Chapter 47

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We have been home for a little while and today Marcus and I were going to tell the rest of Team 10 that I am pregnant. Yesterday Jake and Erika did a prank on all of them, saying that Erika was pregnant so we are kind of hoping that they will think that it's another prank but then freak out when we tell them that it isn't. Erika came in my room excitedly.

"So how are you guys going to tell Team 10?" She asked.

I went up to Marcus and put my arm around him as he did the same to me.

"Well, you know how Jake has started his new 'daily random act of kindness' thing?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"And you obviously know how Kade jokes around with you and Jake about having kids and stuff about how he wants to be an uncle. So we got him a shirt that says 'Uncle Kade' on it and we also got everyone else shirts saying either aunt or uncle and then their name. We are going to act like we are doing a random act of kindness." Marcus explained.

"And we are going to give Kade his first so he has to open it first and he will think that it was just a joke but once everyone else opens theirs, hopefully they get the hint. If not then I will pull out the pregnancy tests that will be in my pocket." I finished.

She got even more excited.

"I'm so happy for you two!" She jumped in excitement and gave us a hug.

"Thank you E." I hugged her back.

She moved back then realized something.

"I have two questions." She said.

"Ask away." I smiled.

"Who else know?"

"Just you, my family, and Marcus' family."

"So Jake and Lucas both know?"

I nodded and she smiled even more.

"Your next question?" I reminded her.

"Oh! Yeah! Is it okay for people to be vlogging?"

I looked at Marcus, kind of looking for permission, and he nodded his head at me. We already made it official to our families so it's about time to tell the fans too since I will start to get bigger soon.

"Yeah, I guess. The fans have to know cause it will be just a couple of months until I will start growing even more." I laughed.

"Yay! When are you guys going to do it?" She asked.

"Right now." Marcus said, leaving my side and going to grab the boxes out of the closet.

She squealed before leaving the room. I laughed a bit more then turned to Marcus and kissed his cheek before we walked downstairs. Kade was sitting on the trampoline with Chance, Anthony, and Tessa Tristan, Lucas and Jake were in the kitchen and Erika, Nick, and Jessica were in the office/living room. The Martinez twins came in from the backyard.

"So since Jake has been on this kindness kick, we thought it would be nice to give everyone a little something." I started, giving everyone on the trampoline their box.

I then went in the kitchen and gave them theirs. They all looked at us confused except for the ones who already knew.

"But Kade should open his first since he has helped out so much with everything." Marcus said.

Everyone looked at Kade who was beginning to tear the wrapping paper. He stopped and then looked at us.

"Did you guys create Marlotte merch?" He asked.

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