Part 4

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Steve just couldn't sleep, he felt a part of him was in some kind of danger, and his heart was so restless, it kept thumping at a high speed.

"Maybe it is Bucky" he thought, his friend was in Wakanda, frozen, and he had no idea what it must be like for him, so that can be a case for his worries, but he didn't feel right, even when he thought about Bucky, the thoughts wandered.

"I wonder where's Romanoff" Sam said, licking his ice cream, "I heard she was on a run too, since she betrayed her team"

Natasha! Realization dawned upon him. She was on the run, she wasn't safe, and so his heart couldn't feel at peace.

"Sam! Its her! Natasha! She is on the run, she must be alone, what if she is in some kind of trouble, how stupid of me to not be able to realize, its my Nat in some kind of trouble, and I couldn't understand the signals given by my own heart" he said, sitting up.

"Your Nat? " Sam raised his eyebrows, "Yeah, right, she is on her own so, gosh, we need to find her Steve, she did it for us, we owe her".

"Oh God! Please keep her safe till I reach her, I know she is strong, but I don't know why, my stomach curls up just at the thought, please keep my Nat safe" Steve prayed folding his hands.

"Please keep his Nat safe" Sam prayed too.

"We are setting off to find her tomorrow " Steve said when he had said his prayers.

"Okay, boss" Sam replied.


Natasha was inside the big room, restless and crying. She cursed the moment when she ran into T'Challa. Never in her wildest dreams did she think, that the king of Wakanda would force her into a marriage with him, or anyone for that matter. She had been molested before, but she was weak and alone that time. Now, however, when she was an avenger, the famous black widow, even now, her horrors returned. She was still a woman, still prey to men's lust, still helpless as they played with her feelings.

She looked around at the walls of the room, the room that was going to be her destiny now. If only she could escape, but she couldn't, because if she did, Bucky's life would be endangered.

"What did I do, to deserve this life? " she said to herself, wiping her tears. The door of her room opened, and her misery walked in.

She looked away, to avoid having any conversation, but he grabbed her chin and pulled her face to him.

"The Queen of Wakanda in tears? I cannot allow this" he said, wiping her tears away with his thumb.

Natasha wanted to kick him hard, and throw him out of the window, but she couldn't, even if she tried, he would over power her, he was far more powerful, and if she by chance did succeed, her freedom would mean Bucky's death.

"Get ready for breakfast " he said, after placing several kisses on her neck. She felt disgusted, but being helpless she didn't do anything. He left the room, and she continued sobbing.

"Steve" her lips mouthed, as she tried to calm herself.


She dressed up, properly, and entered the dining area, where T'Challa awaited her.

"Sit down, my Queen" he said, pulling a chair out for her. She walked like a soulless doll, and sat down.

"Eat" he said, when she didn't start for long, "All of this food is especially made for you" he said politely, and then his hand went to her neck and caressed it, "your glow, your beauty, will be enhanced by all of this" he said.

She hated it, she hated every bit of his touch. To avoid him, she took a bowl of cereal and some fruits and started eating.

She drank some milk and all the while he stared at her desperately.

When they were done, they both got off their seats, and T'Challa grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into his arms.

Then started caressing her face with his fingers.

"I don't want you to be sad, I love you, I want to see your beautiful smile, you are my Queen, stop being so depressed" he said softly.

She just lowered her eyes, he lifted her face up with his hand below her chin, but she didn't look at him still.

"Please Natalia, don't break my heart with your silence" he said.

She finally looked at him, "My name is Natasha" she said with gritted teeth.

"I know, but your real name is Natalia, and I like it, it suits the Wakandan accent better" he said, his fingers tracing the skin of her neck.

She lowered her eyes again, why did she care what he called her, he meant nothing to her.

He gave a long peck on her lips, and then whispered in her ear, "I will see you at night, my Queen" he kissed her neck below her ear and left.

Natasha wanted to take a knife and stab herself, from KGB to hydra and now this? Was she saved by Clint only to be slaughtered by this guy?

She couldn't do anything, but wait, for her death, cause only that, she believed, could end her miseries.

Hurt and miserable, she walked back to her room, to wait for what comes next.


Steve please come fast, we need you. T'Challa is obsessed with her, badly!! My poor Nat! Anyways do give your reviews. How was the chapter? What do you think would happen now ? And is anyone shipping Nat with T'Challa? For me its always team romanogers.

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