"What exactly is that?"

"Uh you know Mary Jane, Purple Drank all that good stuff! So you should come if you want to join!"
She said excitedly. I didn't even know what those are.

"Uhhh I have to think about it!"

"Oh alright!" she whined. "But is (Y/N) gone be there?"

"Yea she is, why?"

"Oh well there has been a little rumor going around her, now I don't know if its true or not but people have been saying that she's a drug dealer and a crackhead."



"I find that really hard to believe."

"I'm just trying to protect you Ollie, so I highly recommend that you don't hang out with her."

"She's a nice kind girl. I trust her ok."

"Only trust people that are close to you, no outsiders. Like me you trust me right?"

"Of course."

"Ok good. Than how about (Y/N)."

"Of course I do."

She sighed and looked away. "Lets go back to studying ok?" I said ending this awkward silence.

"Ok I guess." she said not making eye contact.

Ay-ri's POV yes I'm doing her POV XD

Why does Oliver have to hang around (Y/N) can't she see his mine, but nooooo she has to act like a little hoe and try to take him. Oliver is like a blind little puppy easily manipulated. Maybe I should call my friend and make a quick little plan to let Oliver see how bitchy (Y/N) is. Than he'll be with me and dump her ass. Even though they weren't anything from the start.

"Oliver I uh have to use the restroom so ease excuse me."

"Yes my love!" ah I yearned to hear that coming from his mouth. But instead all he gave me was "ok." I sighed, why does Oliver have to be so perfect?!

In the bathroom~

I pulled out my phone calling my best friend Rika. But she didn't pick up instead she gave me a text.

From: Rika

Im in class duhhhh so I can't pick up! Unless it emergency!


Of course its an emergency! Meet me in the bathroom ASAP!

She didn't text back. So I waited silently, rushing to a stall if I heard footsteps in the hallway. Staring at Oliver pictures that were saved on my phone. Or checking myself out in the mirror. Than a blonde girl came inside looking annoyed.

"Ok ok I'm here girl what chu want?" she said with her arms crossed.

"I need to make a plan, (Y/N) is trying to take away Oliver from me!"

"Oh my gosh really!?"

"Yea so I need to plan something out that will make Oliver choose me instead of that hoe!"

"Ok ok what do you want me to do?"

"Well if you don't mind but it is cruel of me to ask but do you think you can like bully Oliver?"

"Bully him?" Rika said tilting her head.

"Yea call him like mean stuff, push him around, make his life miserable. Than I'll sweep over and save him, he'll fall in love with me and we'll be together."

"You must have thought of this plan for a long time."

"Of course!"

"Oliver is such a nice boy I wouldn't do such a thing!"

"I'll pay ya fifty bucks!"

"I guess I could work with that plus I need a new mascara and lipstick!"

"You could have asked me but you accepted it sooo I don't need to buy you shit!"

"Your such a bitch sometimes you know." she said with a sigh.

"And you hang with me?"

"Haha you got me!" she chuckled.
"Alright well I better get back to my library date! See ya!" I waved to her.

"It's not even a date if its in the library. Only nerds go in there!"

"Whatever!" I yelled back not even looking at her.

Timeskip to the Library~

I sat down at the table with Oliver who was reading. He looked up and I gave him my most glamorous smile that men usually fall for. But than he smiled back, not showing any reaction to that! We than continued studying talking about science, math and history which I'll forget in like five minutes later!

"Ollie if anyone is being mean to you make sure you tell me ok?"

"Um alright."

I smirked as this feels like it was going to be a breeze.

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now