Part 32

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Natasha smiled at her reflection, she blushed as she touched her neck, where Steve had kissed.

"What's happening to me? " she asked herself, "Why are my cheeks so flushed? Why am I grinning so much? Why am I so nervous? "

Nat, his voice echoed in her ears, and she blushed even more.

She put on her clothes, again smiling as she recalled what he told her.

She stepped out, and T'Challa entered.

"You look so happy Natalia" he said.

"Yeah, actually St... " she stopped herself, something told her she shouldn't tell him, a gut feeling.

"What? " he asked, stepping close to her, trying to take her waist. She stepped away.

"Nothing, I was.. T'Challa, I ... I was curious, I read you turned me up, when I.. so why are you? " she asked.

"Natalia.. I.. " he had no words, and he decided to tell her.

"Natalia, I... I.. really like you... so.. I was hurt when you betrayed us.. but then I found out.. so.. I am sorry... and.. I really like you Natalia " he said.

So I guessed, she thought, "Its okay T'Challa, thank you" she said.

"Care to join me for breakfast? " he asked.

"Uhm, no, I don't feel like eating right now, I'll see you at lunch" she said. He nodded, and left.

"I have a bizarre feeling about this, I shouldn't tell him about Steve being here, there is more to this, I need to find out, and I should tell Steve to stay hidden" she said to herself, "But where to find him now? Urgh, we should have talked about this, but I was so nervous, so stupid"

She left the room, and started looking for Steve, in the attempt, she reached a long narrow way, that led to a dungeon, she went on and on, until she reached a glass door, she went in, and found a large glass container, frozen, with someone inside it.

"What the hell is this? " she asked herself, stepping closer to have a better look.

She was shocked, "James??!! " she said, putting her hand on the glass.

"Oh my God! Why is James frozen here?" she was confused.

"Nat? " She heard Steve's voice, she turned and found him standing by the wall, she rushed into his arms, scared.

"Steve.. why is he.. what is.. " she mumbled, scared.

"Nat, its nothing " he rubbed her back, "that's Bucky, my childhood friend" he said.

Natasha was shocked again, she looked at him with wide eyes, "he is the one you helped me save"

"What? " Natasha couldn't believe her ears, "I let him, escape? " she asked.

"Yes, at first we both had a bad encounter with him, then we found out he was my Buck, and now he was charged with false accusations, and though you were on Tony's side, you let us go, cause you believed me" Steve tried to explain.

"Steve? I... I let him go... for you? " she asked.

"Yes, Nat, you are my best friend, you are always there for me.. I.. I was alone when.. when Peggy died.. and you came for me... you always help me.. oh Nat" he hugged her again.

Natasha was stunned, she helped him save Bucky, she understood he had no clue about her past with Bucky, so he might not understand, but even with her memories gone, she did. Her heartbeat raced, her chest constricted.

I care for him so much that I let this monster go, I betrayed my team? I believe in him more then my own self? When have I trusted someone so much? she thought.

This was more then friendship, this was more then trust, this was a new feeling.

"Natasha! What happened? " Steve asked when she wasn't responsive for long.

"Huh? Nothing.. Steve just... just stay hidden.. I don't want you to see T'Challa.. he shouldn't know you are here.. I have a bizarre feeling about all this and.. take this" she took out a watch and gave him.

"What is this?" he asked.

"This has a button, which when you press would light a bulb on mine, this is some stuff we use as agents, anyways whenever this lights up, you meet me in this corridor, its the most deserted place of the palace. Okay? " she said.

He nodded, she hugged him again, "I have to figure some things out, you please take care of yourself" she said.

"I will, and you too okay? " he said cupping her face. She nodded, she gave him another look and turned to leave, but her feet felt heavy, as if she was leaving a book open, she need to add the bookmark, or she won't be able to continue where she left.

She turned to face him again, he looked at her confused.

She walked back slowly, and standing very close to him, her chest touching his, she stood on tiptoes, and taking his face, placed a long kiss on his lips. Steve closed his eyes, and took her waist, he didn't participate, but he didn't disturb her either. He let her lips crush his, let her have her moment, which he himself felt comforting.

"Till next time" she said, moving back.

"Till next time" he repeated, and she walked away, glancing back to look at him before she exit.

Natasha is realizing her love for Steve. But this time she isn't the same, so T'Challa, beware of the Black Widow. Anyways how was the chapter, what do you think would happen next.

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