Part 7

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Natasha went back to her room, with T'Challa accompanying her. She took the jewelry off, and he stood behind her.

He took her waist and turned her, her hands going to his chest.

"I am so glad that you are trying to adjust, you don't know how much this means to me Natalia" he said stroking her cheek.

"T'Challa, I.. I think you don't know, but... I.. the KGB.. they... they sterilized me, as graduation ceremony, so that my focus isn't deviated... I.. I cannot give you any heirs" she said, hesitantly.

"I know, I don't care, we will go for surrogacy, there are plenty women who would do it for us" he said.

She looked away, her last chance of freedom was gone too. He just wanted her, by hook or by crook. Over these two weeks, she realized, he had grown obsessed with her. The fact that she stung him to let Steve and Bucky escape made his mind go crazy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have forced her, might have proposed properly.

According to Wakandan tradition, the King cannot loose his virginity before marriage, and so she was safe, until then. He, however, made out with her a lot, even against her will at times, but then she had stopped protesting, since she knew she had no choice.

He kissed her cheeks, and then her neck, moving to the valley of her breasts. His hands tracing the skin of her neck, her arms, her back, and her waist.

Until there was a knock on the door, and he had to leave, for some important work.

Natasha sat down, and face palmed. If only there was a silver lining in this dark cloud.

Just then, Bucky entered her room, and locked the door.

"James!!! " She shouted, but he rushed to her and silenced her with his hand on her mouth.

"Why are you doing this? I am dead sure you are faking all this! I know you inside out Natalia, you do not love that guy, you love me" he said with gritted teeth.

Natasha punched him in the stomach and moved away.

"I don't love you, I never can, I never will, get out before I get you arrested for trying to molest the queen" she said bitterly.

"Natalia" he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, she hit his chest, for a moment, old sparks lid. She was lost in his eyes, as he held her close to himself.

"Go on, get me arrested" he said, "let me see if you can do that"

Tears developed in her eyes, she tried to say something, but he silenced her with his finger, "its okay, don't say anything, just nod, if you love me".

She didn't, because she didn't love him. Her heart was already lost, and she was herself unaware of its whereabouts.

"Why can't you just admit ?" he asked angrily.

She didn't reply, she had nothing to admit, she was helpless.

"James, I am serious, I want to get married to T'Challa, he makes me happy, treats me like a queen. So, please, for old times sake, stop meeting me like this, I do not love you, I swear" she said.

Bucky's heart broke yet again, he didn't say anything else, and moved away from her, leaving the room with back steps.

Natasha broke down on the floor.


Steve and Sam landed on the Wakandan grounds, disguised.

"It would be tough to enter the palace" Sam said.

"No, T'Challa gave me a card to show, they'll let us in" Steve stated

They walked towards the castle, but they found Bucky wandering in the markets, with his hands in fists, his forehead creased, his eyes narrowed .

"Bucky!! " Steve called out for him.

Bucky saw him, and rushed to them.

"Steve! Oh Thank God! " Bucky said, giving him a tight hug.

"Bucky? Why are you? You were supposed to be frozen" Steve asked confused.

"They are working on my mind, screw that Steve, its Natalia, we need to save her" Bucky said.

"Save? What do you mean Buck? " Steve asked confused and worried.

"She is faking it Steve, I know when she does that, she is a professional spy, she is a huge fake, she isn't happy, I don't know why she is doing it, but she isn't happy, she can't marry him Steve, because she loves me , we love each other Steve, she is my Natalia" Bucky yell.

Steve's heart sank, on hearing that she loved Bucky, but when, how?

"Buck? You both love each other? But you both barely know each other" Steve asked confused.

"Its a long story, come I'll tell you on our way, we need to stay hidden" he said.

Steve and Sam followed Bucky, towards the palace.

Steve's here!! 🎋🎉🎇Finally!! So what do you think would happen now, I can't wait for you guys to read romanogers meeting. Do give your reviews on the chapter.

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