Chapter 10

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Hey guys. Sorry school is becoming more exhausting. I had collage tours and behind the wheel lessons and homework. Urgh! ALMOST DONE WITH THE BOOK GUYS!

Enjoy the chapter

Stoick sighed and rubbed his temple, the stack of papers piled on a table near his throne as he rested his mind, tired from everything that had suddenly occurred. With Hiccup having more issues with Heather and a execution, which bothered Stoick because his own son had ran off over the castle walls and followed a total stranger in an alley and wanted to protect them. Berk wasn't a safe haven so that haunted the chief. Other problems he had was the suitor business and complaints in the villages of robbery and sudden disappearances which he wasn't getting into.

Before Stoick could even lift his head, Heather stormed into the room, slamming the large door, papers flying from their positions causing the chief to let out a deep breath. If Hiccup or her had done something else, he was going to feed himself to the dragons.

"Heather. What brings you here?" His advisor could hear the tiredness oozing in his voice and his red eyes framed by darkened circles was another hint to Heather that he wasn't at his best moment.

"Sire, I have found a solution to the problem with your son," Heather started, shaking a scroll in his view.

"Awk! The problem with your son!"

"Oh, really? This should be good." Stoick mumbled and rested back in his chair as Heather opened the parchment, the long grime colored paper rolled to the floor which caused another sigh to escape the chief's lips.

"Right here. If the prince has not chosen a wife by the appointed time, then the sultan shall choose for him."

"You don't think I tried Heather. Hiccup has rejected every suitor I threw at him. All I'm hearing is the same thing I already tried. How could I choose someone he hates?"

"Not to worry, my liege. There is more. If, in the event a suitable princess cannot be found, a prince must then be wed to...hmm...interesting." Heather faked, trying to pull a conciving grin as she stroaked her chin.


"The royal vizier! Why, that would!"

"Why, I thought the law says that only a princess can marry a prince, I'm quite sure." Stoick tries to reach for the scroll but Heather pulled it away and rolling it back into a nice bundle.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord." Almost on command, Heather's necklace begins to glow, the light catching Stoick's eyes and putting him into another trance. 

"Yes...desperate measures..." Stoick repeats, his mind wandering off into an abyss.

"You will order the prince to marry me."

"I...will order...the" Suddenly the spell breaks momentarily "...but you and Hiccup don't get along!"Angered that Stoick managed to pull himself from her magical hold that Heather pushed it closer into her leader's face. 

"The prince will marry me!" 

"The prince will marry..." The spell is once again broken, this time by the fanfare of trumpets. heather groaned at another failure. Seeming to get nowhere, Heather tucked the red stone beneath her shirt and followed the curious Stoick to the balcony. A tune whistling through the air.

Stoick, Heather, and Scar watched from the castle, an advancing parade makes its way to the home of the Haddocks, obviously, another suitor arriving to take Hiccup's hand. The parade is led by what appears to be Tuffnut in the outfit of a major. 

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