Chapter 20 "Perfect Night"

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It's Saturday night, time for the Fire Commissioners Ball.
Casey is true to his word and rents a limo. He and Dawson stop by Severide's to pick him up, they make another stop, then start heading to Shaylynn's.

The limo pulls up in front of Shaylynn's, "Go get her" Casey tells Severide with a smile on his face.
Severide gets out of the limo and starts walking up the steps to her house. The door opens, Shaylynn walks out, closes the door behind her, and turns around to face Severide.
Severide is speechless looking at what she's wearing. 

Shaylynn sees the look on Severide's face, "Too much?" she asks him

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Shaylynn sees the look on Severide's face, "Too much?" she asks him.
Severide shakes his head 'no'.
He walks up to her, "Let me help you down the steps" he tells her sticking his arm out for her to grab onto.
Shaylynn puts her arm through his, grabs onto her dress to pull it up a little so she doesn't trip on it walking down the steps.
Once they reach the limo, Severide opens the door for her. Shaylynn starts making her way into the limo when Casey grabs her hand to help her in and Sam grabs her clutch so Shaylynn can take care of her dress.
Shaylynn sits down, "Hi Sam, Peter! I wasn't expecting to see you two."
"The Fire Commissioner invited the State Attorney's office to the Ball, so here we are!" Sam says with a smile.
Shaylynn smiles at Sam as Severide gets into the limo and sits down beside her. The limo drives off.

The limo pulls up in front of the Adler Planetarium, where the Ball is being held.
They all get out of the limo.
Casey and Dawson in the lead, Stone and Sam behind them, with Severide and Shaylynn following them.
Shaylynn sees all the steps and lets out a sigh, "What's wrong? Severide asks her.
"I think this dress was a big mistake seeing all these steps!" she tells him.
Severide smiles at her, "I'll help you! And, you look beautiful!" he tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Thank you!" she says as she takes ahold of his arm and grabs her dress a little to make it up the steps.
As they walk inside, they meet up with the others and see security is really tight.
"What's going on with all this security?" Severide asks Casey.
"Apparently the Fire Commissioners wife watched "How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days" and fell in love with the idea of women coming to a Ball and being able to wear all kinds of diamonds. Jewelers from all over Chicago are here. That's why there's so much security" Casey tells him.
Donna along with Boden and Cindy with Herrmann come over to meet everyone else. Donna and Cindy both sporting some impressive diamonds around their necks.
Dawson looks at both Donna and Cindy's necklaces, "Those are some rocks!" she tells them.
Cindy looks at Dawson, "I keep putting my hand on it to make sure I haven't lost it!" she says terrified, "I couldn't imagine paying for it if I did!"
"Did they tell you how much the necklace is worth?" Sam asks Cindy.
"Yes, a million dollars" Cindy tells her.
"Donna, what about your's?" Sam asks her.
"Mine is worth $1.5 million" Donna says.
"Let's get you ladies in there so you can find your jewelry" Casey says.
The couples walk in and split up walking by all the jewelers tables.
Walking by two jewelers, Severide and Shaylynn come walking up onto the third one.
They both look at the jewelry, "SHAYLYNN!" they hear come from behind the table.
A guy comes walking around, "It's great to see you!" he says to her in a French accent, kissing her on both cheeks.
"Hello, Pierre! You have a lot of beautiful diamonds!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Je vous remercie/Thank you!" he tells her, "May I be the one who puts their diamonds on you?" he asks her.
Shaylynn nods to Pierre.
Pierre waves to a guy who's behind the table, then points to somewhere behind the guy. He walks off.
"May I see inside your clutch?" Pierre asks her.
Shaylynn opens her clutch to reveal her Sig, "Ah, yes! You are the perfect one for this necklace and I know it will be well protected!" he tells her as he turns to the guy and takes a necklace from him.

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