Part 50

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Steve was struggling to walk, Natasha came with his breakfast, and quickly put the plate aside, supporting his waist.

"You are still so weak, oh God! " she helped him sit on the chair, and brought him a glass of milk.

"I love you Nat" he said with teary eyes, the innocence of his face, the love in his eyes, hurt Natasha so much.

"Steve! " she hugged him, bringing his face close to her belly, as he sat and she stood, caressing his hair, "I love you too" she said,"I will always love you".

Steve didn't say anything else, he just hugged her belly, his arms wrapped around her hips. His heartbeat calmed, his tears stopped.

But Natasha's heart was so full, she loved Steve, only and only Steve, and whatever she felt for T'Challa or Bucky was nothing compared to it.

She kissed Steve's forehead, and walked out.

"Please God, help me, help me make a final decision, I don't want to hang on this forever, I am tired" she prayed.

It had been weeks, since she met Steve again, and still she couldn't make a decision.

She was inside the small church, trying to pray, until she was exhausted, of crying, and stood up to leave. But just then, a candle fell from the top, and soon the curtains caught fire trapping Natasha in.

Naomi, who was always around Natasha, witnessed it.

"Help!!!! " she yell, "The church has caught fire, and the queen's trapped inside"

There was a lot of panic inside the castle, and soon T'Challa was notified, many people were trying to extinguish the fire but it kept spreading.

"Daddy! " James came crying to Steve, "Mommy is trapped in fire" he said.

"What?! " Steve stood up, "Don't worry James, I'll save your mommy" he assured her.

He couldn't walk, but still he ran, as fast as he could.

Bucky learned the fact too, and soon he reached the church.

"Natalia!! " he yell, but no sound was heard.

He didn't think for a second, and jumped in, but he couldn't find Natasha, until he saw her trapped behind a large pillar, that had fallen, crossing which was almost impossible.

T'Challa reached the destination too, and jumped in from another gate, but couldn't reach Natasha either, the both tried, but in vain.

By the time Steve managed to reach, the fire was very high, trapping T'Challa and Bucky too, and Bucky lost consciousness, owing to the smoke, he was behind a ray of desks, all on fire.

"Where is she? " Steve asked Clint

"She is trapped behind a large pillar, both Bucky and T'Challa tried to rescue her, but got trapped, the officials managed to get T'Challa out, he is burned a little and lost conscious, Bucky and Natasha are still in, trapped, and unconscious".

"Mommy!! " James cried, Maria held her back.

Steve looked at James, "James, I promise I'll bring your mommy back, but listen, promise me you will take care of her if anything happens to me" he said.

"No, daddy" James cried.

"I love you James, and tell your mommy I love her more then anything in this world" he said, "I don't have much time, I am sorry" he hugged James tight, and then taking a deep breath, he stepped in.

He didn't care about his life, he never did, but at that moment, when he knew he could save just one of them, he could only think of Natasha, she clouded his mind, he forgot all ties, all friendships, all other relations, at that moment, the only thing that mattered to him was his Natasha, the mother of his son, the love of his life.

"Natasha!! " he yell, but no reply, he jumped over fire, burning his leg a little, and saw her lying behind the pillar, just below the prayer area.

Taking another deep breath, he ran, so fast, and made a huge jump, landing on the other side, his legs were badly burned, but he couldn't feel the pain.

"Natasha" he looked at her, she was unconscious, breathing at a low rate, "I love you" he said, "Thank you God, for keeping her safe" he sighed.

He took a blanket out of his jacket, and wrapped it around Natasha, hugging her tight, he picked her up, and ran towards the window, "I love you Nat, please always remember that" he said, and made the jump.

Soon they were out of the church, he let go off Natasha, and people came for her, but he sustained many Burns, and lost consciousness and he watched her being carried away on the stretcher.


Natasha opened her eyes, in the hospital wing, she felt lazy and sick, and wanted to sleep again, but forced her eyes open and looked around.

Maria was sitting there beside her.

"Oh Thank God you woke up Nat" Maria said, "I'll call the doctor "

"Maria, wait" Natasha held her hand, "I.. I was trapped, how.. " she tried to speak.

"All three of them tried to save you Nat, but two didn't have the right motivation, they passed out before they helped you, they couldn't gather the courage to step into that fire, to cross it to get to you, they didn't have the bone to feel the burn to save you, except him" Maria said with tears in her eyes.

"Maria! " Natasha sat up, "Who saved me? " she got restless.

"You were trapped badly behind a pillar, the only way to save you was by getting burned himself, and.. T'Challa tried but didn't pass it, Bucky didn't either, and though it was a choice to save Bucky or you, saving Bucky being easier. Steve saved you!! "Maria said.

Natasha's heart skipped a beat, she was shocked, she forgot to breathe.

"He is badly burned Natasha, if not for his serum, he could have died with the amount of smoke that entered his lungs and the burns" Maria said.

Natasha had tears in her eyes, she was shook, her heart was so full, "How is he now? " she managed to ask.

"He is better, and in recovery, the serum helped him and these Wakandians have special healing potions, thankfully, the burns couldn't damage him much" Maria said, "But Natasha, he didn't know that, he said goodbye to James, before stepping in, he was ready to die for you Nat, for you, not for his friend "

"I'll call the doctor " Maria made an excuse, and left the room, leaving Natasha to herself.

Natasha was list in her emotions, when the nurse came inside, "You are conscious, thank God" she said with a smile.

Natasha looked at her with teary eyes, "Oh, don't cry please, you are fine, and so is your baby" the nurse said.

"Baby? " Natasha asked confused, was James hurt too? But why didn't Maria say anything about it.

"Oh, you don't know? You are pregnant, and your baby is unaffected" the nurse said and left.

Natasha was shocked, she was pregnant with Steve's child again.

Oh my God. A blazing chapter 50.WOOHOO, So we reach 50 here, and Natasha, see Steve loves you the most, the other two failed but he didn't, even though he was sick. And she is pregnant again. 😁 Do give your reviews people.

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