Chapter 15

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Last chapter. Wow, what a journey, MAKE SURE TO READ CHAPTER 16 IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!


Astrid quietly gagged as she caught the sight of Hiccup and Heather locking lips, she understood that is was meant for a distraction, yet, if she wasn't sneaking to steal the lamp, oh, all the foul language she would spit out. She wouldn't be particularly angry with Hiccup but mostly with Heather. 

On the other side of the room, Stormfly and Scar abruptly stopped their childish wrestling to look in disgust at the two. Heather pulled away slowly, her hand tangling in Hiccup's locks as she looks at the boy. 

"That was--" Her eyes glance upward to see Astrid's reflection, reaching for the lamp, in HIccup's crown. "You!! How many times do I have to kill you, girl?" Heather turns quickly and zaps Astrid back into the large piles of gold. Hiccup rushes at Heather and shoves her to the floor, pissed at the fact that she had hit Astrid. Before Hiccup could sense it, Heather had shot another spark from her finger, this time pushing Hiccup to the floor. 

Acting quickly, Astrid grabs a hold of Heather's arm as Hiccup pushes himself up. 

"Get the lamp!" Astrid called Hiccup following her order and running to the lamp. Heather squirmed, noticing Hiccup picking up the lamp before shaking Astrid off to the side and shooting at Hiccup, trapping him in a large hourglass as the lamp rolled away. 

"Ah, ah, ah, Hiccup-- Your time is up!" Heather yelled happily as sand began to pour from the top, hitting the prince's head. 

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled panicked while Scar praised his leader. Stormfly looked at the lamp then her leader before running towards the golden item, Heather quickly catching the dragon. 

"Don't toy with me!" Heather pointed at the small dragon, and in the blink of an eye, Strmfly's body turned from scales to soft fabric, now transformed into nothing but a toy dragon. Next Carpet took his chance, grabbing the lamp with his tassel and flying from the area, but before he could get far, Heather grinned and turned the neatly woven rug into useless yarn, easily taking out Astrid's team. 

"Things are unraveling fast, now girl." Astrid's eyes landed upon the lamp once again, a small smile curving her lips as she stood, quickening her pace as she headed to the item she wanted to retrieve "Get the point?" As she threw out more puns, large axes and swords stuck from the ground, blocking Astrid's path. With a hideous laugh, Heather grabbed the lamp. "I'm just getting warmed up!" She breathes a ring of fire around the little "hero" as Astrid rolled her eyes, the puns becoming too much. 

"Are you afraid to fight me yourself, you cowardly snake?" Astrid pulled an axe from the ground, holding it in a fierce stance. 

"A snake, am I? Perhaps you'd like to see how snake-like I can be!" Heather smiles broadly as a snakes tongue escapes her lips from behind her teeth. Her head transforms into a large cobra, the ring of fire surrounding Astrid becomes part of the snake encircling her. 

Astrid glared and dodged as Heather made many attempts to bite the girl, yet, Astrid had dodged each attack before swinging her axe, cutting Heather's side. 

OUt in the corner was Tuffnut dressed as a cheerleader, the letter 'A' imprinted on his sweater. "Rickem, rockem, rackem, rake--stick that axe into that snake!" 

"You stay out of thisssss!" Heather hissed as Tuffnut pulled out a tiny flag, an H wrote on it this time. 

"Heather, Heather, she's our girl--if she can't do it, GREAT!"

Using the distraction, Astrid makes a break for the hourglass where Hiccup was trapped, the sand framing Hiccup from his waist down. Unaware that Heather took notice, Astrid held up a piece of broken wood, ready to swing but before she could Hiccup screamed her name as she was thrown across the room, landing with a harsh thud. 

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