Chapter 12

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Short chapter! 1,320 Only  words, not counting this note. The others are around 1,563 XD some are 1,732.

....Bummer, lol enjoy guys. 

Hiccup and Astrid made it back to the palace, Carpet forming a set of stairs once he lands on Hiccup's balcony. Hiccup steps off and watches the love of his life descend just below the balcony. 

"Good night, my beautiful princess." Hiccup says with a smile. Not wanting her to go. 

"Sleep well, handsome prince." The two slowly lean forward to kiss, but Carpet bumps her up and they kiss sooner than expected. After sharing a tender kiss, Hiccup heads back to his room for the night, a smile plastered on his face before he is covered by the curtains. 

"Yes!" Astrid yells joyfully as she falls back onto Carpet who descends to the ground as Astrid watches the stars. "For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right." Suddenly, four sets of hands grab her. "HEY! What?" A gag is tied around Astrid's mouth, silencing her screams. Stormfly was trapped inside a net while carpet was tied to a tree. The heavy feeling of shackles are placed around her ankles and wrists. 

"Hold her!" A guard says as Astrid squirms furiously. 

"I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Princess Hoffseen." Heather spats before walking off and sends orders to the guards. "Make sure she's never found." A guard hits Astrid in the head, quickly pulling her to unconsciousness. Suddenly the guards are found near a cliff, laughing as Astrid's body is sent to under the wave. She had gained consciousness but with the heavy boulder near her feet, she can't swim up once she hits the sea floor. From her hood, the lamp escapes and lands a few feet from the struggling Astrid. She quickly tries to reach it but she doesn't get far. Soon, Astrid's consciousness is lost and she falls limp. With her movements, the lamp is unsettled, rolls down and rubs against her slim fingers. 

The lamp glows and shakes before pushing out Tuffnut who was naked and his lower half was covered in bubbled while he had a rubber ducky in one hand and a back brush in the other.

"Never fails. Get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp." He squeaks the duck. "Hello." He turns to see his master unconscious on the floor. Astrid? Astrid? Kid, snap out of it! You can't cheat on this one! I can't help you unless you make a wish. You have to say "Genie I want you to save my life." Got it? Okay. C'mon Astrid!" Tuffnut shakes Astrid by the shoulders. "I'll take that as a yes." Tuffnut turns into a submarine and flies out from the water with Astrid in his arms. A large waterspout shoots up from the water, shooting Tuffnut and Astrid to land of the cliff. 

Astrid reawakes and coughs the water that filled her lungs. 

"Don't you scare me like that!" 

"Tuffnut, I--uh, I-uh..." Astrid is speechless so instead of letting Astrid figure how to wrod it, Tuffnut hugs her gently as Astrid hugs back. "Thanks, Genie."

"Oh, Astrid. I'm gettin' kind of fond of you, kid. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything." The two fly off, heading back to their friends and then the castle.

Up in Hiccup's room, Hiccup was laying on his bed with a smile, humming "A Whole New World" as he relaxed happily. 

"It was breath-taking Toothless, the stars and the clouds. I never wanted to come home." Toothless gave the boy a look of disapproval as Hiccup chuckles before sitting up and scratching his dragon behind the ear. "Don't worry, I'll take you out there soon, and I always would come home for you." Toothless purred at the result before the door was suddenly shoved open. 

"Hiccup?" Stoick's blunt voice called out as Hiccup stood up and running a hand through his moppy hair.

"What's up dad?" Hiccup wondered. Stoick blinked nor looked Hiccup in the eye, which confused the boy. Speaking of weird, Hiccup noticed that his father's voice was more monotone than he realized. 

"Hiccup, I have chosen a wife for you." 

"Uh, what?" Stoick opens the other door to reveal Heather with a wicked grin. Hiccup frowned as he took in the sight f the witch, clearly upset. Yet, he could speak no words. 

"You will wed Heather."

"You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a husband." Heather says as she takes a hold of Hiccup's hand, the boy quickly yanking his hand from her's with a growl.

"I will never marry you." Hiccup turns to his father. "I want to marry princess Ali."  

"Prince Ali left!" Heather quickly stated. A voice calls from the back, startling Hiccup and Heather. Astrid was found standing in the doorway with her arms folded. 

"Better check your crystal ball again, Heather!" Astrid growls and heads over to Hiccup as he calls for her.

"Prince Ali!" Heather gasps. 

"How in the he--" Scar squawks, quick not to blow his cover. 

"Tell them the truth, Heather! You tried to have me killed." Hiccup glares at the word 'killed' he should have known that Heather was behind this but why won't his father see it. 

"What? Ridiculous nonsense, your highness. She is obviously lying." THe amulet glows brighter, catching Astrid's eyes. As Stoick repeats. 


"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Hiccup asks, stepping to his father and trying to catch his father's still eyes. 

"I know!" Astrid rips the pendant from Heather's neck and throws it to the ground, her foot quickly covers it with her foot, smashing it to pieces, freeing Stoick from its hold. Heather flinches and the spell is finally broken

"Oh, oh, oh my!" Stoick says, holding his head. 

"Your highness, Heather's been controlling you with this!" Astrid shows the broken pieces of the necklace in her hands, causing Stoick to burn with rage. 

"What? Heather? You, you traitor!" The three advances on Heather. 

"Your majesty, all of this can be explained." 

"Guards! Guards!" 

"Well, that's it--we're dead, forget about it. Just dig a grave for both of us. We're dead." Scar calls but something catches Heather's attention, the lamp sticking out from Astrid's hood. She tries to reach for it but the guards quickly get a hold of her. 

"Arrest Heather at once." 

"This is not done yet, girl!" Heather pulls a vial from her pocket. Knowing what she is about to do, Astrid rushes her, but Heather throws the vial to the floor, creating a large cloud. It dissolves to air, showing that Scar and Heather are gone, no longer around. 

"Find her, search everywhere!" Stoick ordered. 

Astrid heads to Hiccup's side, holding him as she smiles warmly. 

"You okay Ali?" Hiccup asks and all Astrid responds with is a nod. The two are about to lean in to kiss, but Stoick barges between them.

"Heather, my most trusted counselor, plotting against me all this time. Just horrible. How will I ever-" He stops in mid-sentence and looks at the pair, realizing what his son was doing. "Can it be true? My son has finally chosen a suitor?" Hiccup nods happily and hugs Astrid tighter, enjoying the feeling of her in his arms. 

Astrid rested her head against Hiccup's chest as he rested his head against her's once more. 

"Ha ha! Praise Allah! You brilliant girl, I could kiss you! I won't--I'll leave that to my--. You two will be wed at once! Yes, yes. And you'll be happy and prosperous, and then girl, you will be a chief's wife!" 

"A chief's wife?" Astrid looks at Hiccup's arms around her. She couldn't lose him but they believed she was someone who could be a chief's wife. When she has never done anything good. 

"Yes, a fine upstanding youth like yourself, a person of your unimpeachable moral character is exactly what this kingdom needs!" Yet, she was nothing but a lying, dirty, street rat.

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