Chapter 6

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Hope you like this one. Accidentally deleted it all and forgot there was this revision button until I rewrote this all and I really don't like feeling changing it. Hope this one isn't too bad. 

Deep inside the castle was a wooden door, hidden from other townsfolks or any of the royalties knowledge. The room was occupied, busy with Heather and her dragon Scar who was running on a gear in a bizarre contraption. Heather watched her dragon run, creating a storm that was brewing above the man-made machine.

Scar was exhausted, he was running for a little while and his breaths were getting heavier with every turn of the wheels.  "With all due respect, your rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a real storm?"

"Save your breath, Scar. Faster!" Heather says as she gently places the ring in the little contraption. All her answers would soon be answered and the feeling of relief of figuring this out was making her impatient every second. 

"Yes, o mighty evil one." Scar responds before he takes a deep breath and runs faster. The power of his running causes a lightning bolt streaks through the ring, passing into the hourglass placed below it. Heather watches as the sand began to swirl, almost seeming to wait for her command. 

"Ah, sands of time--reveal to me the one who can enter the cave," Heather says. The sand creates an image of the Cave of the Red Death. The image of the mysterious, wondrous cave falls through the hour glass, giving the answer she was waiting for. A picture of Astrid climbing a ladder to the roofs, leading a mysterious person in a cloak up the ladder with her. Heather didn't care for the little friend the blonde had, instead she put her full focus onto the female and took the details of her face in. "Yes, yes! There she is. My diamond in the rough!"

"That's her?!?! That's the clown we've been waitin' for?" Scar says, disappointed that the person who could enter the cave was, in fact, a female and was dressed in rags. As Scar was lost in his thought about the reveal of the Diamond in the Rough, that he actually lost his footing and is sucked into the gears of the machine. 

"Let's have the guards extend her an invitation to the palace, shall we?" Heather said with a grin, not even phased by her Terrible Terror flying past her and collides with the wall.

"Swell." Scar said breathlessly before dropping off the wall and crumpling to the floor. Heather looks at her terror before laughing hideously. Her plan was going smooth, soon she would be in control of Berk, she finally could make her wicked dreams come true.

Astrid couldn't help but smile as she finished climbing the ladder and taking a hold of Hiccup's hand, smiling at how perfectly his hand fit into her's. Throughout the walk, she's been stealing glances at the boy, her heart twisting and sending butterflies everywhere in her body. Yet, she had to stop thinking that way, she had only just met him and she didn't need him to think she was some creep in an alley way who saved men and took them into her home for Thor knows what. 

"Almost there," Astrid says calmly. Hiccup watched as she ascended the ladder and onto the roof. As much as he tried to avoid the feelings bubbling in his stomach, he just couldn't. The way she looked at him and the way he felt when she would look at him here and there. Yeah, they had only just met, but she had saved his life after looking stupid in the plaza and she was gorgeous and her real personality was more real than the suitors he was forced to meet. She was perfect for him.

Lost in thought and his mind clouded by love, Hiccup didn't realize that his peg caught the last step of the ladder. The prince yelped once he realized he was falling but before he could hit the hard, sandy building, a gentle pair of arms caught him. Hiccup lifted his head to see Astrid holding him as best as she could. Hiccup cleared his throat and quickly pulled away, using the hood to hide his tomato colored face. The only thing to ease the awkwardness was to start another conversation. 

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