Part 45

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The doctor prescribed some medications but said that Steve's true cure was Natasha's love, he will recover in no time with Natasha by his side.

Natasha took him home, and asked him to rest, as she cooked lunch. Her phone rang, it was T'Challa. She picked up quickly.

"Mommy? " James's voice brought a huge smile on her face.

"Baby? How is my darling? You are eating and sleeping well right? " she asked without breath.

"Yes, aunt Shuri is taking great care of me, but I miss you a lot mommy, please come back soon, and how is daddy? T'Challa said he is not well" James said.

"Your daddy is getting better baby, I will be back soon, I love you" she said in a low voice.

"I love you too, and tell daddy I love him, okay mommy T'Challa wants to talk to you" James said.

Natasha grabbed hold of the kitchen cloth, she slept with Steve, it was kind of cheating on T'Challa.

"Hey, how is my beautiful queen? " he asked.

"I am fine, how are you? And how is T'Chan? " she asked, her heartbeat raced.

"We are fine, T'Chan misses you a lot, you know he loves your lap the most, and... you know... I miss seeing my beautiful queen everyday too. " he said, Natasha smiled faintly, the authority with which he called her his queen, was some what, comforting to her, she had grown used to it, it was now like a bad habit.

"How is he? " T'Challa asked, and Natasha swallowed hard.

"He.. he was a total mess, I can't even" she got tears in her eyes, her voice got heavier, "but.. he is getting better now.. he'll be fine, and I'll be back soon I promise " she said, guilt struck.

"Its okay my beloved queen, I know you would" he tried to comfort her, "take care, and tell me if you want help of any sort"

"Thanks T'Challa" she said.

"Pleasure is always mine, my beloved queen " he said, and she smiled.

She put the phone aside, and concentrated back on the cooking.

"Hey, food is ready" she told Steve, who was lying in the bed, curled up.

He sat up on her voice, and she sat beside him, feeding him with her own hands.

"I am sorry Nat, please don't leave me again" he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

"I am here, go on, keep eating " she said.

When he ate and went to sleep, Natasha started searching for her ring, and found it in the shower. Sighing with relief, she put it back on her finger.

"Why am I caught in such a mess? " she asked herself.

"Natasha? " Steve said, and she turned, scared.

"What happened Steve? " she asked.

He looked at her hand, she tried to hide it, but he pulled it, and stared at the ring. His face twisted, his breaths accelerated.

"You... you are married? " he asked, his eyes red in anger, "Natasha!!! How could you do this to me? "

"No, no Steve I.. " She tried to explain.

"Don't lie to me" he grabbed her shoulders and yell, "You got married to that man, the one who tried everything in his will to separate us? How could you Nat? " he was now shaking, and then he started sweating, his hands shook badly, she tried to hold him, but he backed off, he had difficulty breathing.

Natasha got so worried, she called 911, and soon the ambulance arrived, taking him to the hospital.

Clint, Maria and Sharon arrived there.

"What happened? " Clint asked.

Natasha was crying a lot, he hugged her, and took her to a seat.

Sharon and Maria went to inquire from the doctors.

"He had a panic attack " the doctor said, "Its quite severe, he had a major shock "

Sharon looked at Natasha, who tried to force the lump in her throat down.

"He saw my ring, and.. " she hid her face in her hands and cried.

"He'll be fine, I'll talk to him" Clint rubbed her back.

"Its all my fault, I should have explained everything before" she said.

"Natalia" T'Challa's voice startled her. He was standing in the corridor, watching her in confusion.

"T'Challa! " she sighed, and ran into his arms, hugging his torso tight, she cried.

"I hurt him T'Challa, I put him in this state" she said, T'Challa caressed her hair, holding her gently. He looked at Clint and Sharon.

"I'll make everything right, don't cry my Queen, I can't see tears in your eyes" he said cupping her face. Then hugging her back, he escorted her out.

Clint, Sharon and Maria kept staring at them.


"He is angry because of us T'Challa, do you think taking him to Wakanda would benefit him? " Natasha asked worried.

"Yes, you can stay with him, explain everything to him, and he will meet his son, he will get better" T'Challa said.

"I don't know, what if he gets worse? " she said.

"We won't let that happen, okay" he cupped her face, "he is in this mess because of me, I have to make it right, please trust me"

"I trust you T'Challa, I just don't trust myself" she said.

"We are shifting him as be sleeps, the doctors have sedated him, when he gets up, he'll be in Wakanda, and you introduce him to James, he will automatically get better, and Wakanda has the team of best doctors, I'll gather everyone, your Captain will get better, I promise " he said.

"I wish whatever you are saying actually happens, because every time I think my life is going straight, it gets messed up again" she said.

"It won't now" he said, "I won't allow any sorrow in your life anymore"

"Now, cheer up, I'll go make all the arrangements and talk to the doctors, and your friends, you can stay with him till then" he said.

She nodded and got up, he was leaving but she caught his hand.
He looked at her confused.

"Thank you for everything " she said, giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek, his heart skipped a beat, his skin tensed.

"Its all for your smile, dear queen, and it's worth it" he said, and kissed her forehead.

Giving her a nod, he left, and Natasha went to sit beside Steve.

Steve is getting worse again, and Natasha is torn between her love and the debts of T'Challa. And he loves her immensely. What will happen now that Steve reaches Wakanda? Do give your reviews.

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