Chapter 10

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*Jake's POV*

We all were in the office talking about what had just happened.

"Charlotte, are you alright?" I heard Lucas ask.

I looked over to my sister and saw that she was having another panic attack. She hasn't had one since she was in Ohio. I rushed over to her and tried to calm her down as always but when she tried to stand up, she immediately fell. The fall made her pass out. I quickly checked her pulse and it was quick, too quick.

"Get some water!" I yelled as I watched her close her eyes.

Lucas quickly came back with a bottled water and a wash cloth. I poured some water on the small towel, and place it on her forehead.

"I didn't mean for it to go this far. I'm so sorry." Kade kept apologizing.

"It's alright. It's not all your fault. I should have noticed faster." I told him.

"What happened?" Marcus asked, worriedly.

"She had another panic attack. It's pretty normal with her. She has really back anxiety and stuff. We just need to watch her." I explained, staying calm.

Marcus didn't stop freaking out, he just kept pacing around.

"Marcus, it's alright. This is normal, so be a good boyfriend and do this for me." I yelled at him.

He rushed over to Charlotte's side and took my job. I up to Charlotte's room and went through her bag and found her anxiety pills. I grabbed one and went back to the office just as Charlotte woke up.

*Charlotte's POV*

Everything was spinning as I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry but once I regained my vision, I saw Marcus in front of me with a soft smile. I smiled back as I slowly sat up. I grabbed my head and took the washcloth from Marcus and held it on my forehead. Jake soon came over with my medicine and I took it.

"I am so sorry Charlotte, I didn't mean for you to pass out or anything. It's all my fault-" Kade began.

I interrupted him by raising my hand.

"Don't be sorry. It was my fault for letting the panic attack take over me. I'm used to this kind of stuff. I'm all good now." I said, taking the cloth away from my head.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Marcus asked.

I smiled at him and the engulfed him in a hug.

"Yes, I am alright. Thank you for caring for me." I whispered.

"Anything for you babe." He whispered back.

We let go and I slowly stood up, and so did he. Jake brought over a chair for me to sit in. I gladly took it and sighed.

"Well tonight has been eventful, hasn't it." I laughed.

Everyone nervously laughed, still in shock of what just happened. Except Jake, he was used to this stuff. I took out my phone once the boys started talking again and saw that I got a text from my old friend, who actually was my friend and didn't use me.

Hey, so I know this is last minute but Liam and I are getting married tomorrow. In LA too. So we just wanted close friends and family and this is your invite. You can bring Jake and Logan. Everyone gets a plus one too. *insert address*

I had to read the text over 3 more times before I actually understood what she was saying. I just sat there in shock. They were just 18 years old and have been dating for just 10 months. And did she call me a close friend? I am just so confused. I haven't spoken to her in a year.

"Charlotte?" Jake said, waving a hand in front of my face.

I shook my thoughts out and looked up at them all staring at me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I have been calling your name for the past 5 minutes." He said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just already have plans for tomorrow I guess." I said.

"I would love to hear it, but it's getting really late, so I need to leave." Kade said.

We all told him goodbye before he left for good this time. Then the boys looked at me.

"So what are your plans for tomorrow?" Jake asked.

"Well, actually you all have plans. I was invited to Amy and Liam's wedding. And she said that Jake can go, and Logan, and we all get a plus one." I told them.

"Haven't they only been dating for a few months?" Jake asked.

"Yeah. 10 months I believe. And it's only going to be close friends and family." I said.

"Weird, but let do this!" Jake yelled then turned to Lucas. "Will you be my plus one? Since Charlotte is obviously taking Marcus, us brothers need to watch them."

I laughed at him.

"Ayyyyeeee!" Lucas said jumping up and down, soon Jake joined.

"So I'm your plus one?" Marcus asked me.

"Only if it's alright with you." I said.

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Watch it Dobre!" I heard Jake yell.

I rolled my eyes before I texted Amy back.

Woah, congratulations. No bachelorette party or anything? lol. We will be there. There will be 6 of us. Can't wait.

Then I texted Logan.

Tell Mark that you and him are going to my friend, Amy's, wedding tomorrow. You both have to choice. Unless you can find a girl in just a little amount of time, which I doubt with your game. lol. Love you.

Marcus had read what I said and laughed.

"Wow, you're so mean to your family." He said.

That caught Jake's attention and read what I typed, then Lucas. They all laughed.

"Don't tell me that you've never texted your brother something about their dating life." I said.

He sat there for a moment then said no.

"That is a lie Marcus! You always criticize me about my relationships." Lucas said, making me laugh.

"Oh, then yeah, I have." Marcus laughed.

I just rolled my eyes at the two before I made my way to bed. Tonight has been too chaotic for me.

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