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Jimin's POV

I don't get it and I can't help it anymore. I just can't accept the fact that Taehyung is treating me like a stranger. I know we are strangers then become fuckbuddies then that's all? No way that it will end there.

Eventhough I want our relationship to be on something more serious I can't do it if Taehyung don't talk to me.

I am strolling the school when someone caught my eyes. Yoongi and Jungkook are sitting on a bench, they are eating ice cream while chatting happily. I'm so jealous of them. They are so sweet. I wish Taehyung will give me a chance.

For once in my life I fell truly in a spell called love. And I perfectly know the difference of love and lust and I can confidently say I'm in love.

I just walk away not wanting to ruin their moment. But the hurtful moment appear before my eyes, Taehyung is with that Hoseok guy again. I know Jungkook knew him and I can see he is fascinated in talking to Yoongi so maybe he will not notice me asking a question.
I went near them.

"Jungkook do you know who Hoseok is in Taehyung? " I asked.
"O Hoseok is his ex. So as I was saying.  . . " he continued chatting with Yoongi as my eyes felt wet. Am I crying? I ran to our dorm and buried my head in my pillow as the tears I held for how many months. I almost forgot how crying because you are hurting feels. I only felt it again at this moment.

Hoseok is Taehyung's ex and can be again his boyfriend if they want to.

OK Jimin a hopeless heart. Is this revenge from the people I ruined? Revenge from the people I hurt? Maybe a real revenge from them. I shiver by just hearing those words.

Ugh come on Jimin, just go to him and ask him, say you're sorry. As simple be possible.

But the problem is, I don't know if it will work.

Taehyung's POV

Hoseok drop by the school again to talk to me about stuff. I wish I could just hug him and all but argh crap I can't.

Honestly I think I'm not yet over him. But let me share you a secret.

I still have feelings for Hoseok BUT I already developed a deep feeling for Jimin. Yes for my fuckbuddy.

I know I shouldn't fall for him because he will only use me for sexual pleasure and I don't want to be a sex toy. Besides he don't care .

I didn't talk to him for so long because I hate to see his smiles, his eyes his face and his body because if I do I will fall for him over and over. I mean, I mean absolutely nothing to him but to me he is already a part of me.

OK stop talking about Jimin.

I went to my dorm and saw Jungkook going in with Yoongi waving at him. Hmm guess the two are into each other. I'm not surprised anyway. Ever since the world begin they are made for each other.

It really surprise me to hear that Jungkook has a feeling for Yoongi for so long. Then the day come where Jungkook confessed to Yoongi and it's not a surprise that Yoongi will like him back so that's what it takes and look at them. They are so happy.

That made me think of something. What if I confess to Jimin and tell him how I feel? Even though he will n OK to reciprocate my feelings at least I ought to release my feelings to him. I know I will hurt so bad but how will you know if you won't try right?

OK I will spill it out in front of him so that I can see his face when I confess.


Wow I'm almost halfway in finishing this story.

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