"I'm so sorry Draco. I tried to cover for you but he saw straight through every lie."

        Draco smiled, "Well, he isn't but the head of Slytherin House for nothing, Nix." Phoenix snickered and looked down at her hands. After a few seconds, the two spoke simultaneously.

        "I'm sorry." They chuckled and Phoenix looked at Draco with a kind look in her eyes.

        "I was out of line," Draco said.

        Phoenix waved it off. "No, it was me. I should've realized what had just happened and that you were on edge and-"

        "No Phoenix, it's my fault," Draco interrupted, "I was angry at my father for...something...that he said and I took it out on you. So I apologize for my outburst."

        "I forgive you, Draco. But I hope you'll forgive me as well."

        Draco genuinely smiled, something Phoenix had never seen him do before, and he softly said, "Of course I forgive you." Phoenix smirked. "I could never stay mad at you. Not with those puppy dog eyes." Phoenix giggled under her breath.

        "I never knew you could make a pun seem so genuine." She smiled. Draco winked at her as Dumbledore stood at the front of the Great Hall.

        He didn't his daily spiel about importantly updates in the wizarding world, then the Professor had to make it depressing with news updates about then wizarding world and Lord Voldemort. When he finished, the feast appeared and everyone dug in. "Phoenix!" Harry called. Phoenix turned around to talk with her brother and Draco glanced over at Phoenix every once in a while, just staring at her.

         Not in a creepy way or anything, he just wanted to memorize every detail of her face. The most recent glance, Harry saw. And he did not like it. He wanted to say something snarky to Malfoy for looking at his sister, but Professor Snape walked over to the Slytherin table. Draco knew what was about to happen and gulped.

        Phoenix looked at him reassuringly as Draco stood and walked out of the Great Hall with Professor Snape. Phoenix' eyes followed them out the door as Draco kept eye contact with her as long as he could. He needed some confidence right about now. Once they were out of the Great Hall, Professor Snape led Draco to his office. Once they got there, Draco gulped before going in.

        The Professor sat behind his desk and folded his hands in his lap. "I suspect you know why you're here." Draco nodded. "Good," Snape scowled, "then you'll know the question that comes next." Draco nodded again and Professor Snape waited for an answer. Snape sighed and rolled his eyes, "Draco, you're better than this. So why did you skip class?"

        "I didn't think I skipped it Professor," Draco explained. Snape raised an eyebrow and looked at Draco skeptically. "Honestly, I really was working on a project with Phoenix, but then she apparated back to Hogwarts and I thought I was right behind her."

        "I know you were working with Phoenix, that's not the problem."

        "Then what is, Professor?" Draco asked.

        Professor Snape slammed his palms on his desk and startled Draco, "The problem, Draco, is that Phoenix was there on time and you were not!"

        "I'm sorry Professor."

        "I don't care if you're sorry Draco," Snape sighed, "You are usually on time to class and focused on your school work." Draco nodded and looked at his feet. "Everyone thinks you to be my favorite student, the 'Teacher's Pet' if you must," He said standing up and looking Draco directly in the eyes, "but I don't know who that student is. Because he's surely not the one standing in front of me now."

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