Chapter 2

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Here are some changes in the script! Be prepared, what do you guys think so far? Really, I don't have any rambling so... off with 

The small Terrible Terror unburied himself from the sand, coughing as he does so. The cave no longer in the sight of Heather, Scar, and her Razorwhip.

"I can't believe it. I just don't believe it. We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp! Just forget it. Look at this. Look at this. I'm so ticked off that I'm molting!" Scales drop into the sand as he grumbles. His short flight to Heather's shoulder didn't cost any more scales to shed but a snarky comment from the girl didn't help any situation.

"If anything, your just a little dragon who easily gives up. You shouldn't have much doubt, you're just a dragon who can talk."

The dragon glares his 'master' the fire burning in his eyes. Of course, there wasn't much of an effect to scare her and send a shiver down his spine. If anything she was more incensed than anything. Her power had given the dragon the ability to talk after being left alone. Now, she was starting to like the idea of being alone.

"Oh shut up, I'll gladly send you into the cave if you want it so bad."

"If I get that lamp, I get the power over Berk and then we can do anything, get any revenge. If you keep acting that way I will throw you in the cave and you don't have enough strength to do anything." Heather scuffs. The dragon growls, the little threat being drowned out by the deep breaths of Heather who tried to calm down.

"Patience, Scar. Patience. Dagur was obviously less than worthy." She muttered

Scar looked at his master with anything but shocked eyes, he could have figured that out just by seeing the dumb man. Sarcasm oozed from his voice, it was a clear sign that he knew exactly how worthy this "thief" Dagur was.

"Oh, there's a big surprise. That's an incred--I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise! What're we gonna do? We got a big problem here, a big prob-" His whining was cut short as Heather wrapped her soft hand around the dragon's snout, a frown plastered on her face.

"Yes, we do. Only one may enter. I must find this one, this...diamond in the rough." Heather says glancing at the starry sky.

The night no longer in control of the sky, the light blue surrounding the village of Berk, the sun shining brightly at the people roaming the Earth.

The day seemed calm, yet it was anything but for one certain girl. A blonde woman with her wavy hair loosely hanging down her back and resting on her shoulders. Her clothing was an old piece of cloth turned into a dress. One of her sleeves were ripped and hanging off her shoulder. A rope was tied around ger waist to keep up some old leggings. Her feet were bare which didn't matter to her.

She didn't care about her feet when she was corned at the edge of a roof with a loaf of bread clutched between her sweaty finger tips. The street rat had to quickly stop herself before she toppled over the edge.

"Stop, thief! I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!" A guard dressed in nice leather had threatened. His name was Spitelout and he wasn't fond of the woman who was stopped at the edge. She has stole from many places, causes issuses, and never listened to authorities. She was a slippery one.

The so called "thief" looked at the guards who were quickly approaching, then to the loaf of bread sitting there, ready to be eaten by the woman who had taken it from the small store on the corner.

"All this for a loaf of bread?" She mumbles before leaping off the edge, her only hope of escape. A few ropes were strung between buildings, letting her earn a better route.

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