lucille so much, I had to show her. I started writing her letters. By our second month of writing letters, I asked her to marry me. She said yes!" Frank tells Severide with a big smile, "As soon as I returned, we were married. We celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary before she died 6 months ago. Don't let anyone tell you that you're moving too fast! Life is too short and anything can happen in a split second!" Frank says, then walks off to his car.
Processing what Frank told him, Severide walks inside, smiling to himself.

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