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•Michael is a dragon.

•Jeremy is totally okay with that since, like, 60% of his friends are magical. Plus they've been friends for EVER.

•or at least since kindergarten

•ANYWAY... Michael does his whole "second puberty" thing in his sophomore year of HS so he has wings and a tail and horns and shit.

•When he transforms he calls Jeremy the Moon and the Sea, cuz JEREMY IS THE MOON AND THE SEA HOLY O HOLLY HELL!

•Jeremy has no idea, because this child is a clueless lil babe. He's like 'Haha Mike, good one. You honestly think I am those things. I'm me you crazy high dragon boi. Human is all I am.'

•And then it starts happening. The weird sidelong glances from werewolves. The random zoning out when there was a new moon. The curious thing that when it rains Jeremy is almost always drenched even if it's just a drizzle. The way that now a days Jeremy smells more like the sea (well he always kinda smelled like sea, but he blamed it on getting really sweaty when he was nervous.)  than his super strong smelling old spice deodorant.

•SIDE CANNON: Michael HATES Jeremy's deodorant cuz he likes the way Jeremy smells, but haha jokes on you Michael will never tell Jeremy that cuz Jeremy would get really self-conscious.

•Michael starts noticing that Rich has started to hang with them more than usual and so had Brooke. (For this H.C. Sake Brooke is a mermaid, and Rich is a Werewolf, cuz why not)

•It totally doesn't make him jealous AT ALL. Haha jk it totally starts to get to him cuz Jeremy's HIS sea and moon.

•Anyway Jeremy, being the oblivious cutie that he is, chalks it all up to him becoming more popular and he's kinda happy.

•Michael accepts his fate that he is going to have to allow more people to interact with Jeremy than just himself. But he doesn't have to like it.

•So one day, Jeremy is boiling some water and adding salt to it as Michael comes in and is just like, 'Jer, wat r u doin' in my house?' And Jeremy's all like, 'I have no idea, I just wanted to boil some water. I like the steam.' AND HE PUTS HIS ENTIRE HAND IN THE BOILING POT WHILE MICHAEL MELL WATCHES.

•And, as per usual reaction, Michael flips his shit.

•Jeremy's all like, 'what?'

•Michael points to his hand and Jeremy's like, 'oh.' He pulls his hand out and it's perfectly fine. His hand looks shiny like a pearl then it reverts back to normal Jeremy-masterbating-hand. Jeremy is like WAY TO FUCKING CALM ABOUT THIS.

•Michael is practically rapped around Jeremy trying to look at Jeremy's hand. And Jer's really confused, like, 'Mike I know you can get really clingy but man the full moon isn't until Friday.'

•Michael freaking whimpers as Jeremy pulls him off his perfectly fine hand. Michael is like, 'Normal humans can't do that Jer.' And Jeremy just looks off into space and finally says, 'uh, I think you're right.'

•and then they snuggle on the couch bc Michael is still freaked out about the whole affair and needs his Jeremy to calm the heck down.

•Jeremy's all like, 'Michael, your wings are covering us.' And Michael's all like, 'shhh aking buwan, ang aking dagat' which Jeremy's heard so many times to mean 'my moon, my sea.' So he just relaxes and smiles and they fall asleep and Jeremy learns to deal with the fact that he has some pretty cool powers now.

Hello! Bee here!

Leave a comment if you enjoyed and send me your own Headcannon ideas! I'd love to Heere them cuz I'm just so obsessed with this. I'm even planning on adding in some Heathers and BMC so watch out my Hive!

Love, 🐝

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