Chapter 1

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Okay, here is the Aladdin Rewrite. HEADS UP! There are no gender bends and the script will be changed up because then it fits with HTTYD.

Reasons why Jasmine is played by Hiccup: Has no mother (takes place in RTTE), is the son of a leader, and I think that's it for now.

Reasons why Aladdin is played by Astrid: No parents (never see them) and other reasons that I forgot XD

Just in case you guys are like whyyyyyyy. Also you should know me by now, I love Hiccup, he's my role model and everything  (I sound bad rn XD) But me and
Whump!Hiccup are serious.

On with chapter UNO!


Deep within the desert, the sunset framing the sandy plain. A dragon trudged against the winds, his back covered in luggage as a man rode swiftly on a little saddle. The dragon was a Hotburple, it's laziness making the trip all the slower.

Once the rider and dragon reached the edge of a sandy cliff, they looked at the breathtaking view of a large palace that stood proudly over a swift village. People in the streets with flames and little stores. Houses lit with candles as night had stretched around the world, covering everyone in a blanket of darkness.

Through a dark alley, the Hotburple tiredly crawled a few more inches before dropping. Walking miles without resting, was...well, exhausting. A man swiftly hopped off, his peg and foot landing on the sand leaving imprints that he was there. The Hotburple dropped to the ground, his eyes shutting instantly, the sleep consuming him into an abyss.

A large man with a long, blonde braided beard walked through the dark alley. He was a simple business man.

"Ah, Salaam and good evening to you worthy friend. Please, please, come closer--" The mysterious man gestures for the watcher to come closer, and they did, smashing into the man. "Too close, a little too close." The watcher backs up just a bit. "There. Welcome to Berk! City of mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today, come on down!" The man throws down a box, popping up a little store. A small sign hung above his head, words spelling 'The Forge.' "Heh, heh. Look at this! Yes! Combination hookah and coffee maker--also makes Julienne fries. Will not break." The man with the missing limbs used his good hand to tap the item on the table, his lie shattering like the item in his hand which caused the man to frown at the sight. "It broke. Ooohhh! Look at this!" He quickly pulls out a Tupperware and puts it in plain sight. "I have never seen one of these intact before. This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware. Listen." The store dealer tried to pry the lid off as he made a raspberry sound. "Ah, still good." The watcher started to head right but the man quickly runs towards him, stopping any other movement. "Wait, don't go! I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare. I think then, you would be most rewarded to consider...this." The unnamed man pulled a golden lamp from his sleeve. "Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts." The watcher tries to leave once more. Again, the store keeper rushes to catch up. "This is no ordinary lamp! It once changed the course of a young girl's life. A young woman who liked this lamp was more than what she seemed. A diamond in the rough. Perhaps you would like to hear the tale?" The man tips the lamp and pours shiny sand from the lamp into his hand. "It begins on a dark night." He starts as he throws sand into the sky, where it forms a starry nightscape. "Where a dark woman waits, with a dark purpose."

On hills made of sand, stood a young lady. Her black hair blending with the night sky, yet, her green eyes standing out from the darkness. Her metal armor was polished nicely and her dragon she rode upon was groomed and beautiful. On the woman's shoulder was a small white and red Terrible Terror, a scar traveling down from his eye to his chin.

The trio was waiting patiently in the dark, even though the woman's patience was quickly dwindling into single digits (Cackles)

Suddenly another dragon comes riding up to the waiting pair. A Gronckle to be exact. The still unnamed woman watched as the red-haired man rode up, his eyes tracing the woman who had dragged him out here.

"You...are late." A sweet voice calls out.

"A thousand apologies, O patient one." The young man said, the scar covering his face giving the image of a fearless and tough man, but he was weak on the inside.

"You have it, then?"

"I had to slit a few throats to get it," Dagur responds as he pulls out a half of a bug shaped, gold piece. Heather reached for the second piece but Dagur quickly pulls it away from her awaiting hand that was clawing at the piece. "Ah, ah, ahhh! The treasure!" The tiny dragon that sat on Heather's shoulder squawks as he flies by and grabs the medallion.

"Ouch!" Dagur cries.

"Trust me, my pungent friend. You'll get what's coming to you."

"What's coming to you! Awk!" The Terrible Terror repeats, keeping his act together.

Heather pulls out the second half of the medallion. She connects them, and the insect medallion begins to glow, creating a bright light, almost blinding the ones that watched it and couldn't turn away. Finally, it flies out of Heather's hand, giving the dragons a reason to jump at the sudden departure, and is off towards the dunes.

"Quickly, follow the trail!" Heather screeches as the bright golden medallion quickly escapes. They all ride off, following the glowing speck of light, until it reaches a large dune. It separates into two and the halves plunge into the dune. All that remains are two glowing points of light on the tiny sand mountain, but then the dune begins to rise up, transforming into a giant dragon's head, with the glowing points serving as the eyes.

"At last, after all my years of searching, the cave of the Red Death!"

"Awk! Cave of The Red Death!"

"By Allah!" Dagur says breathlessly.

"Now, remember! Bring me the lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!"

Dagur starts to approach the Red Death's mouth, which forms the entrance to the cave. He chuckles as he goes.

"Awk, the lamp! Awk, the lamp!" Now that the tiny dragon and Heather are alone, the dragon suddenly opens up in normal English.

"Jeez, where'd ya dig this bozo up?"

Heather puts her slim finger to her pink lips and shushes him. Dagur reaches the cave but is blown away by the roar of the cave's speaking.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" The deep voice rings out in the lonely desert.

"It is I, Dagur, a humble thief."

"Know this. Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. A diamond in the rough." Dagur turns to Heather with a questioning look.

"What are you waiting for? Go on!"

Dagur hesitates, then moves one foot inside the cave. With great apprehension, he plants his foot down. Nothing happens. Relieved, he begins his trek again. Then another roar comes. He turns back, but the dragon's mouth slams shut and the dune collapses back to normal, seeming as if it was another pile of worthless sand. All that is left are Heather and the tiny dragon who was standing with wide eyes after watching Dagur's quick death. The two separated halves of the medallion laid useless in the sand. Heather scooped the pieces into her hand, the sand she caught with them fell through her fingertips.

The cave speaks once again even though it had collapsed.

"Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough."


Done with chapter one, it's short but what do you think?

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