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[A/N: I'm not an interesting author but I will try my best. But also I don't know how to make a twist on it but still I want to continue what I started and will soon finish it… Also I actually know now how to write uhm smut. Thanks to my co-writer. ]

Taehyung's POV

This is it, the day I planned on confessing to him. I really don't know if he still have the guts to talk to me after all these times we hadn't talked.

I went to the park where I usually saw him and there he is. Sitting on the bench with his headphones and hands in his pocket. His eyes are closed making him look like a prince in an unknown area.

This day is a happy day since classes are cancelled because of I don't know.

I step closer to his direction with my heart hammering in my chest. OK how will I start everything?  How will I say it to him? How will I accept the fact that I'm just his sex buddy? Many questions are running in my mind.
Closer and closer I go and there I am. Standing in front if him starring at his oh so perfect features.

"Taehyung? "

I woke up from my imagination as Jimin wave in front of my face. OMG he caught me staring.

"Oh hey Jimin.  Do you have a sec?" I asked and he nodded taking off his headphones and tapping the seat beside him. Now I realize this park is quiet. Maybe students took advantage of the long weekend.

"Everything OK Jimin?" I asked as his face expression suddenly changed. I look to where he is staring and saw
Oh no not this time



Hoseok is waving at e and coming to our direction.

"I go ahead" Jimin said as he stood up and leave. I wanted to call on him but no words escape my mouth. But tears are flowing from my eyes. Jimin is mad. I can feel it and I saw it. How he stares at me and at Hoseok. What's the matter Chim?

"Hey you OK? Where is that guy you are talking to earlier? I would like to meet him. He seems to be a good friend of yours" he said and with that I burst into tears. Hoseok tries to comfort me but no use. I feel like I'm crashed inside. This day supposed to be the day I released what I'm feeling but it turned out that I just ruined the day.

Well why do I cry? Its been my fault in the first place. I didn't talk to him and always ignore him so why would I feel this way? This is all my fault.

But is it my fault that I don't wanna get hurt thinking that he is just using me?

Jimin's POV

That Hoseok guy is so getting into my nerves. He is always like a tail to Taehyung. I went to my room and slam the door shut causing Yoongi to shout at me.

As expected he barged in my room with an annoyed face.

"People are trying to rest here" he said and then I remember, he's been working at his project this whole night and didn't sleep. O my bad.

"I'm sorry it's just that, Hoseok is here again. I mean not that I hate him or let's say I hate him but still he always ruins the  mood..whenever I got a chance to talk to Taehyung he always comes up. Maybe he wants Taehyung back. Maybe that's the reason why he has been ignoring me this whole time. Thats why he doesn't talk to me already!" I blurted out and Yoongi sighs as he sat beside me.

"You know Hoseok is just a part of Taehyung ignoring you. Maybe the real thing of him ignoring you is you. Look at it this way, you got him in bed for how many times and he also has doubts. Maybe you really didn't show him that you care so this time he is thinking he is just a toy to you. You must prove to him that you truly care"
Yoongi said as he look at me with a serious look.

"You should fix that Jimin at you might not be able to see him again. Talk to him before it's too late. You might regret for the rest of your life the fact that he has is mad at you. And please dont bang the doors again" he said as he went out.

Maybe he is right. Wait he really is right.

I ran outside the dorm hoping to spot Taehyung somewhere.


Almost there. I'm nearly finishing it. Wait. Not yet!"!!
This might be my last update before I exit again.
I will not be able to update again for long. But stay tuned.
OK well thank you again !!!

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