Chapter 33

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Lucas and Marcus left to Maryland 2 weeks ago. I do miss them a lot, especially Marcus. The house seems empty without everyone in it. The only people who are here right now is Tessa, Emilio, Ivan, Kade, and Tristan. Alex left to visit his family in London, Aj went back home, Stan left for Netherlands, and Jake was on set right now. I was laying down on the couch just being my lazy self. I have been feeling a bit down lately because my best friend left and so did my boyfriend. Some people haven't spoken to me since the big fight and I'm thinking that they are either confused about what was said or they just believe Neels and Alissa.

"Charlotte, you have to do something. You have been laying there for the past 2 weeks, on your phone. Get up!" Tessa said, pulling on my arms.

"I don't want to." I told her.

She sighed.

"How about we go outside and tan or something." She suggested.

I looked at her crazily.

"It's almost dark. How about no." I said, pointing to the almost dark backyard.

"Oh, well then how about we go out to eat. We can go to your favorite restaurant."

"No, I'm not hungry."

"You know what Jake's going to say about that." She said.

"Calm down Mother. I ate just a few minutes ago. I'm not hungry because I just ate." I told her.

She rolled her eyes and walked away. I laid back down and went on my phone. I had a few text messages.

Jake: Make sure there isn't anything in the front room by the stairs. It's going to be game night!

Erika: Just went to the store and got the cutest shirt for you!!

Emilio: Come on Pauley, cheer up.

Ivan: Be a savage.

Tristan: You need to smile once in awhile. So if you smile I don't need to go and tickle you to death. I am your father and I am demanding you to smile before I kill you from endless amount of tickles. Please don't make me do that because everyone else would kill me. Especially Jake and Marcus. Oh, and Logan too.

I smiled at the texts. Everyone was trying to cheer me up which was so sweet of them.

"See! Now I don't have to tickle you to death!" Tristan said.

I looked up and saw that he was in front of me. He sat down by my feet and took my phone away from me.

"Why did you do that for?" I asked him, sitting up and trying to get it back from him.

"I just want to start a conversation where you actually talk." He said, putting the phone in his pocket.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him so he can continue.

"When are you leaving for Paris?" He asked.

"8 days. Why?"

"I just wanted to know." He said. "So Marcus will be back in a week?"

I nodded my head as the answer.

"How have they been?"

"Good mostly. Marcus and I miss each other and Lucas keeps texting me how he has to listen to Marcus complain about the distance. Other than that, they love being with their family again. Their happy and they are doing a lot better being home." I told him.

"That's nice that they are feeling much better. I guess it was all homesickness."

"Yeah, that's what I told them."

Promise Me (Marcus Dobre Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora