Chapter 53

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Today was the day of the gender reveal party. Lucas and Marcus flew out here yesterday and in just a few hours, we will find out the genders of the babies. I was so excited. Tessa didn't want Marcus and I at the house while the rest were decorating so we went to the mall with Lucas and looked around at all the baby stuff.

"So, how has Sierra been since the video?" I asked Lucas as we walked into a baby store.

"She's been feeling better. I made a tweet saying that it was just a dare and she deleted her Instagram account." He told me.

"Yeah, I saw that. Has the fans found her twitter?"

He shook his head no.

"No and we are hoping that they don't."

I nodded and continued to look at the cute tiny little baby clothes.

"Babe, do you think we will need this?" Marcus asked.

I turned around and saw him pointing at a little gate for the babies to stay in. I laughed while Lucas was trying to figure out why we actually would need it.

"Why? Are you trying to have the babies just crawl in circles? What would they do in there all day?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas, that will help me keep them in one place if I am by myself or if Marcus is alone. And they won't be able to crawl for a while." I told him.

He still looked confused and I continued to look at the different strollers. Why are there so many to choose from? It's just a dang stroller. But we will need two seats since we are having twins. I finally see a simple stroller that would be perfect, but the one next to it has more places to put things which would be more helpful, but the one next to that has cupholders. I can't decide.

"Marcus, which stroller do you think will work the best?" I asked him.

He walked over to me and looked at the different strollers.

"I like the cupholders." He smiled.

I laughed and Lucas came over.

"Oohh, cupholders!" He said in a white girl voice.

Marcus and I both laughed at him. Lucas doesn't really show this side of him at the Team 10 house or on camera that much. But I am really glad that he can act like that around me and his twin.

"I just got a text from Jake saying that it's time to go back." Marcus said, looking at his phone.

We left the store, buying nothing, and made our way to the car. Once we got in, we drove home and continued to make jokes and laugh.

"So Charlotte and Marcus, I have a surprise for you two when we get home." Lucas said.

I looked at him confused.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What kind of surprise would it be if I told you what it is?" He joked.

I rolled my eyes and we pulled into the driveway. We got in the house and the whole inside was decorated in pink and blue. I looked all over the place and there were balloons everywhere and there were ribbons all over the walls. It was so amazing. I looked in the living room and saw that everyone in Team 10 was there and so was Dad, Logan, and Logan's friends Ayla and Evan. Madison and Kyler came around the corner. All of the sudden Alex and his girlfriend, Bailee, came in the house from the backyard. I smiled at them all as a tear rolled down my cheek in happiness. We all hugged and it was a really nice hug. I haven't had this nice of a group hug in a while.

"Marlotte! Open this closet door!" Lucas yelled.

We all laughed and Marcus and I walked over to where he was.

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