Chapter 14

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I have been getting more and more hate just because Marcus and I finally made it official and fans haven't been liking us together. I'll admit, I have still been reading hate comments a lot but don't we all? And I may or maynot have been having more suicidal thoughts. I just feel like this hate is never ending, but I guess that's what I get for making it official.

I got up and quickly got dressed for the day, not really caring. I put on my white NASA shirt with my light blue jeans. I made my way downstairs and saw that everyone was gone for the day. There was a note on the fridge that said my name on it.

Alissa had a photoshoot, Jake went to Disney, Aj went home, Tessa went with Alissa, Neels, Alex, and Tristan went to the beach. Lucas and I went to the store for a moment and will be back soon.


I smiled. Now I have the whole house to myself! What should I do?

I went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I saw that I had many notifications. They were all from twitter so I sat on my bed and looked at them. They all were hateful comments. I usually don't read them or actually believe them but I couldn't help but think how true some of these comment are. I knew that they were all false and that I should love myself but I couldn't not believe some of them. Then some of them turned into most of them then most of them turned into almost all of them then just all of them.

@username: Marcus doesn't deserve Charlotte Paul at all. He should be with someone who isn't using him for his fame and money.

@usernamea: Charlotte Paul is just a fat idiot who doesn't deserve anyone. She is just copying her brothers.

@usernameb: Cheryl or whatever her name is Paul is so ugly, just like her brothers. I guess those genes are pretty accurate. Marcus deserves better.

I quickly made a reply to the last person.

@CharlottePauley: @usernameb Talk about me all you want but do not speak about my brothers like that. And it's Charlotte.

@usernameb: @CharlottlePauley You're just jealous that you have no friends because they all used you. And that is exactly what you're doing to the rest of Team 10, especially Marcus.

I put my phone down and laid back on my bed. I groaned in frustration, trying not to cry. I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I pulled my shirt up and turned to the side. I really am fat. I looked in the mirror a little more closely at my face. They all are right, I am ugly. I went back to pulling my shirt up and looked at my stomach. I looked up in the mirror once more before I closed and locked the door then I search the drawers, looking for my old friend. The second drawer I opened I found it, the blade. I sat down with my back against my bathtub. I got a notification on my phone and I saw that it was the same person who I tweeted a few moments ago.

@usernameb: @CharlottePauley I bet you are probably driving to the nearest bridge and wanting to jump off of it.

I wiped a tear from my eyes as I read this.

@usernameb: @CharlottePauley or you are creating a noose and tying it on your ceiling fan while the other part is around your neck.

@usernameb: @CharlottePauley and best of all you might be sitting in your bathroom, cutting your scared up hips or your wrists so that one could hit your vein.

I looked down at the blade one last time before I got another notification.

@DobreMarcus: @usernameb Leave my girlfriend alone. All you're doing is hating on someone who has just loved her fans and cared for all of them.

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