Chapter 13

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It's been a few days since Marcus and I made it official. I woke up and decided to go tanning. I have been tanning for a while to now's a great time. I put on my bikini and grabbed a towel. I wrapped the towel around me, to hide my scars, and made my way downstairs. I grabbed a pear and sat at the counter eating the fruit. Lucas came into the kitchen in his swim trunks.

"Hey, are you going tanning too?" I joked.

"No, going for a swim. Marcus is still getting dressed. You should join us." He said.

"I'll think about it." I said with a smile.

"I bet if your boyfriend asks, you'll say yes." He had a bit of a smirk on his face.

"Not true!"

"Yeah it is."

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my pear. I went on youtube to check the comments on my last video. I usually get hate, but not this much. They kept saying things like "they are such a bad couple" and "Marcus deserves better". A tear rolled down my cheek as I read these horrible comments. My whole entire comments section was filled with these comments. Why are they doing this? My anxiety started to get out of control. Why is this affecting me so much?

*Marcus' POV*

Once I got dressed, I walk downstairs and saw Charlotte on her phone in the kitchen and Lucas outside, taking a selfie. I went up to Charlotte and hugged her from the back. I kissed her cheek softly as she locks her phone quickly and puts it down.

"What's going on?" I asked, slightly confused.

"I was just checking the nice comments people were writing on my last video." She said with a small smile.

I could tell that something was bothering her but I decided I would ask her later.

"Are you going to swim with Lucas and I?" I asked her.

"I'm supposed to say no and go tanning but since you asked, yeah, sure!" She said, getting up from her chair.

"Why are you supposed to say no?"

"I made a bet with your twin."

Just by that, I totally understood. We walked outside holding hands and Lucas looked at us and laughed.

"I so told you Charlotte." He laughed more.

"Whatever." Charlotte laughed with him.

I was still confused but that didn't matter when I was pulled into the water. Once I came back up to the surface, they both were rolling on the floor laughing.

"Who was it?" I asked.

They both quickly pointed at each other and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed both their hands and pulled them in. They were shocked at first but then swam to the top of the water. We swam around a bit and joked around.After a while, we just sat in the hot tub and just talked about random stuff.

"So what countries have you been to?" I asked Charlotte.

"Canada, Australia, Brazil, Italy, Indonesia, Mexico, the UK, Peru, Sweden, and then Greece." She said.

"When did you have time to go to all these places in just 17 years of age?" Lucas asked, shocked.

I was a bit shocked myself. That's a lot of places to travel and just being 17.

"I liked to travel so almost every 2 months my 30 year old cousin would take me to one place in the world. It was just to have fun with her, and to get me away from stress." She told us.

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